The Storm God

Chapter 3584 Incoming call with scar face! (Please subscribe!)


Regardless of the thoughts and reactions of others.

The center of the battlefield.

Uncle Locke stared wide-eyed, looking at Moge, who was also included in the phantom of the angelic form, and said in disbelief: "There is also the power of an angel!?"


Moge shrugged with a smile: "As you can see, although it is not as powerful and terrifying as the one behind you, it is more friendly to the people..."

This is a kind of irony.

The implication is that the angel behind the other party is awesome, but he doesn't seem to care much about his followers.

Mog's side is different.

As long as you have a need, the person behind you will give you a considerable response. There is no need to prove this, because Moge's current state is the best example.

To this.

Uncle Locke was speechless.

There was a long silence.


Uncle Locke also slowly came back to his senses, grinned along the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Alright, since that's the case, let's continue the unfinished competition, and let me meet the person behind you, How can you be patient!"

The voice did not fall.

He then preemptively launched the attack again.

"Angel shines!"


At this moment, Uncle Locke is just like driving Susan. His body is inside the angelic form, and every move will affect the angelic form, bursting out with unparalleled power and attack.

And this Angel Brilliance is one of them.

With the surge of Uncle Locke's power, the phantom of the angel's magic form instantly burst into an incomparably bright holy light.

Wherever the holy light went, it illuminated almost all darkness.

From the perspective of the distant starry sky in the vast universe, the angel figure manipulated by Uncle Locke at this moment is like a supernova that is shining at its limit. The rising and bursting brilliance dispelled the star field almost instantly all dark.

Only holiness and light are the only ones!


The premise is that there is no Mog.

And the existence of Mog seems to be an obstacle. The green angel phantom and Uncle Locke's holy light angel form occupy each other's side, facing each other tit for tat, showing no weakness!

The golden holy light and the emerald green power of will collided with each other, erupting an even more astonishing and eye-catching light.

at the same time.

The billowing force, like a river bursting its embankment, swept across the audience in an instant.

But this time, the scope of the impact can be described as getting old. The onlookers at the scene, whether they are local or their own side...

Almost one after another, they were all enveloped in it.

In view of this.

Both the enemy and the enemy had to stop fighting immediately.

Then he used all the defensive methods he could to protect himself, and then ran out desperately.

In order not to be affected by the fish in the pond, you will be forced to rush to the street!


The fierce battle between Uncle Locke and Mog was relatively restrained at the moment, so the impact and shock of the explosion spread extremely quickly, but the lethality was not very serious.

This also allows the affected personnel on both sides to avoid rushing to the street to the greatest extent and have enough time to take refuge.


Some were unlucky and suffered a bit.

But none of that matters.

The key is.

Most people have already evacuated.

Even the large troops of Apocalypse had to retreat a considerable distance, for fear that the battle between the two sides would affect Chi Yu.

Although Long Zhan and the others were not afraid, most of the large army could not withstand the impact of this kind of power.


They can only retreat principle.

What's more, it is not Long Zhan and the others who are talking about these troops, but the Nemesis team of Apocalypse.

It is naturally impossible for Dabada to let his own people sacrifice in vain, so when he saw that the gaffe at the scene was beyond imagination, he immediately gave the order to retreat.

And without any hesitation, he directly reported the situation here to Apocalypse's kind grandma.

As for whether they made a small report, saying that Long Zhan and others did not work hard, hehe, I will ask them themselves.

In short.

With the fierce battle between Uncle Locke and Mog again, the originally extremely lively battlefield of the lighthouse barrier became relatively quiet and silent in an instant.

Because now the protagonists are only the two of them.

The others had to retreat to other places, so as not to be affected by Chiyu. The original group battle turned into a one-man show with two people. Can you not be lonely?


Loneliness is loneliness.

But the fighting on the scene was no less exciting than before, and it was even more exciting.

after all.

Although the number of battles has decreased, the quality and scale have directly increased. Dongzha is a super battle in which the stars are broken and the void is broken. This is not common.

Almost everyone at the scene was reduced to spectators.

To this.

Some people don't care.

And some people are very depressed, feeling that they have been robbed of the limelight, not to mention how upset they are.

Just like Apa of OA star.

To know.

He took great risks to create the ultimate green light. He originally wanted to use the power of the ultimate green light to turn things around, even kill Apocalypse and revive the prestige of OA.

The results of it?

But time and time again, the theory has become a trick, even a laughing stock.

On the contrary, it was Mog, the little ordinary green light who had never been known before, but suddenly became the protagonist of the battlefield...

This made Appa really unacceptable.

after all.

There is no harm if there is no comparison in everything. If there is no Mog, even if the ultimate green light loses, it will leave a strong mark.

It's not enough to completely become a Jackie Chan existence.


Compare with Mog.

How does Appa feel, how does he feel like a clown!

It's so embarrassing!


The more powerful and terrifying the power displayed by Mog and Uncle Locke, the more it contrasts the weakness and incompetence of Ultimate Green Lantern.

And Apa became more angry and unhappy.

The key is……

He still has nothing to do about it, helpless, he can only watch bitterly, unable to do anything...

This is very hopeless!


And at this moment.

A strange communication suddenly sounded in the science and technology room of OA Star, and it was also Apa's private and exclusive channel.


Apa was taken aback immediately, and said to himself: What's going on? Who will contact me at this critical time?

He didn't connect right away.

Instead, he lowered his face and turned to look at the other guardians.

next moment.

The rest of the guards turned around and left very picky, leaving Apa an independent space.


Appa sealed off the room.

After confirming that no one else would monitor or eavesdrop, he connected to the strange communication. His intuition told himself that this strange call is likely to directly affect the subsequent fate and development of OA Star.

"It's you!"

The communication is connected.

And with the display of the holographic projection, Apa also recognized the identity of the person in an instant, and it was the former chief scientific director of OA star Kroner who was rumored to have been killed by the anti-surveillance king.

That is the scar face now!


The scar-faced Kroner smiled somberly and weirdly, and seemed very happy to see Apa's surprised face.

She smiled and said: "Yes, it's me. At this moment, only I can help you. Apa, if you want to save OA star, or even regain face in front of everyone, and revive your reputation, I can help you... ..."


Appa remained silent.

Looking at Kroner, whose image and temperament have changed dramatically from before, Apa's eyes are full of strangeness and doubts.

He was also full of doubts about what Scarface said.


The suspicion quickly dissipated.

Because, after that, Scarface showed Appa the powerful power he had just acquired, and the key point was that he could also possess the terrifying power.


Appa was immediately moved.


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