The Storm God

Chapter 3579 Take the bamboo shoots! (Please subscribe!)

on the battlefield.

No one cares what Dallol and the others think, and no one pays attention to their grievances and depression. At this moment, except for those ultimate green lights, the minds of the few bosses present are almost all on Mog's side.


Following Bai Xiaofei's instruction, Moge began to explode his strength.

That strong and terrifying aura was like sleeping underground for countless billions of years, and then erupting suddenly.

What new Green Lantern, what ultimate Green Lantern!

It's all rubbish!


In front of Mog.

All the flamboyance is meaningless.

Just like when a firefly meets a bright moon, and a little witch meets a big witch, they don't know each other, as soon as they meet, they will be thrown to death!

The gap is too huge.


Abin Sur was silent.

Ultimate green light silence.

The Dallol seven were silent.

In short.

As Moge's power erupted, everyone at the scene almost fell into shock and silence.

Including Uncle Locke who played against him.


After a short silence.

Uncle Locke was more excited and excited. He laughed loudly and said, "So strong! I guessed right, you are the most powerful and powerful existence here!"

As everyone knows.

You can't talk too much, otherwise you will easily get slapped in the face and tongue out, at least there is a Little Red Razer in the scene.

Although Razer's lantern ring is different from Mog, and he is not from Gaia itself, the power authority he obtained is almost the same as Mog.

Even if the talent is limited, it is slightly inferior to Moge, but it is definitely above those ultimate green lights created in batches.

But it's a pity.

Razer didn't receive Bai Xiaofei's instructions, so he could only continue to undercover.


OA star.

Apa and other guardians are also paying attention to the battle situation on the lighthouse barrier, and they are still very happy.

Because after the newly released ultimate green light appeared on the stage, it almost quickly broke the original situation. Although it did not hit the enemy, it also maintained the balance.

This made Apa and the others very gratified that the hard work and dedication of themselves and others were finally not in vain.


It doesn't take long for them to be happy.

The situation on the scene suddenly changed, as if the protagonist was about to pretend to be aggressive, but was suddenly snatched away by a little-known supporting role and performed a show of genius.

The contestant who was supposed to be the protagonist lost almost all the attention in an instant, and was once reduced to a secondary role...

Who can stand this?


Apa gritted his teeth angrily, with fire in his eyes.

He really couldn't understand why Moge was so powerful, and the other party clearly instructed the most common green light!

Could it be...

What is so special about this person himself?

By the way, I remember that Hal and others reported that this Mog is likely to be a representative of a planet...

Could it be Gaia? !


The OA star also knows Gaia.

However, what they know about Gaia is very limited.

After all, they believe in science and technology, and they don't really believe in the so-called gods. They prefer to use science to explain everything.

In short.

Star OA doesn't really care about the existence of Gaia.

Firstly, this kind of thing is extremely rare. Furthermore, even if they do, most of them are ordinary Gaias.

There is not much growth potential and utilization value.

Over time.

Gaia was gradually ignored.

But now.

Appa didn't think so.

He finally knew Gaia's specialness and terrifying growth potential, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Bai Xiaofei had already taken the lead, developed Mog into his younger brother, and endowed him with the most powerful power.

Even if OA Xing is tempted, it is impossible to win him over.

And having said that.

So what if they paid attention to it at first?

Just a question, do you have Bai Xiaofei's powerful realm and strength, as well as godlike means to improve Moge?

The result is sure!


So now, Apa and others can only look at Moge bitterly, showing off their power, envious and jealous to death...

If this kind of power belongs to OA star, why should we bother...

such a pity.

Reality is reality, there are no ifs!


Regardless of how bitterly envious and jealous Apa's group of guardians are on the side of OA star, Moge on the side of the light house barrier has already completed the explosion of power at this moment.

Him now.

Although the person hasn't changed much, the aura of power all over his body is completely different from two people, powerful and terrifying to the extreme.

Except for Uncle Locke.

The people around, no matter whether it is Dallol or the Green Lantern, no one can get close and bear the coercion from Mogg's power.

He was like an abyss of terror.

The closer you get, the oppression of power is powerful and terrifying, it is like a forbidden place for walking humanoid, if you are not strong enough, you will have to kneel if you get close!

Don't say anything else.

Just this domain-like force and coercion is enough to make many people present fearful and discolored.

Just like Dallol.


Poor him, he had to admit that he was still too weak.

He thought it was a bit exaggerated to become a little transparent at first, but now, after witnessing Mog's true power with his own eyes, he realized that it seemed good to be a little transparent.


Facing such a terrifying guy, I am afraid that he will die if he goes up.

Not just him.

The remaining six members next to it.

As well as those ultimate green lights on the OA star side, they were also hit hard by Mog's terrifying power, and they always felt that they were superfluous.

However, there was another Haotian who seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and suddenly became even crazier, attacking them fiercely.

This is even more bitter and depressing.


They can also see that that fucking Haotian is clearly venting his anger on himself and others!

I wipe!

A person who wins bamboo shoots!



Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse Army.

After witnessing Moge's outbreak, Long Zhan also immediately became excited: "Hahaha, this level of power is unmistakable, this is definitely a performance that can only be performed by a genius like Gaia, it seems that my luck is good! "


He had his eye on Mogg.

It's just that Long Zhan's patience is relatively good. Even if he determined the target, he didn't make a move immediately, but planned to let Uncle Locke have a good time first.

after all……

It was people who went up first.

As the boss, you can't go directly to Mingqiang, can you?

Do you still want to face?


If the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.


Let's just bear with it.

It just so happened that I could watch from the sidelines, what kind of means and capabilities the other party had, in case there were any surprises.


Having said that.

But the strong power fluctuations that emanated from Long Zhan's body from time to time were enough to show that he couldn't calm down at all at this moment.

If it wasn't for the beautiful woman next to her, who opened up her power in time and limited the fluctuation of Long Zhan's power within a certain range, I'm afraid the main ship would have been exploded long ago.

To this.

The beautiful woman could only smile wryly to herself, and said in her heart: "It seems that this time the boss of the dragon battle will return with a full reward."


The camera switches back to the party involved.


Mog exhaled lightly.

Immediately narrowing his eyes, he looked at the excited Uncle Locke, and said lightly, " you want me to make the first move?"

The implication is that if I make a move, you may not have a chance.

It perfectly returns the previous meaning of Uncle Locke.


Uncle Locke is no idiot.

Of course he understood what Mog meant, but Uncle Locke just smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

It seems that he still doesn't pay attention to Mog after the outbreak.


It just seems to be it.

In fact, at this moment, Uncle Locke has already secretly activated most of his power, which is much more serious than before.

It is obvious that Mog's weight has been recognized.


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