The Storm God

Chapter 3585 The ultimate blue light! (Please subscribe!)

Light House Barrier Battlefield.

At the scene, except for Uncle Locke and Moge, everyone else, including Hao Tian and Ultimate Green Lantern, became spectators.

no way!

The aftermath of the battle between the two had spread too far.

Is it okay to move and destroy the stars and galaxies?


It was horribly exaggerated.

Didn't you see ordinary Green Lanterns, and the new Green Lanterns and other weak people, now they have shrunk their necks and dared not speak?

It's just too bad.

How to compare?

Even Haotian, and the ultimate green light, did not dare to start a war rashly, otherwise, the scope of the battle, and the degree of destruction would only become bigger and more terrifying.

They are not here to destroy, but to invade.


Just look at it now.

After all, Mog's strength can already fully represent the top high-end combat power on the OA side. If he loses, the other people don't need to be mentioned.

If you are accidentally won by the opponent...


There is a boss here!

In short.

Anyway, the people on Apocalypse are not worried at all.

Of course, seeing things develop like this, the Dallol Seven are still quite depressed.

Because in this way, their plan of committing crimes and making meritorious service will undoubtedly be greatly affected. Although it is not that they have no credit at all, it is definitely far smaller than expected.

But this can't be blamed on other people, who made them weak.

It's not that they didn't give them a chance.


They can't do it.

That's embarrassing.


Dallol isn't too far off the mark, either.

He soon accepted this fact. After all, things had developed far beyond his tolerance.

Even if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, came in person, he wouldn't blame them.

Don't see you.

Even an all-round player of the fantasy team like Uncle Locke couldn't beat that special green light for a while.

Not to mention myself.

If Meng Shenjun really wanted to blame himself, he would have to blame Team Fantasy first, after all, the opponent was much stronger than him.

It was their last trump card. Even Long Zhan and the others couldn't figure it out, so naturally they couldn't find fault with Dallol and the others.

So far.

The depressed mood of the seven people in Dallol immediately relaxed a lot.


A group of people began to concentrate on watching the play.

You know, there are not many opportunities to witness a super expert like Uncle Locke make a full shot.

If they can improve their comprehension while watching, it will be a blood profit, so they all concentrated their energy.

Completely forget the ultimate green light and others.


The lighthouse barrier is here.

A group of ultimate green lights are not angry at all.

Seeing Dallol and others huddled in the camp, no longer going out, but concentrating on watching the fierce battle between Uncle Locke and Mog, they were also happy to relax.

The rest of the rest, the healing of the wounds, the strengthening of the defenses of the barriers, it can be said that they are very busy.


Busy is busy, and there is no delay in watching the show.

After all, Mog's victory or defeat is directly related to the trend of the entire battle situation. As one of them, they naturally cannot let go and ignore it, and have to pay attention to the battle situation no matter how busy they are.

Not just them.

The rest of the Green Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, and the fighters supporting OA star are also like this. Looking at the crumbling stars in the sky, my heart is almost in my throat.

at the same time.

As time goes by slowly.

On the Blue Lantern side, the power that everyone continued to inject into Walker has finally accumulated to a threshold.


They were surprised to find out.

The originally smooth integration of power has become extremely difficult and laborious at this moment, as if the originally unimpeded and thin filter has directly become the strongest filter with extremely fine, extremely strict and abnormal filtering. , their blue light power had to consume more mind and energy than before to inject and integrate a little bit of power into Walker's body.

Not only that.

The speed and amount of consumption of their own blue light power has also increased dozens of times compared to before.

If it continues at this speed, it will probably take less than two minutes for them, the Blue Lantern Heroes, to be squeezed dry and completely lose their strength.

But even so, as the beneficiary, Walker is still the same as before, with almost no abnormal changes.

This made everyone very shocked and horrified.

Is it going to fail?


And this time.

Walker also said suddenly: "I can feel that my strength has reached a limit. As long as I can break through the blockade of this bottleneck, I can go to a higher level and step into a new realm!"

"Don't listen, continue to support input power!"

"I can still hold on..."


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Xin said: "Brother, you are holding on, but we can't hold it. Now we are almost exhausted, and I am afraid that there is not much strength to help you break through..."


Hard work returns to hard work.

But no one showed it.

After hearing Walker's words, these Blue Lanterns didn't back down, but all gritted their teeth and decided to instill all their strength into Walker to fulfill Walker's promotion.

That was the price of paying their own lives, and they admitted it.

after all……

This is war!

How can anyone not die in a war? They are quite lucky to be able to persevere until now, even if they die, it is a worthy death!

They have no regrets!



Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the firmness and determination in everyone's hearts, and then nodded heavily.

next moment.

Streams of more majestic and powerful power suddenly rose from their bodies, and then merged into the blue light ring in their hands, forming a brand new and powerful blue light power.

In the end, it was continuously input into Walker's body.

at the same time.

The blue light on Walker's body, as well as the aura of power, also began to become stronger and stronger, and even a blue flame rose.

His current image is already infinitely close to the ultimate green light. It's just that Walker hasn't completed the final transformation yet, so no matter how powerful he is, he still has the original power of the blue light.

Only with a thorough promotion and qualitative change, can his blue light power be transformed into a level sufficient to amplify and upgrade the ultimate green light.

And this bottleneck and shackles are obviously not so easy to break.

after all……

They are totally wild.

Without any scientific basis, just relying on my own conjecture, the temporary experiment and development started...

If such a project does not directly fail, it is already a big hit.

Now that he can break through to the limit, he is only one step away from being able to break through and be promoted to the level of the ultimate blue light. It can only be said that Walker's luck is really great.


There is also some help from Bai Xiaofei.

After all, Walker is an ordinary Lantern on the surface, but in fact, his ring also has some special power of hope bestowed by Bai Xiaofei.

Although the power of hope is not much because of the hidden identity, but in terms of quality, it is definitely several blocks away from ordinary blue lights.

At this moment, the quantitative change of fusion is going on, and Bai Xiaofei's power of hope plays an extremely important role in it.

Whenever Walker couldn't hold on fast, or the Lanterns next to him seemed to be powerless and couldn't watch.

Bai Xiaofei's power of hope will take effect, giving them endless hope and stimulating everyone's powerful potential.

that's all.

The process of power fusion lasted another five minutes.


With the sudden burst of blue light, Walker finally got his wish. Based on the power of nearly a hundred blue lights, he successfully caused a qualitative change and entered the realm of being promoted to the ultimate blue light.

The dazzling blue flame, which gave people infinite hope and strength, immediately stimulated and amplified the power of all the Green Lanterns around him at the moment of its birth.

Whether it's an ordinary green light, the new Green Lantern, or the ultimate green light, under this blue light, all of them are affected and amplified without any exception.


Even Mog, who was fighting fiercely with Uncle Locke, got a little bit of strengthening because of the radiant radiation of Walker, the ultimate blue light.


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