The Storm God

Chapter 3578 Almighty Dad! (Please subscribe!)

"Boss, you..."

Seeing Long Zhan's excitement, the mature beautiful woman couldn't help but feel a little different, and asked, "Could it be that you want to..."


Long Zhan nodded.

Without concealing it, he said: "Yes, this person's potential is very huge, and his understanding and affinity for the power of the law far exceeds my body. If I can take it over and fuse it, my strength will definitely usher in the future." Great progress……"


"Don't be in a hurry now, let me see what he is saying first. I want to see if he can deal with the combination of Hao Tian and Uncle Locke..."

"If possible, hehe..."


The meaning is self-evident.

If the opponent really did it, he would definitely become the target of Long Zhan's sniping, otherwise he would be a little bit worse.

Then you have to think about it.

after all……

The level of dragon fighting is very high.

Although this body is a bit rubbish and has limited potential, it cannot be replaced by any cat or dog.

And Gaia also has strengths and weaknesses.

Ordinary stuff, Long Zhan simply doesn't like it, only top-notch geniuses can fall into his eyes, after all, Long Zhan wants to hit a higher level.

If you don't even have this bottom line, it is impossible to get to the present.


The beautiful woman was silent when she heard the words.

As a member of the fantasy team, she naturally knows the captain very well, as long as it is something he decides, no one can change it.


The beautiful woman was very savvy, she didn't express any opinion, she just shifted her beautiful eyes to the battlefield.



On the battlefield, Haotian laughed wildly, with sword energy all over his body, smashing all the power of the green light that came, not giving an inch.

at the same time……

He waved his right hand, shaking his sword finger.

Countless sword lights, like extremely nimble fish swimming, launched a dazzling and berserk attack on those ultimate green lights.

Although the opponent tried his best to let go, it was still difficult to resist.

after all.

Sword repair is most famous for its attack power.

It has always been a sharp weapon for killing, especially at Haotian's level, a random sword has terrifying power.

Although the strength of Ultimate Green Lantern is good, it has a fatal drawback.

The growth is too fast, the foundation is not solid enough, and the grasp of one's own strength has not reached the level it should be.

This also caused them to have powerful strength, but they couldn't use it perfectly, and they could only play at a discounted level.

Comparing with Haotian's honed more refined and perfect powerful swordsmanship attack, it is naturally clear at a glance which one is stronger and which is weaker.


There were some cracks in the defensive barrier of the ultimate green light.

Then it got bigger and bigger and more and more.


Not for a moment.

The defensive shield released by everyone jointly disintegrated completely, shattered into countless green levels, and disappeared.

And they were also attacked by countless sword qi in the first time.

in an instant.

Countless sword qi are like locusts passing through.

In an instant, this group of ultimate green lights was submerged. Although they couldn't completely wipe them out, they managed to cause them great distress and trouble.

And take this opportunity.

Hao Tian suddenly left the battlefield and flew towards Moge.


Mog's sudden outburst.

It has completely aroused Haotian's interest.

Compared with the parallel imports such as Ultimate Green Lantern, Haotian can tell at a glance that Moge is more challenging and valuable.


Someone is faster than him.


Haotian just left.

As a result, a wall of light transformed from a huge cross filled with the power of the law of terror suddenly blocked him.

"Uncle Locke, you..."


The person who shot was Uncle Locke.

Seeing Haotian's panic-stricken look, Uncle Locke said with a smirk: "Just now you took the lead, why should it be my turn this time? Is it possible that all the good things have to let you go?"


Hao Tian was speechless immediately.


What happened just now was that he was not authentic enough.

He was the first to pick an opponent, but now that he saw a better one, he was the one who turned around and rushed forward!

He didn't consider Uncle Locke's feelings at all, so it's no wonder that Uncle Locke would make a move. No one can stand it!


Haotian could only put away his thoughts helplessly.

Like a deflated balloon, he said in a sluggish voice: "You are awesome, you have the final say, that guy, I'll let you!"

"If you can't do it, I'll do it again, right?"

"My Uncle Locke..."


The tone is sour.

But he also knew that if Uncle Locke couldn't handle it, then he probably couldn't either.


On comprehensive strength.

Uncle Locke can definitely beat Hao Tian by a few blocks.

Even if the captain of the fantasy team comes, it doesn't matter if he can definitely win Uncle Locke.

After all, Uncle Locke has too many abilities.

Especially when those buff skills are superimposed, even Captain Dragon can't help but feel inferior when they are at their most powerful.

The reason why Dream Team can stand out among countless groups is absolutely inseparable from Uncle Locke's credit.

The veritable number one dad!

And what about Haotian?

In addition to swordsmanship ability and full attack power, it seems that there are no other characteristics. Unlike Uncle Locke, he can resist and fight, can milk and output, and his control ability is also extremely powerful.

It's a pentathlon!

If even Uncle Locke can't handle his opponent, Haotian probably won't be able to deal with it either.

Haotian's words mean more complaints.

To this.

Uncle Locke didn't care.

His gaze almost always stayed on Moge who was opposite him.

And this time.

Mog also realized that he was being watched.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, his eyes swept over the shocked Dallol and others, and finally fell on Uncle Locke.

His eyes instantly became extremely dignified.

"So strong!"

"This person is definitely a strong opponent. With my current level of strength, if I don't unblock him, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent..."

"What should I do? Do you want to lift the power limit?"


Moge hesitated inwardly.

After all, his mission is to go undercover with Walker and gather as much information as possible about the power of the emotional spectrum.

If the real power is exposed now, it may be difficult to stay on Odim Star in the future.

This is undoubtedly a failure of Bai Xiaofei's important mission.

"Go and fight as much as you want!"

As a result, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's voice directly echoed in Moge's mind: "Whether they are undercover or not is not important now, the key right now is to try to find out where their upper limit of strength is." !"

"With your standard, there should be no problem, right?"


Mog was overjoyed.

Then he replied excitedly: "Mr., if I use all my strength, I should not be inferior to him. After all, most of my strength comes from you. How can other people compare to Mr...."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's fight hard!"

"No more hiding!"


That's all for now.

And Mog, who had received clear instructions, felt a little more relaxed in an instant.

At this time, Uncle Locke also came here.

"You are strong!"

Uncle Locke looked serious: "I can sense that your strength should be far inferior to this, show your strongest strength!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in the future."


Seeing Uncle Locke pretending to be aggressive, the Dallol Seven are undoubtedly the most depressed, because these guys are here to fight monsters again!

It was the ultimate green light before, and now it's this mysterious and terrifying special green light. You really can grab it wherever you go.

They didn't think about their feelings at all.

It's heartbreaking!


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