The Storm God

Chapter 3583 Frustrated! (Please subscribe!)

Happy May Day everyone!


"It's actually an angel!"

Dust Star, Bai Xiaofei and Aiya were all taken aback when they saw Uncle Locke's new move, especially the former.

after all……

There are many angels under his command.

Although they are all specially modified based on the super god genes of the super god universe, they are not original angels, but they should not be underestimated.

Bai Xiaofei never thought of it.

In this DC universe world, there is actually a master who can also summon the power of angels.

Even if this person is the enemy.

at the same time.

first timing.

Bai Xiaofei also saw through the essence of this angel's dharma.

As far as everything he sees now, this angel is not actually a real angel, but a phantom of the law condensed by the power of an angel.

It is equivalent to supernatural spells such as Yuanshen going out of body.

The point is.

This thing is quite awesome.

The level of its power is far beyond ordinary understanding, even if it is just a phantom of the Dharma, it is enough to suppress most methods and forces.

This is outrageous!

You know, the current Mog has lifted the power seal, which is close to the existence of the God Emperor Realm.

Especially after using the unique move of sword dragon sword tiger, the power is even comparable to ordinary god emperors, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can compete with.


This angelic figure was easily suppressed.

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei was very surprised in his heart, and thought to himself: "Could it be that...the angel that Locke believes in is an existence above the realm of the Venerable?"

In fact.

Uncle Locke's power system.

Bai Xiaofei saw it right away, it was obviously a variant of a paladin, able to fight and resist, able to milk and output, very strong.

This is especially confirmed by the appearance of this angel's dharma image.

Generally, this kind of system is to believe in a certain boss, usually an angel, so as to obtain the corresponding power.

Because this is the cultivation system spread by the angel family.

Uncle Locke's ability to summon an angelic form fully conformed to Bai Xiaofei's guess, but the power of this angelic form was somewhat stronger than Bai Xiaofei expected.

from it.

Bai Xiaofei faintly felt a bit of pressure, as well as some kind of extremely strange and special strange power, even for him, it was difficult to decipher the comprehension in an instant, let alone Mog.

after all.

Moge's power mainly comes from Bai Xiaofei.

It was also because of this that Mog's sword trick was quite suppressed by the Angel Law, and it was directly shattered into pieces.


This is no longer a contest of strength.

It's a contest in the background.

That is.

In this initial duel, it was Uncle Locke's backstage, and the power of the angel was even better, directly overpowering the power Mog borrowed from Bai Xiaofei.


And it's only temporary.

After all, Bai Xiaofei hasn't exerted his strength yet, and Moge has far from exerted the true power of Bai Xiaofei's strength.

"It's interesting!"

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly became excited.

He who didn't want to intervene at first became interested, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Moge, saying: "Moge, since he wants to compete with the backstage, let him be fulfilled. I want to see how awesome the angel behind him is." !"


As a younger brother, Moge certainly has no right to refuse or choose.

Bai Xiaofei even spoke up in person, what can he do? After withdrawing his strength, he smiled bitterly in his heart and agreed to Bai Xiaofei's proposal.

follow closely.

In the stunned eyes of countless people at the scene, Moge's green light power was suddenly released crazily, spewing and converging into a green light angel image that is not inferior to Uncle Locke's angel figure.

Not only that.

The power aura exuded by this green light angel is also 90% similar to Uncle Locke's angel appearance.

The only difference is that the image of the angel on Mog's side seems to lack some special charm, making him look a little bit low.

no way.

Who made the two sides not exist at the same level at all.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't make up for this gap, because the angel he was familiar with was already weaker than the big guy behind Locke.


Even if Moge now has Bai Xiaofei's support behind him and can show the power of an angel to the greatest extent, he still can't completely crush the angel's appearance.

At most, it's like being half a catty with the other party.


It's half a catty.

The big angel behind Uncle Locke seems to be more powerful, awesome, and special despite the nature of his power.

But Uncle Locke's own realm and comprehension are limited, and it is not enough to fully exert the true power of the angelic form.

But Mog is different.

Although Bai Xiaofei behind him is indeed slightly inferior in terms of angel power, even weaker by more than one level...

But Bai Xiaofei is awesome!

With his blessing and boost behind him, Mog can almost perfectly display the power of this angel.

Compared with Uncle Locke, he has a lot of advantages. The combination of the two items is almost the same.


Uncle Locke was also stunned.

What was shocking was not only the Green Lantern in front of him, but also possessed the power of an angel. What was even more unbelievable was that the other party's mastery of the power of an angel was far superior to the power of an angel.

If it weren't for the angel I believed in, no matter in terms of level or realm, she was far superior to the other party, I'm afraid I would have been compared by the other party now.

The key is……

How is this possible?

Isn't there no inheritance of angels in this world?

What the hell is going on with this man?

Could it be...

He is not a local native!

this moment.

Not just Uncle Locke.

All the onlookers were also shocked by this scene.

Including, but not limited to, Dallol, Haotian, and the Nemesis Squad in the main ship of the Apocalypse, as well as the other three members of the Dream Squad.

"The power of angels!"

"What this guy used just now turned out to be genuine angel power. Although the appearance still looks like the power of green light, this aura..."

"You can't go wrong, this is definitely the power of an angel!"

"But how is it possible?"


Long Zhan's deep eyes were full of shock and doubt.

You must know that his pupils possess rare supernatural powers, and can see many essences that ordinary people cannot see.

Just like Mog's Gaia origin.


The essence of power!

However, he clearly confirmed just now that there is only the power of green light in Mog's body, and it comes from Gaia's comprehension of the power of many laws...

Why is there another Angel Power now?

This is very unscientific!


Long Zhan even wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, otherwise how could he fail to see the essence of Moge's power?


The strength and realm of the other party are far above my own, and it has completely surpassed the scope of my understanding and contact...

That's why you can't see it?

In addition to being shocked.

In Long Zhan's heart, he was also a little apprehensive.

After all, he is Uncle Locke's teammate and captain, so he naturally knows that there must be a big boss behind him who can use the power of angels.

Originally, he wanted to use his special ability to win Shemog, the top Gaia, to help him hit a higher level.


The idea seemed impossible.

You know, having a background and not having a background are two completely different concepts.

Although Long Zhan is conceited and thinks that his strength is not weaker than the average god emperor, but for the existence of angel power...

He was still very apprehensive and frightened.


In the world of reincarnation.

Long Zhan was once ravaged and bullied by a master of the angel clan, and he always had some shadows in his heart.

This is also one of the main reasons why only Uncle Locke can restore his calmness every time he goes berserk and his relatives deny him.


Behind Moge, there is a similar existence.

Can Long Zhan not get angry?


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