The Storm God

Chapter 3577 Rainbow! (Please subscribe!)

Dallol's eyes were full of killing intent.

Obviously, he was going to vent all his anger, as well as the flames, on Hal and the others. Who would make these people weak.

After all, the persimmon has to pick the soft one to pinch!

After all, no one is stupid.


But Hal and the others, who sensed the danger, immediately became depressed.


How did you find us?

Of course, they also know that it is useless to complain now, the most important thing is how to save themselves.


Everyone couldn't help looking at Moge.

You know, Mog is extremely special, known as the strongest Green Lantern.

At least until the new Green Lantern and Ultimate Green Lantern, no one can match Mog!

Even now.

The so-so new Green Lantern is still no match for Mog.

Only the ultimate green light can suppress him a little bit, and this is still in the case of Mog not doing anything real.


The ultimate green light, which is a little short, is also not tall!

"You guys continue!"

Mog naturally understood what everyone meant.

He didn't refuse or refuse, and stood directly in front of everyone, and at the same time reminded Walker: "Leave these people to me to deal with..."


Walker nodded, and said: "Be careful, if it doesn't work, just withdraw, there is always a way..."


While speaking, Mog had already flown out.

Although the aura on his body was not obvious, it looked very ordinary, but it gave the Dallol seven people a sense of ignorance.

"This guy……"

Dallol's intuition told himself that the person who suddenly stood up in front of him seemed very unusual, and he must not underestimate the enemy.

In fact.

Not only him, but also the other six people.

after all……

Mog is no ordinary person.

He has an out-and-out Gaia consciousness, coupled with Bai Xiaofei's support, and the assistance of the power of the green light, the level of strength is already high.

It is far from what ordinary guys can compare.

Even though he hides his strength now and looks ordinary, it is still difficult to conceal the vastness and terror that comes from the depths of his soul.

And this kind of feeling is also not something that ordinary people can sense.

Just like those Green Lanterns before.


Ultimate Green Lantern is definitely possible.

However, due to the difference in strength, different levels of ultimate green lights have different degrees of sensitivity to Mog.

Some can only sense slightly that Mog is special.

Just like Dallol, although he knows that Mog is very powerful, he has no clear concept of how powerful he is.


That's how Dallol feels.

At the same time, due to the difference in origin and the difference in combat intuition, Dallol is far more sensitive to the fear of Mog than the general ultimate green light.


As soon as he came up, he put out all his strength.

"Destruction Cannon!"


Dallol made a move.

And it was directly the signature killing move, the terrifying air bomb, wrapped in incomparably violent power and a bright light curtain, directly smashed towards Moge like a meteor.

The other six players were also not idle.

Xiao Yao, Lao Wu and the others also made moves one after another, the attack was a unique move, and the attack seemed to cost no money, all of them blasted at Moge.

There is a feeling that they want to kill him directly, but unfortunately, their wish is doomed to fail.

Facing all kinds of attack methods, Moge snorted coldly in disdain, and then raised his hand, and a strange wave of light scatter out.

This light wave is like a rainbow, swaying a beautiful arc in the cosmic starry sky, and at the same time reflecting the magnificent colors.


These colors are not simply good-looking, they are also the manifestation of the power of seven completely different laws condensed into essence.

That is.

Moge's scattered light wave contains at least seven kinds of law powers at the same time. Not to mention other things, this hand alone is already very powerful.

Anyway, Dallol and the others are absolutely impossible.


After realizing the true power of this rainbow of light waves, the Dallol Seven immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.


Not waiting for the attacks of both sides to collide together.

The seven people in Dallol had a tacit understanding. Qiqi thought about it and retreated from the range of thousands of kilometers, as if he was afraid that he would suffer disaster if he was a step too late.

In fact.

That's exactly what it is!


next moment.

The attacks of the two sides finally collided together.

However, the expected phenomena such as roaring and explosions did not appear, and some were just an extremely strange scene of engulfment and ablation.

The attacks of Dallol and others, after encountering Moge's light wave and rainbow power, were like snow under the scorching sun, melting rapidly as the distance approached, and finally disappeared completely.

That "boom" was nothing more than the momentum left by Dallol's destructive cannon when it advanced and charged.

after all……

The speed of sound is far slower than that of light.

Of course, generally speaking, there is no air in the cosmic starry sky, and sound cannot be transmitted, but don't forget that the previous war blasted all the surrounding meteorites into scum.

Countless slag powders are scattered in the vast battlefield, undoubtedly forming a special medium.

Solids can also transmit sound.

not to mention……

With the strength of these big guys on the scene.

It doesn't matter whether there is air or not. As long as they want to, they can create and hear sounds. After all, divine thoughts and spirits are not decorations.

Closer to home.

Mog's light wave rainbow power is very terrifying.

After silently dissolving the attack of Dallol and others, the remaining power still continued to spread and spread forward.

visible to the naked eye.

The starry sky area where Dallol and the others were just now was immediately shrouded and covered by endless law power.

That is.

If it wasn't for Dallol and the others who saw the opportunity early and left there early, they might be the ones who are unlucky now.

Even if he wasn't killed on the spot, he would probably be embarrassed and ashamed by this terrifying light wave rainbow power.

So far.

The Dallol seven looked at Moge with more fear.

This guy……

Where did the monster pop out from?

Judging by his appearance, he is obviously the most ordinary green light, why does he possess such terrifying and unimaginable power?

This unscientific!


In fact, not only Dallol and others, but also the dozen or so ultimate green lights who just appeared on stage, Hao Tian, ​​Uncle Locke...

Even Long Zhan and others in the main ship of Apocalypse Star were all shown by Moge's strength and means at this moment.

to be honest.

Although they thought that Mog was special and seemed to have some strength, they never thought that Mog could be so terrifying.

Not to mention people like Dallol, even a boss as strong as Long Zhan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

at the same time.

As the energy circulated, a strange dark golden halo suddenly appeared in the depths of Long Zhan's eyes.

It is like a special black hole, devouring and absorbing a lot of data and information silently, and in a blink of an eye, it has carried out a detailed and specific detection and scanning of Mog in the distance.


Long Zhan was slightly taken aback.

The dark gold in the eyes disappeared, and his face suddenly said: "It is actually a physical existence transformed by Gaia's consciousness, no wonder it has such strength..."

There was a trace of undisguised envy in his tone.

You must know that Gaia is a special creature conceived by heaven and earth. It is born as a god-like existence, and some stronger ones can even be compared to god kings.

If the circumstances are a little bit better, and one develops one's talents and abilities smoothly, its potential is so great that it can almost break through the level of a saint.

Even going a step further, it is not impossible to achieve the realm of the Venerable. Although the hope is extremely slim, compared to other creatures, it is already blessed with thousands of favors.

Long Zhan never expected that in this world, he would meet a Gaia with astonishing strength and potential.

This made him excited and agitated in an instant as if he had taken medicine.


What he is best at is seizing homes!


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