The Storm God

Chapter 3574 Save the shark! (Please subscribe!)

"very good……"

Looking at the more than a dozen higher-version Ultimate Green Lanterns with their heads held high and their chests held high in front of them, the eyes of Apa and other guardians were full of hope.

"You are the last hope of Star OA, don't let us down!"



They've put all their eggs in one basket.

It took almost 90% of the energy of the total battery of OA star central energy to create these ultimate green lights.

If even they can't save this catastrophe and defeat the invasion of Apocalypse, then OA will really be destroyed.

And with these ultimate green lights, there is absolutely no problem with the heartfelt aspect.


as early as the beginning of the experiment.

Apa and other guardians have already brainwashed them.

The consciousness and belief of these ultimate green lights are absolutely followed by OA stars and their guardians, and they hardly have any ideas of their own.

to be honest.

Just like a well-built tool man.

There is no so-called independent will, and it is completely born for fighting.

It's not that Apa and others are too insidious, but that the final green light is of great importance, and there must be no accidents.

It's just for insurance.


Hard work for a long time.

After spending countless costs, the ultimate green light that was finally created did not listen to my orders at all, and even sang against me completely...

Who can stand this?

In short.

Apa and the others have a clear conscience, all this is for the sake of OA planet and the peace of the universe, so what are the little morals?


The central energy total battery is a bit difficult.

The energy inside was almost exhausted, and even the ion shark stored in it was squeezed to the point of weakness.

According to the current state and the speed of its energy recovery, I am afraid that it will not be possible for a thousand or eight hundred years, and it is impossible to return to the original state.

The price is not worth it.


Apa and other guardians have no regrets, because this is the only way they can think of to save OA star.

In addition, they can only sit back and watch the invasion and destruction of Apocalypse.

Although this is equivalent to killing the chicken and taking the eggs, there is still a glimmer of hope. As long as there is hope, there is a future.


Everything is bullshit.

Therefore, no matter how much they pay, they will not hesitate.

The experiment is now complete.

They also successfully created more than a dozen stronger and more powerful ultimate green lights, which made Apa and other guardians very pleased.


They also don't have any ink marks.

Immediately, some of the ultimate green lights were discharged and rushed to the battlefield of the light house barrier to save the danger there.

There are only a few strongest ultimate green lights left, staying on OA star, as the last ace and killer, to meet the unexpected needs.


What they don't know is.

With the appearance of these ultimate green lights, Bai Xiaofei's divine sense sensed the existence of Apa and others almost instantly.

"Good guy!"

Dust Star, Bai Xiaofei who finally found the traces of Apa and others, couldn't help but praise, saying: "The hiding is really deep enough!"

"As soon as he made a move, there were more than a dozen ultimate green lights. It seems that people like Apa have made a lot of troubles, and it seems that their strength is stronger than those two..."

"Hey, this extremely weak breath is..."

"Ion Shark!"

Feeling that familiar aura, but now he has become extremely weak, as if he is dying and will soon die.

Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly changed.

"This is……"

With the expansion and exploration of divine thoughts, Bai Xiaofei's consciousness swept across the secret base where Apa and others were located.


He understood many things.

For example, the creation principle of the ultimate green light, and the development model, etc., and finally know why the ion shark has become so weak.

Emotions are used by Apa and other guardians to forcibly extract their own power by means of technology to create the ultimate green light.

No wonder Ultimate Green Lantern is so strong.

It is only one level lower than the ion shark. It turns out that the source of its power comes from the ion shark itself!


After understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sneering to himself: "These little blue people are really ruthless. To protect themselves, they actually did such things to Ion Shark..."


He started to contact Ion Shark with his divine sense.

I want to ask the other party, how is the situation, can you still hold on? Do you want to help yourself, save it and so on.


Bai Xiaofei asked for a long time, but nothing came to light.

After careful sensing, it was depressing to find that the emotional ion shark had fallen into a deep sleep because it was too weak.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help mourning for him.

This was almost exhausted by the little blue man, and he couldn't even say hello, so he passed out completely and fell into a dormant mode.

Running into such a boss, it can be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes.

But don't worry.

I don't know about it.

Now that I know about it, I will definitely seek justice for you. After all, you helped me and gave us the avatar anyway.

I, Bai Xiaofei, will definitely help you!

Someone secretly said.


at the same time.

More than a dozen ultimate green lights have already turned into green lights, cut through the space, left OA star, and went straight to the lighthouse barrier battlefield.

At this moment.

Bai Xiaofei also came back to his senses.

After sweeping his mind, he found that Apa and others had left the secret base and destroyed all the experimental data and materials.

Think about it too.

The main central energy battery of OA star has been almost exhausted, and even the ion shark has fallen into a deep sleep.

At least in a short period of time, it is impossible to create the ultimate green light, so why keep these experimental technical materials?

Let someone else steal it, so that you can develop other versions of the Ultimate Lantern Man to threaten yourself? Appa is not that stupid!

It is best to keep the technical information in your mind.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei snorted.

Although the technology of the ultimate green light is very good, but in Bai Xiaofei's view, that's it. If he wants to, he can easily create a group of fighters who are similar to it, or even better.


These fighters are at best one-time consumables.

Although their current strength is good, they will completely lose the room and potential for advancement. Bai Xiaofei doesn't want his little brother to be like this.


This can only be used against average guys.

Such cannon fodder, like the existences in the reincarnation space, is almost completely useless, otherwise, with his means and abilities, he would have mass-produced them long ago, and still use such troublesome development boys all over the world?

No one is a fool, everyone has different needs.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't look down on those things at all. What he really cares about now is the ion shark sleeping in the central energy battery.

Since Apa and other guardians don't pay much attention to it, isn't it the best time to get the ion shark away?

after all……

The total central energy battery is now almost a decoration.

Lack of energy, ten out of ten, almost no sense of existence, people pay more attention to those ultimate green lights.

Even if they found out that the ion shark was stolen, it is estimated that Apa and others would not care much about it, because today is different from the past, it is already a half-dead ion shark, if it is gone, it will be gone.

Anyway, it doesn't have much impact on the OA star.

Isn't there an ultimate green light?

Contrast with Ion Shark.

The role of the ultimate green light on the OA star is the most important.

With this in mind, Bai Xiaofei stopped hesitating immediately, and after Apa and other guardians left, he immediately used means to get the ion shark out of the central energy battery.

Ion Shark is an energy body.

It can only stay in a special place, or merge with a living body.

Bai Xiaofei is not here. Although the divine sense can use some methods, it is not a real life body.


He could only temporarily store the ion shark in his sea of ​​consciousness, and be with the clone that the ion shark had given to Bai Xiaofei before, to recuperate.


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