The Storm God

Chapter 3571 Help yourself! (Please subscribe!)


The crowd of onlookers.

Especially Dallol and Abin Sur, they were shocked when they saw Uncle Locke's attack method, which easily suppressed the ultimate green light.

so strong...

Only defend but not attack, and remain invincible.

What a terrifying and powerful state it is to instantly suppress the opponent with an attack at random, and the difference between the two sides is really too great.

Dallol seven, more shocking.

While Abin Sur et al.

It is appalling!

after all.

They are hostile relations.

The stronger the enemy, the more unfavorable it is to them.

Especially the situation on the other side is also very bad. If they are directly at a disadvantage, if both of them lose, then they will be completely finished.

Think here.

Hal and Kilowog couldn't help but glance at each other.

It means that you have to think of a way, otherwise, if you continue like this, you will have to kneel down, this is too bad!


Their abilities are limited.

Even if you want to help, what can you do?




Hal thought of the ability of the Blue Lantern.

He immediately looked at Saruos and asked, "Saruos, isn't the power of the blue lanterns able to amplify the power of the green lanterns? Then can you strengthen them?"

have to say.

Hal's brain is still turning very fast.

Immediately thought of the nanny Lan Deng, if the power of Lan Deng can really boost those two people, maybe there will be a turning point.


Then wait for death!

"have no idea!"

Saruos frowned and shook his head, and said: "The power of the two of them is different from that of ordinary green lights. It seems to be a completely different model. I don't know if my blue light power can amplify them. I have to try it to know. ..."

"Then try!"

Hal is not one to give up easily.

Even if there was only a sliver of hope, he would grab it, and immediately began to think about it.

He also knows.

Like this kind of super-level master battle.

It is simply not something ordinary people can participate in. If there is no expert protection, if you take part in the battle rashly, you may be killed before you reach the scene.


He didn't immediately ask the Lanternman to help.

Instead, he changed his mind and began to wonder, what is the origin of these two ultimate green lights? Whether the ability of the Blue Lantern is useful to them can only be known through personal experiments, and the same can be done by knowing the secrets and data created by him.

That is.

They can definitely confirm this by contacting the OA star.


Without any hesitation.

Hal immediately started making contacts.

But it is a pity that the call has been unable to connect, as if the caller is completely out of the service area, and there is no response.


Hal and the others were taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he changed the target to the exception, an old acquaintance with a fairly good relationship, Guardian Seid.

this time.

The communication was quickly connected.


Seid was a little puzzled, he didn't understand why Hal called him at this time, did he encounter some trouble?

"Ms. Seid!"

Hal didn't ink either.

Straight to the point, he quickly explained his reason for coming to Seid, and finally asked, "This is our only hope right now. Do you know anything about those two Green Lanterns?"


Sid nodded.

Then he explained: "That's the technology that Appa got from somewhere. The brand-new Green Lantern fighter developed and created is called Ultimate Green Lantern, which can raise his strength to an unimaginable level!"

"No one knows the secret except Apa, but according to my inference, no matter what the principle of this technology is, it remains the same, and the essence of its power remains unchanged..."

"To put it simply, quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes. In theory, the power of the blue light should also have an effect."


Speaking of which.

Seid paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, ordinary Blue Lanterns may not be able to increase and help them too much. After all, the strength of the Ultimate Green Lantern is much, much stronger than that of ordinary Blue Lanterns." Already!"

"It's like a breeze that might intensify an ordinary fire and accelerate it and expand it, but it can do little to help a large fire."

"If you want to increase the ultimate Green Lantern and strengthen their strength, I think you have to raise the level of strength of the Blue Lantern to the level of the new Green Lantern after the safety device is removed and the strength is fully exerted!"

"Can you do it?"


When Hal and the others heard the words, they fell silent immediately.

Kilowog, Thunder Snake, and Hal all looked at Sarus, and Sarus shrugged helplessly, saying, "Don't look at me, I don't know either!"


"Maybe we can ask Mr. Ganser, as the creator of the blue lantern, I don't think anyone understands the power of hope better than him."

"Maybe he has a way!"


The voice fell.

Hal acted quickly and immediately contacted Ganser.

Gunther is no Appa.


The communication was quickly connected.

Hal was not polite to him, and directly explained his reason for coming, and finally asked: "Mr. Ganser, this is our only hope at present. Do you have a way to enhance the strength of the Blue Lantern?"


Gunther was silent for a while.

Seeing that he was frowning and pondering again, he seemed to be thinking and thinking about something, until after a long while, he relaxed his brows.

When Hal and the others saw this, they were overjoyed.

"Is there a way?"


Gunther nodded.

Then he explained with a wry smile: "This is all thanks to Apa. Although I don't know what method he used to create the ultimate green light, I can probably guess some of the principles!"

"They did this at the price of some kind of sacrifice. Otherwise, with Apa's personality, he would have directly produced the ultimate green light in large quantities, instead of waiting until now to produce a few..."

"Whether it is the power of the green light, the power of the red light, or the power of the blue light, the source of its power is the power of the emotional spectrum."

"Therefore, in theory, the Blue Lantern Man can also become the ultimate Blue Lantern, but I don't have the relevant technology, so I can't guarantee that I will definitely be able to become..."

"Now I can only tell you some of my inferences and analysis. It is fundamentally that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, thereby producing essential improvements!"

"You can try to concentrate the power of many Blue Lanterns on one person, so even if you can't create the ultimate Blue Lantern, it will definitely greatly increase the power level of that Blue Lantern..."


Gunther's meaning is simple.

Concentrating the power of all the Lanterns in one body, even if you can't create the ultimate Lantern, you can still raise the Blue Lantern who has integrated the power of everyone to the level of the new Green Lantern.

This will more or less help those two ultimate green lights.

As for whether it can turn the tide of battle...


It depends on God's will.

After all, the fighters photographed by Apocalypse are just the seven Dallols and the two top fighters.

Among the large army, there is no more terrifying and powerful existence, so it is impossible to know.

Now Hal and the others can only be dead horses as living horse doctors.


After Ganser passed on all the mysteries about the blue lantern to Saros, Hal immediately decided, "We'll start trying!"

Anyway, you can't sit still!

next moment.

He started contacting all the Blue Lanterns.

And the first person Hal contacted was Saint Walker, who made him the best of the Blue Lanterns.

The only person who can bear that terrifying power is probably Walker.

Saruos believed that he did not have that ability.


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