The Storm God

Chapter 3576 Transfer target! (Please subscribe!)

This moment.

Even those people who still had a glimmer of hope for the OA star were completely depressed, feeling that they had been deceived.

OA star is simply fooling himself!

Simply hateful!


And among the enemy troops.

Haotian and Uncle Locke stopped their movements.

Looking at these ultimate green lights that suddenly flashed out, they could feel that these people were very strong, much stronger than the two guys who were hanged and beaten by themselves.

At least the breath is enough.


They are excited.

Due to helplessness before, they couldn't play as much as they wanted.

Now, the emergence of these ultimate green lights undoubtedly solved their problems very well, and they can play to their heart's content without using water!


"Uncle Locke, I'm the closest, I'll come first!"

"Just be in charge of the formation!"


Haotian did his part.

Regardless of whether Uncle Locke agreed or disagreed, he directly abandoned his opponent, and then rushed to the group of ultimate green lights.

Before the person arrives, the whole person has turned into a peerless sword with sharp sharpness, wrapped in an unparalleled and indestructible momentum, and stabs the opponent straight.


And this group of ultimate green lights who just arrived are not vegetarians either.

Compared with those two people before, they are obviously more mature and stable, facing Haotian's ferocious attack, they are unruffled and extremely calm in the face of danger.

One of the square-faced men, suspected to be the leader of these people, gave an order, and everyone around immediately released a burst of green light.

The power of more than a dozen destructive green lights gathered together and formed a super shield in an instant.

At the critical moment, he stood directly in front of Haotian.


Sword and shield collide.

In an instant, a terrifying shock and shock erupted.

This is the cosmic starry sky, and the meteorites around are almost all turned into dregs by Yu Bo in the previous battle and disappeared.


It also appears that the momentum is not very large and the expressiveness is poor, but in fact, it is not the case.

at this point.

Just look at the faces of the people around you.

Just like Dallol.


The guy's face changed immediately.

Not only that, but he hurriedly pulled his team members and ran directly to the other side of the battlefield, as if he was afraid that he would be affected.

But Abin Sur and the others were not so chic.

After all, there are many people.

It's not like you can leave all of them at once.

What's more, they are in a special formation, and they can move their whole body with a single move, so they can only stay where they are and carry them to death.


Only one face to face down.

It was still intact just now, and it was attacked by Dallol's seven people for a long time. There was no damage or scar on the barrier shield, but dense cracks appeared directly!

It looked like it was about to collapse completely.

It can be seen from this.

The sword transformed by Haotian and the shield condensed by more than a dozen ultimate green lights, the concussion and impact formed by the two confronting each other head-on, is so terrifying.

Abin Sul and the others are also thanks to the enhanced barrier shield protection, otherwise they would be instantly killed by the spreading concussion impact with just one blow.

Didn't you see that even those as strong as Dallol fled in a hurry?

See this scene.

Abin Sur and the others were shocked to the extreme.


Are we that weak?

Not to mention participating in the war, he is not even qualified to be a spectator!



Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse Army.

The members of the Nemesis team who moved to other rooms also saw this scene, their eyes widened and their faces were full of disbelief.

"So strong!"

It was rare to see a dignified expression on Dabada's face, and said secretly: "I never imagined that there are such masters on OA star. If we are the only ones, I'm afraid this mission may not be very smooth..."

This is tantamount to acknowledging the power of those ultimate green lights in disguise.

The others acknowledged hearing the words and nodded one after another.


One of the members stuck out his tongue rather slyly, and said with a smile: "This time we came prepared, and the real main combat force is not us. They should be the ones who should be troubled!"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

And at this moment.

In the room just now.

The three Long Zhan members of the fantasy team looked at the dozen or so ultimate green lights that had just appeared, and there were slight doubts and surprises in their eyes.

Obviously, they didn't expect that there would be so many masters of OA stars.

And it's getting stronger every time!


They were not afraid or afraid of it.

Because the level of the ultimate green light is not enough to qualify, at most, it is just for Long Zhan to take a look at him a little bit.

Don't see you.

Does even Haotian dare to rush forward to fight with more than one challenge?

Not to mention the captain Long Zhan.

It is completely true.


On Long Zhan's face, he kept a stern expression, and the things he said the most were interesting.


This time, it was really interesting.

Obviously, he has regarded OA star as an opponent and existence that can be a little more serious.


On Long Zhan's body, faint power fluctuations had already begun to emerge.


A mature woman with an extremely hot figure, seeing that the boss seemed to have moved his mind, couldn't help but said: "Be patient a little longer!"

"after all……"

"This is the task of Dallol and the others. It's not a last resort. We can't do it for us. Otherwise, even if we succeed, God won't be happy..."

"Besides, it's not Haotian and Locke..."


Come down with some words.

The breath of strength on Long Zhan calmed down in an instant.

He was obviously moved by the woman's words, and his restless heart returned to calm again, but his eyes were fixed on Dallol and the others on the battlefield, which meant a lot.

on the battlefield.

The Dallol Seven just got away from right and wrong.

Inexplicably, Dallol felt a burst of terrifying pressure, and suddenly pressured himself from the void.

"This is……"

Dallol suddenly paled in horror.

This familiar breath of power let him know who it was almost instantly - Long Zhan, the captain of the fantasy team!



We have worked very hard and desperately in the battle just now, okay?

You know, for this mission, they all replaced their bottom-of-the-box points with powerful equipment.

It's not that they are weak, but that the defensive power of OA star is too tenacious!

Wave after wave, it's just annoying!


Nor will they call for help.

As a result, Haotian and Uncle Locke came, either releasing water or paddling, typical work without effort...

Now OA star has dispatched more than a dozen more powerful ultimate green lights, making them almost completely useless, and they are still depressed.

That's it, how can they commit crimes and meritorious deeds?


Long Zhan doesn't care what they think.

Just thinking about my displeasure, I just suppressed it with a force of coercion, knowing that I was telling Dallol and them to quickly deal with the garbage, or get out and let us take action!

To this.

Dallol expressed frustration.

But dare not speak out, who told Long Zhan to be better than himself.

I can't accept it!


After struggling for a while.

Dallol was very clever to shift the attack target directly from Abin Sur and others to Hal, Walker and others.

after all.

They were not under the protection of the barrier shield.

Moreover, Walker and other Blue Lanterns are extremely important and crucial to the role of Green Lantern. If these people can be killed, it will be a great achievement for the entire battle situation.



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