The Storm God

Chapter 3572 Fusion! (Please subscribe!)


Walker heard the words and did not refuse.

Immediately gave an affirmative answer, and then explained it to Abin Sur, and led the Blue Lanterns to gather in one place.


They did not leave the battlefield.

After all, the power of the Blue Lantern is still needed to increase the combat power of the Green Lantern. If they leave completely, this side will definitely be stretched.

No matter how bad it is, I have to leave a few to support it.

And Hal and them.

The relevant combat plan was also quickly spread to various departments, and gained the support and understanding of everyone.


Abin Sur and others began to shrink the battle group.

Fortunately, the protective shield of the ultimate green light is quite powerful, and it has not been broken by Dallol and others so far.


They want to shrink the battle group, but they are really powerless.

Closer to home.


Most of the Blue Lanterns got together.

They besieged a huge circle, and the circle was Saint Walker Walker. After a while of debugging and frequency testing, after confirming that there was no error and that each other's power could indeed be fused with each other, everyone began to transmit.

Look from a distance.

It's like Saint Walker Walker being attacked by the blue lantern men who are all around 360 degrees. In fact, all the blue lantern men are injecting their power into Walker's body.

Walker's strength, on the other hand, began to soar in an instant.

at the same time……

Blu-ray action here.

Naturally, they did not escape the eyes of the enemy, but most of them didn't care much.

Just like Dallol.


"I'm still dying when I'm dying, I want to see how long you can stand strong, it's best not to let me down..."

"Hit me hard!"


The movement of the hands also did not stop.

Even more violent and domineering, the Dragon Ball gas turned into countless light balls, as if they didn't want money, and the defense against Green Lantern's barrier was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment.


Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse army.

Long Zhan also noticed Lan Lanternman's movements, he was taken aback for a moment, narrowed his eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

He vaguely guessed something.

Instantaneous time.

In the depths of the eyes, there was a strong interest.

Seeing the seven people in Dallol, they didn't seem to take this matter to heart, they couldn't help smiling slightly, and secretly said: "It saves me from talking too much..."

at the same time.

On the dust star on the other side, Bai Xiaofei and Aiya also saw what happened on the battlefield here.

"Sir, what are they doing here?"

Aya asked curiously.

"Let's merge!"

What is Bai Xiaofei's vision?

Almost instantly, he analyzed a lot of things from the behavior of the Blue Lantern, and his inference was that the Blue Lantern was imitating the development of the Ultimate Green Lantern.

Although there may be some technical differences, but the same goal.

As for what to do with the ultimate blue light?


Isn't that obvious?

The ultimate green light is not as powerful as the enemy, and is seriously at a disadvantage.

Ordinary Green Lanterns and Blue Lanterns can't help much. The only hope is to raise Blue Lanterns to a corresponding level.

Because in this way, the ultimate green light can get the blessing of the power of the blue light, and the seeds explode instantly, and the combat power doubles.


The premise is that the Lantern Man can really succeed, but judging from the situation at the scene, the possibility of success is quite high.

First, it was because they were united as one, and they cooperated with each other very tacitly, and no one lost the chain.


Saint Walker is special.

He was also an undercover agent sent by Bai Xiaofei, and the ring was also modified by Bai Xiaofei. It was different from the ordinary blue light ring, with stronger ability and higher potential.

Even if the ordinary blue light ring doesn't work, Walker's ring must be fine.

Because Walker's strength not only includes the power of Lantern, but also some special abilities that Bai Xiaofei gave him.

The chain reaction produced by the fusion of these abilities is far more powerful and terrifying than the pure power of the blue light.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very curious.

He also wanted to know what kind of power would erupt if the Lanternman also entered super mode.

In the original book, the ultimate power of Green Lantern is the Ion Man who is possessed by the Ion Shark, while the Blue Lantern is the Yaoshi Girl who is possessed by Yao Shihuang.

But it's a pity that Yao Shi's record and ability are not shown too much, and the ending doesn't seem to be very good.

after all……

The Blue Lantern Corps can be said to be the weakest of the nine Lantern Corps. Their main role is to assist the Green Lantern to provide their rings with a steady stream of energy.

Therefore, the Blue Lanterns are not militants and focus on peace.

And now.

Because of the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei and others.

The plot and development of the Green Lantern world have been rewritten in a mess. Not only have new Green Lanterns and Ultimate Green Lantern emerged, but now even the Blue Lantern has begun to undergo tremendous changes.

The key to this important person is Bai Xiaofei's younger brother.

This is very interesting.


The transmission of power does most of the work.

After all, after all, there were not many Blue Lanterns on the scene, and they wanted to help wholeheartedly without any secrets, so the progress was naturally fast.

And with the passage of time, and the continuous integration of the power of the blue light, Walker's strength is also like a rocket, and it keeps increasing sharply.

In just a few moments.

His level of strength has already been raised to the same level as the new Green Lantern, and at this time, the power transmission of more than a hundred Blue Lanterns on the scene is only about halfway through.

"What a powerful force!"

Walker was a little shocked.

He felt a huge improvement, and even had an illusion that every single blow he made could help Green Lantern to rise to the top and soar into the sky.

Do whatever comes to mind.

While carrying out power reception fusion.

Walker subconsciously sent out a blue light wave, and the target of the light wave amplification was none other than Walker's good friend Mog!

Mog is Gaia's green light.

On the surface, it is no different from the Green Lantern of OA Star, but in fact it is Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, the Green Lantern Ring with the highest authority ability.

So naturally, his strength is awesome.


Because of the undercover relationship.

Mog's power has never been fully utilized.

At most, it showed a level similar to that of the new Green Lantern, but even so, it was amazing.

And now.

Under Walker's blue light wave amplification.

Mog's superficial power has increased several times in an instant, and his level has directly surpassed the average new Green Lantern, and his combat power is close to that of the Ultimate Green Lantern.

Although there is still a slight gap, as Walker's strength continues to improve, the amplification effect that his blue light power can play is also getting stronger and stronger.

At least.

Now, even if Mog doesn't deliberately use his own power, he can be ranked among the best just by showing this power.

If they reveal their strength and give full play to their combat power, it will definitely be comparable to the ultimate green light, or even surpass their level.

for all this.

Outsiders don't know it, but as Mog's good friend, Walker also knows, so through the analysis of Mog's combat power, he quickly gained an intuitive understanding and cognition of his own ability improvement.

"So strong!"

"As more and more of the power of the blue light is imported, the amplifying effect that the power of the blue light can play becomes more and more terrifying and powerful."

"It's definitely not as simple as 1+1, but it increases exponentially. After the more than a hundred blue lantern men have instilled all their power, even if I can't reach the level of the ultimate blue lantern, I believe that the effect of the increase is absolutely Can have a huge impact and boost on the ultimate green light!"

"Maybe ordinary blue lanterns can't do it, but I can. It should be partly due to Mr.'s strength..."


Walker thought to himself.


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