The Storm God

Chapter 3582 Sword Dragon Sword Tiger! (Please subscribe!)

"Weak, it's really too weak!"

Here, after Haotian got out of trouble, he didn't continue to chase, but stood in place, breaking the state of unity of human and sword.

Then he shook his head and said, "I'm not happy at all!"


A group of ultimate green lights suddenly turned green.

Take the bamboo shoots!

I hit someone and said I can't do it...

This shit...

act like this.

Even Hal and the others next to him couldn't stand it anymore. If they couldn't beat Haotian, they might jump over immediately.


If you can't hit someone, can't you add to the opponent's block?

Unreconciled, Hal looked directly at Walker and the other Blue Lanterns, and then reminded: "Don't just watch, hurry up and continue!"


The blue lantern men were embarrassed for a while.


Hal was quite right.

No matter what the situation is, they shouldn't stop.

After all, whether it is the ultimate Green Lantern or the Green Lantern, they all need the power of their Blue Lanterns to increase.

The latter is okay, the average Blue Lantern Man can do boosts.

But the ultimate green light will not work.

must be equal.


The ultimate blue light has to go on.

Although Walker's current state is also very strong, there is still a clear gap compared with Mog and those ultimate green lights.

If they want to help Ultimate Green Lantern turn the tide of battle, they must continue to improve.

Previously, there was Dallol's attack for harassment.

It's gone now.

If we don't continue at this time, when will we wait?


A group of people looked at each other, nodded, and then began to transmit power to Walker again.

And the transmission power this time is more daring and aggressive than the previous experiments. I don't know if it was stimulated or because of some experience...

In short.

Walker's strength is increasing rapidly.

The huge and terrifying blue light power merged into his body, undergoing some kind of special qualitative change, and more and more, bigger and bigger.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Dallol on the other side gritted his teeth angrily, and secretly said: "These guys haven't given up yet..."

He wanted to rush over to stop it.


Glancing not far away from the corner of his eyes, he saw the scene where he was using the dragon-headed spear and Uncle Luo's Hammer of Repentance, almost causing the sky to shatter and the earth trembled...

Dallol eventually gave up on the plan.

Because, he can see that the current Uncle Locke and Mog are far from showing their full strength.

Although the current head-to-head battle seems extremely fierce, both sides have left a lot of room to deal with other situations.

If he rashly launches an attack on the Blue Lantern, he might be targeted by Mog, and then leave Uncle Locke to attack him...

Dallol didn't think he could withstand Mog's dragon-headed spear.


He had no choice but to give up.

However, Walker and other Blue Lanterns cannot be stopped, but this does not mean that Dallol and others cannot attack Green Lanterns such as Abin Sur.

Who made Abin Sur and others far away? Even if Moge wanted to intervene, Dallol was confident and had enough time to dodge.

that's all.

Dallol winked at the six players.

follow closely……

A group of seven people directly rushed to the light house barrier guarded by Abin Sur and other Green Lantern Alliance on the other side.


See this scene.

Abin Sur couldn't help but uttered a foul language at that time.

Who told Dallol and others to pinch themselves and others as soft persimmons? The key point is that this is an indisputable fact!

There is naturally fire in my heart.

"Defend with all your might!"

"Be careful, don't be careless!"

"Tighten the strength to cooperate!"


Anger is anger.

Abin Sur's due rationality did not disappear, and he immediately greeted everyone and responded positively.

And the Green Lantern here, as well as the warriors from other galactic civilizations, under the command of Abin Sur, also burst out with strong will and defensive ability in an instant.

Even though they wanted to vent their anger at this moment, the Dallol seven, whose strength had greatly increased, tried their best to besiege them, but they failed to break through their barrier defense in the first place.

At most, there are some cracks in the protective barrier.

the other side.

Uncle Locke wielded his warhammer.

While attacking Mog, he said at the same time: "That's right! Your strength and combat ability are far beyond my imagination. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would have never imagined that there would be such an existence as you! "


Mog responded calmly and counterattacked calmly.

The ability of mouth escape is also not weak to the other party. He sneered and said: "There are many things that you have never seen or thought of. I am nothing..."


Uncle Locke was noncommittal.

At the same time as a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the power of the warhammer in his hand also changed suddenly.

That majestic war hammer turned into a slender and extremely sharp spear of light in an instant!

"Eat me with a spear of justice!"


The power of the war hammer mainly lies in the violent and domineering bombardment, which belongs to the blunt weapon type of attack. It suddenly turned into a light gun, and carried out a throwing and piercing attack, which immediately made Mog stunned.

Although he reacted relatively quickly and responded in time, the leading spear in his hand could not effectively counterattack him.

after all……

Spears focus on attack, not defense.

For a moment, he was forced to retreat repeatedly by Uncle Locke's strong attack, unable to organize an effective counterattack.

Whenever Mog tried to switch weapons, or wanted to dodge in order to find an opportunity to counterattack, Uncle Locke would speed up his attack.

Not only that.

Compared with a single warhammer, there are not only one light gun, but countless ones. The one thrown by Uncle Locke is a joy, as if it doesn't cost money, it comes with just one hand, without any pause.

this moment.

Uncle Locke turned into a humanoid Gatling, occupying the main rhythm occupied by both sides in one fell swoop. The Mog who shot couldn't stand up and pant at all, so he could only continue to use the leading spear in his hand to attack and attack.


This is also only temporary.

With the passage of time, and gradually adapting to the rhythm and strength of the attack, Moge also quickly reacted.

The dragon-headed spear in his hand suddenly softened and changed into a knife and a sword in a short period of time. Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sword trick broke out in an instant.

"Sword Dragon Sword Tiger!"


The power of green light suddenly bloomed.

Moge's power, accompanied by the use of the sword's ultimate move, instantly exploded with unparalleled power.

The light of the sword dances, turning into a domineering dragon, and the shadow of the sword is like a white tiger descending into the world. One dragon and one tiger, rushing left and right, and the tacit cooperation made the light guns and spears that Uncle Locke constantly projected suddenly lose their due power.

Not only that.

The power of the dharma transformed by the sword, dragon, sword and tiger is even more late-comering, and there is a tendency to reverse and push upwards, directly launching a strong counter-pressure.

The dragon sings to the sky, and the sound waves roll.

Wherever it went, the projected light gun immediately seemed like a cow in a quagmire, its speed was reduced to the limit, and its attack path was also greatly out of alignment.

The tiger howled in the sky, its murderous aura criss-crossing.

The unparalleled blade and sword energy, like a black hole, devours everything and is invincible. All the attacking light guns are instantly crushed and collapsed, completely disappearing without a trace.

Moge's unique sword move instantly changed the entire battle situation drastically, and it can be said to turn the tide.

Uncle Locke's light gun attack was quickly suppressed, and as the attack distance gradually shortened, the power of the light gun became weaker and weaker.

Seeing the sword, dragon and sword tiger, Manshang was about to kill him in front of him, Uncle Locke finally had to give up the attack method of the Spear of Justice.


I saw him holding guns in both hands, standing horizontally in front of his chest, in the shape of a huge cross.

next moment.

The vast and majestic holy power descended suddenly, which not only protected Uncle Locke, but also suppressed Moge's sword, dragon, sword and tiger.

at the same time.

A holy and beautiful angel figure appeared out of thin air.

Angels come!


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