The Storm God

Chapter 3573 The strongest green light! (Please subscribe!)


Walker's changes naturally quickly attracted the attention of Haotian and Uncle Locke, and the two became interested immediately.


None of them made a move to stop it.

Instead, while hanging the two ultimate green lights with ease, he watched Walker's evolution with great interest, his eyes full of anticipation.

The Dallol seven were a little speechless and helpless.

The defensive barriers on Abinsur's side are too strong, they can't break through, and the two ultimate green lights, Hao Tian and Uncle Locke can obviously defeat them directly, but the other party is blatantly waterproof...

What the hell is going on?

Don't they know this is a war? What do you all look forward to?

Are you sympathetic to each other?

If it were someone else, Dallol would have lost his temper.

Can you be more serious?


This is the fantasy team.

That would be a bit fucked up, Dallol dared not speak out.

In the end, I can only hate myself secretly, why is it not as strong as the other party? Otherwise, at this time, the one who has the right to speak is himself.


Dallol and the others swore secretly.

After this task is over, you must work hard to cultivate and improve your strength as soon as possible. This feeling of being controlled by others but helpless is really uncomfortable!


Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse Army.

The Nemesis Team, the captain of the team, Dabada, was a little concerned and frowned at the promotion of the Lanternman.

Apparently she could also see what Long Zhan was thinking.

Compared to defeating these weak chickens and allowing the aggression plan to proceed smoothly, these people obviously prefer to find strong opponents to fight against.

Because it seems to help them exercise better and improve themselves.

Sometimes they do too.


The Nemesis team prefers to follow Darkseid's orders.

like now.

In fact, they really wanted to go out and fight the ultimate green light, but considering the tasks and orders of the kindly grandma, the Nemesis team didn't do anything in the end, and stayed in the main ship and watched from the sidelines.

This feeling is very aggrieved.

Especially the perfunctory attitude of Long Zhan and others made Da Pata feel like being fooled, but there was no proof!

Helpless her.

I can only remind and urge Long Zhan again, hoping that the opponent can supervise his players, and don't go too far.


Once something unexpected happens, everyone will not look good.

This is vaguely threatening.

To this.

Long Zhan ignored it directly.

Without even looking at Big Bada, he snorted coldly: "I don't need you to teach my team members how to behave!"


"If you don't like it, you can take action to deal with them yourself. We are also happy to appreciate the heroic appearance of the Nemesis team..."


Big Bada was stunned and speechless.

It is impossible to fight, otherwise, wouldn't it be easy to expose the strength of oneself and others? We will not be fooled.

Your aggressive method is useless to us!



Big Bada just snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, since you want to play, then we will accompany you to the end!"

"I just hope that some people don't screw up when the time comes, otherwise it will affect the progress of the whole mission, so I can only report it truthfully."

"That's all the words, how to do it, you can weigh it yourself!"


Finish this sentence.

Big Bada turned around and left with the team members.

Obviously, he was so angry with Long Zhan that he didn't want to stay in the same room with him anymore. Anyway, it's not like he couldn't see the battle from other places.

Why continue to stay here and suffer.

Out of sight is pure!


Long Zhan sneered.

His expression was calm, apparently he didn't take the threat of Dabada seriously.


the other side.

OA star, in the secret base.

Apa and others are continuing to execute the creation of the ultimate green light, and at the same time, naturally they have not given up their observation and understanding of the battle situation at the lighthouse barrier.

at first.

Seeing the ultimate green light show its power and almost turn the tide, Apa and other guardians are so excited.


The momentum didn't last long.

As Hao Tian and Uncle Locke became serious, the two ultimate green lights fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and in the following time, they were beaten and tortured almost the whole time.

Looking at the two ultimate green lights, it was as if they were grandsons, being caught and beaten by the enemy in various ways, and ravaged at will...

Apa and other guardians, who were still excited just now, suddenly turned dark as if they were the bottom of a pot, as ugly as they wanted.


Apa gritted his teeth and said: "These two defective products are really disappointing. We must learn from them and create an even more powerful ultimate green light. It's a shame!"

Good guy!

He actually dumped the pot directly to the two ultimate green lights.


The other guardians are not very good birds either.

They all agreed.


Think about it too.

Being invited by Apa to join in the creation of the guardian of the ultimate green light is obviously a very good relationship with Apa.

As the saying goes, "Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups!".

The other guardians, of course, are similar to Appa, they belong to the typical radicals of Star OA, and they don't pay attention to the ordinary Green Lantern at all.

Even the ultimate green light is the same, if it doesn't work, it will be immediately sneered at and disgusted to the end.

If it is done well, it should be done well, if it is not done well, it is your own fault!

The cold storage is really ruthless.


None of this matters.

Because here are all Apa people, no one would care about the idea of ​​the ultimate green light, otherwise they would not be able to carry out development experiments here unscrupulously, after all, this kind of creation would cause huge loss and damage to the central energy battery of OA star of.

It's almost like killing the chicken and picking the egg.

But they did it anyway, not asking what will happen in the future, but asking to overcome the immediate difficulties first.


What is there to do next?

No matter what others think, Apa and other guardians feel that they are doing the right thing, and all this is for the future of OA star.

What's a little sacrifice for?

If the OA star is gone, the loss and harm will be much more serious than these.

In short.

They feel at ease and have no repentance.

Under the leadership of Apa, they continued to fight hard, using the central energy total battery of OA star, working hard to create one after another ultimate green light.

I don't know if it's their luck, or it's purely because of their craftsmanship getting better as time goes by.

In the subsequent development and creation, their success rate has increased significantly, and the quality and strength of the ultimate green light that was born have also changed a lot.

Take the previous three ultimate green lights as an example.

If the ultimate green light numbered ZJ01, strength level, potential and other factors can have a comprehensive level of 50 points, then the ultimate green lights numbered ZJ01 and 03 are at most about 40 points.

Afterwards, the ultimate green light created and developed can generally be maintained at around 45 to 50 points.


If you're lucky.

It is not impossible to produce more powerful players, such as those with 55 points, 60 points, or even 70 points.


The probability of that is extremely small.

Anyway, up to now, no less than hundreds of experiments have been carried out, and Apa and others have only created a dozen ultimate green lights.

Among them, the highest level is numbered ZJ09, and its physical fitness and overall situation are far superior to the others.

The results of the test rarely reached an astonishing 77 points.

Even the strongest existence among all the ultimate green lights!


There will be no after.

Because of the central energy battery of OA star, with the crazy experiments of Apa and others, and the continuous extraction of energy, it has been seriously consumed and weakened to an incredible degree.

Apa and the others are no longer able to develop and create.


Around the crowd, there were more than a dozen ultimate green lights, which gave Apa and the others great confidence.


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