The Storm God

Chapter 3580 Hammer of Repentance! (Please subscribe!)

"You are indeed strong!"

Uncle Locke said seriously: "However, judging from the current performance, it is far from reaching the point where I am jealous and afraid. At most, it just makes me a little more serious..."

"So you have to work harder."


A face of Versailles expression.


If you don't have the strength to pretend, that's SB, if you have the strength to pretend to be aggressive, that's awesome.

And Uncle Locke obviously belongs to the latter.

Even if there is no action.


Mog could sense it.

Uncle Locke's body seemed to have awakened a peerless beast, and it would suddenly wake up when his attack approached.

Then launch a terrible offensive.


But Mog is also a vegetarian.

Looking at Uncle Locke with a cold smile, he said, "If that's the case, then I won't be polite..."

"call out!"

The voice did not fall.

The bright green light has turned into an incomparable ray, directly blasting towards Uncle Locke.

This attack is very pure!

There is no power of law, just the power of green light, but it is the kind that is condensed to the extreme.

Although the momentum is average, the lethality is extremely terrifying.


Mog's attack made no mistakes.

In other words, Uncle Locke on the opposite side didn't have any intention of dodging at all, and just resisted a move straight up.


After a shock of distance.

Uncle Locke is fine, all damage is blocked by the transparent special shield like an eggshell on his body.

Of course.

Mog's attack is also good.

Ultimate Green Lantern and others attacked for a long time before, but they couldn't make the shield show a single scar.

He was even confused by its special anti-injury power.

But Mog was different.


Visible to the naked eye, dense cracks appeared on the spot where Uncle Locke's transparent shield was bombarded by the power of green light.

Although it didn't collapse directly, it was almost the same, as if it might collapse and rot at any time.

The most important thing is.

Mog's shot did not cause that terrifying thunder and lightning attack...

This is amazing!


Uncle Locke was taken aback for a moment.

I don't know if it's because the shield has cracked after a long time, or because the Vengeance Thunder and Lightning didn't appear.


Very surprised and unexpected look.

But right after, Uncle Locke laughed, "Interesting! It seems that I really underestimated you. Is the attack just reminding me?"

"Roughly the same!"

Moge replied indifferently: "You should not be a small character. It would be a pity if you were killed by me in an instant because of underestimating the enemy..."

"Of course, the main reason is that your temper is quite to my liking, so I'll give you a little reminder, otherwise it would be too boring!"


Uncle Locke was silent.

As for the onlookers, there were many people who couldn't understand. They were at a loss and didn't understand what was going on at all.

As long as a very few people have a clear mind, they can instantly understand the true meaning of the dialogue between the two. In short, they are sympathetic to each other!

Just like Haotian.

Dragon battle in the main ship of the Apocalypse army!

Especially the latter.


After the captain saw Moge's behavior, the excitement in his heart suddenly became more violent, and the turbulent and violent power almost went berserk.

Fortunately, the beautiful woman next to her saw the opportunity early and increased her strength immediately, otherwise the main ship would definitely be doomed after this wave!


Seeing the captain with an excited face, who wanted to rush out immediately, the beautiful woman couldn't help but reminded: "Can you restrain yourself a little? If this continues, I won't be able to hold back!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry!"

Hearing the words, Long Zhan immediately looked embarrassed, and quickly restrained his strength again, calming the turbulent aura.

At the same time, he explained: "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help being a little too excited to see the best prey. I promise there will be no next time!"


The beautiful woman rolled her eyes angrily, obviously she did not believe her promise to the captain.

But there was one thing she was quite sure of.

That was the captain's decision.

That is.

That special Green Lantern named Mog has been completely targeted by Long Zhan, and it is his next stepping stone to climb the peak!

If it weren't for Uncle Locke's face and feelings, I'm afraid the captain would have made a desperate move long ago.


Think here.

The beautiful woman couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said in her heart, "Uncle Locke, you'd better fight quickly, otherwise I'll be the one who suffers..."

at the same time.

A wave of spiritual thoughts spread out through the void.


Uncle Locke on the battlefield received the beautiful woman's resentment almost instantly, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, speechless.


He just shook his head lightly.

He didn't pay attention to this matter. After all, almost all the troops in the large army are Apocalypse stars, and there is no one of their own.

Even if the captain couldn't bear it anymore, so what if his power exploded and the battleship was destroyed?

Unfortunately, they are not their own people!

I am afraid of a ball!

in spite of!

How to come and how to come.

The upright Uncle Locke directly ignored the beautiful woman's resentment, and made up his mind to go his own way and fight Mog to his heart's content.

As for whether the beautiful woman will seek revenge on herself?


Uncle Locke said.

These are nothing serious, women's troubles, there is nothing that one bag can't solve, if not, then two!

Or add some top cosmetics and the like, storage works!

To know.

Uncle Locke is someone who has experienced it, so he is right about it. Well, the only thing he is worried about is the captain.


It would be terrible if the captain went berserk. Not to mention the enemy, even one of our own has a certain life-threatening danger.

in short.

It's the kind that even beats one's own people!

Think about it.

Uncle Locke changed his mind a little bit, and decided to hurry up when he could make a move.

Otherwise, the captain will be really anxious, and it will not only be these enemies who will be forced to suffer, but also their teammates.

Although Uncle Locke is confident that he can resist and even suppress the rage of the main captain, is it troublesome after all?

Closer to home.

After Mog's attack reminder.

Uncle Locke also put down his hands clasping his chest for a rare moment, and his eyes became a little dignified. While exerting his strength, he condensed a huge golden warhammer embodied by the power of law.

At the same time, he said to Moge: "It's true that I underestimated you a little. If that's the case, then the two of us will stop playing around with those beating around the bush, and fight directly. There is no flashy head-to-head confrontation, and we will fight to the end!"

"How dare you?"

This is an invitation to fight.


Moge grinned, and said proudly: "Why don't you dare? If you want to fight, then fight. I, Moge, will definitely accompany you to the end!"

The voice did not fall.


Moge's ring also quickly released billowing green awns, and almost instantly, a green dragon-headed spear was ready, full of fighting spirit.


Uncle Locke roared excitedly: "That's refreshing! If that's the case, then let's fight for three hundred rounds!"

"Hammer of Repentance!"


The words did not fall.

The golden warhammer blatantly smashed towards Moge in a flash of anger.

When the war hammer was swung, it was obviously only about two meters long, but in the middle of the journey, it suddenly condensed and manifested an incomparably huge and substantial super war hammer.

The power of the law of terror engulfed in it was compressed to the extreme, and from time to time, terrifying golden thunder and lightning overflowed, ravaging the void and destroying everything.

The hammer hasn't arrived yet.

The incomparable terrifying pressure caused serious distortions and vibrations in the void, and even nearly collapsed.

The power of this hammer is so terrifying!


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