The Storm God

Chapter 3575 Self comfort! (Please subscribe!)


As soon as the sleeping ion shark entered Bai Xiaofei's sea of ​​consciousness, the clone of the ion shark wandered over curiously.

Then instinctively approached the ion shark, as if wanting to wake it up.

But it's a pity.

No matter how the avatar called, the deity didn't respond.

Seeing this scene, he smiled helplessly, and could only comfort him: "Don't worry, it's just too tired and fell asleep. There is no danger. It should wake up automatically when its strength recovers a little."

Ion sharks are too weak.

Even after entering the sea of ​​consciousness, with Bai Xiaofei's power as an offering, he couldn't wake up quickly.

Obviously, the actions of Apa and others have already hurt the foundation of the ion shark.

And this kind of loss, the recovery is the slowest.

it's not...

Even the power of clone.

The ion shark can't absorb it smoothly now, and can only slowly fuse a little bit to repair the damaged foundation.

The foundation has not been restored, and no amount of power can flow into the ion shark's body, because that will only cause greater damage to its body.

Deficiency cannot be filled!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei has no good solution for the time being.

After all, the lamp beast like the ion shark is the most special and strange, and it was born from the beginning of the universe, involving many secrets.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't help him much.

The only thing that can be done is to provide it with a good recuperating environment without worrying about getting hurt again.

And this sea of ​​consciousness has become the domain of the ion shark clone, surrounded by infinite power of green light.

For the current Ion Shark, it is even more comfortable than the central energy total battery, and it is also an excellent boost to its healing and recovery.

not to mention.

With the avatar to help take care of him, Bai Xiaofei was much more free.

As for revenge against OA star?


Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry.

After all, Ion Shark is still in a coma and sleeping, even if Bai Xiaofei takes revenge now to seek justice for him, the person involved will not know it at all.

It's just a lot less fun.


Let's keep it for later.

Not in a hurry.

Moreover, the current situation of Star OA is enough of a headache in itself, as long as it trips them a little, it can make Apa and others very depressed.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped hesitating.

After placing the ion shark, he quickly withdrew his spiritual power.

And as his divine sense left, Apa and other guardians who had just left and were about to take a good rest also sensed the abnormality in an instant.

"not good!"

"There is a change in the total central energy battery!"

"Damn, who is it?"


The expressions of a group of little blue men suddenly changed drastically.

They rushed to the main battery of the central energy as quickly as possible, and then they were horrified to find that the Lantern Ion Shark, which was supposed to be sleeping in it, had disappeared!

"what happened?"

Many guards were very confused and puzzled by this.

A weak Lantern with almost no strength, who would be interested in this thing?

The key is to get rid of the ion shark without anyone noticing!

This kind of strength...

It's scary!

If the other party didn't want to steal something, but to deal with them, wouldn't he not even know how he died?

Every time he thought of this, the little blue man at the scene couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and his face changed in horror.


Their eyes all looked at Appa.

There is no way, who made Apa the current leader of the guardians, now that such a terrible thing has happened, who else can I look for if I don't ask you?

Hurry up and think of a way!

Worst of all, I need to give an explanation and countermeasures. I can’t pretend that nothing happened, can I?

They couldn't do it anyway.


Appa was very depressed.

He was also very scared and terrified, because everything that happened in front of him had seriously exceeded his imagination.

He originally thought that with the protection of the ultimate green light, OA star should not be afraid of anyone, but he was slapped in the face directly.

The ion shark was stolen without anyone noticing.

It's a pity they didn't notice it at all!

"Could it be him?"

When I was horrified and inexplicable.

Apa also instantly thought of someone——Bai Xiaofei.

no way.

Who made him show interest in ion sharks before, and the strength and means are indeed terrifying and powerful.

It is only natural for Apa to suspect Bai Xiaofei.

But unfortunately...

He has no proof.

Even if there is, it's useless, you can't just go to Bai Xiaofei to ask for it, right?

Not to mention whether Bai Xiaofei will admit it, but the current situation of OA star is still capable of fighting, and it is not Bai Xiaofei's opponent at all.

The most important thing is.

Apa's people don't even know where Bai Xiaofei is!

How do you find this?

at last……

Appa could only sigh helplessly.

Then he said to the other guardians: "Let's just let it go at this time. Anyway, the ion sharks today don't have much effect on us. If you lose it, just lose it..."


Everyone acquiesced for a while.

Although I really don't want to admit it, there seems to be nothing wrong with Apa's words.

Seeing that no one objected, Apa continued: "Our top priority right now is to solve the invasion of Apocalypse!"

"If this matter is not eliminated, the rest will be useless!"


The implication is.

It's not that I don't want to take care of it, but that I really don't have the energy and ability now. If you think what I said is wrong, then you come!

that's all.

Everyone was silent.

Then he comforted himself with the spirit of Ah Q, yes, the current ion shark is useless at all, just like a piece of garbage.

If you lose it, you lose it.

Anyway, it doesn't work for the time being, there is almost no big difference between yes and no, it is more important to solve the troubles of Apocalypse first.

When you are free in the future, it’s okay to look for ion sharks!

This is not cowardly, but the best choice!


Regardless of the thoughts and reactions of Apa and other guardians on the OA star.


A dozen ultimate green lights.

Turning into green light, tearing apart the space, it only took a short time to appear on the battlefield on the side of the light house barrier.

And this time.

Walker's ultimate blue light mode has not been fully completed.

About eighty percent.

at the same time.

Haotian and Uncle Locke.

Although they had already kept their hands, with the passage of time and the increase in the number of attacks, the two ultimate green lights gradually became unbearable.

The green flames on his body, as well as the aura of power, have obviously weakened a lot.

The most obvious is their injuries.

Just started.

It can also heal quickly.

Later, the recovery gradually became slower and slower.

Until now...

That was almost a complete stop.

Obviously, the power attached to the attacks of Haotian and Uncle Locke has eroded their bodies to an astonishing extent. Their green light power is no longer able to recover and heal effectively.

If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that within a few strokes, he should be beaten to death by Haotian and Uncle Locke.


On the nick of time.

More than a dozen stronger ultimate green lights finally arrived.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

As soon as a group of people appeared on the stage, they shot unceremoniously. The power of green light filled the sky, wrapped in a powerful force of law, instantly turned into a monstrous torrent and flying light, directly submerging Haotian and Uncle Locke.

The two ultimate green lights were saved because of this!


This scene stunned everyone.

Whether it was Apocalypse, or Abin Sur and the others, they were all directly shocked by the sudden scene.

I go!

OA star has so many ultimate green lights?

what's the situation! ?


Even the Blue Lanterns who were transmitting power to Walker stopped because of this, and then looked at each other with bewildered and puzzled expressions, as if to say, it's all like this, we still have to continue or not?

Hal: "..."

Walker: "..."

Abin: "..."


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