The Storm God

Chapter 3586 Angel possessed! (Please subscribe!)


"This familiar feeling is..."

"The Power of Hope!"


Mog was slightly taken aback.

Then he felt that a force that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar suddenly rose from his body.

follow closely.

The angel form transformed by the power of green light instantly became more solid and powerful than before.


The entire huge body began to emit a faint green flame, making this angel look like it was bathed in fire.

More solemn and mighty.

at the same time.

As the opponent of Mog.

Uncle Locke also immediately felt a strong pressure coming over his face, and his golden angelic form even appeared to be repelled by Mog for the first time.

Although it would not be defeated on the spot, this step back is already very telling. Mog's strength has begun to gain the upper hand.

"How can this be!"

Uncle Locke was taken aback.

Turn around and look.

He knew what was going on in an instant. It turned out that it was the Lanternman over there who had successfully advanced through the fusion method.

Its original ordinary power of the blue light is already strong enough to influence and amplify a formidable opponent like Mog.

Although the effect of the increase is still very small, even if it is only a tiny bit of a master's move, it is definitely a world of difference, okay?

There is an increase and there is no increase, these are completely two concepts!

Just like now!

Mog, who had been at loggerheads with Uncle Locke and couldn't tell the difference between victory and defeat or strength, immediately gained the upper hand with just a little influence from Walker, causing Uncle Locke to back off.

If this continues, I'm afraid Uncle Locke will never regain his former prestige, and he will always be suppressed and beaten by Mog.

Think about it.

Uncle Locke couldn't help frowning immediately.

To be honest, Mog can't be blamed for this, because Walker's power boost, as well as influence and boost, are completely passive.

It is completely independent of Mog's personal influence.


Even if he suffers a little loss now, Uncle Locke can't blame Mog for cheating and using other people's power to suppress him.

Because it was a total accident.


If the latter knew of this situation and didn't choose to stop it, but continued to fight with himself in an increased state...

That's another matter.


Mog was not like that.

After repelling Uncle Locke by a step, he stopped immediately, and did not choose to continue to pursue the victory.


Mog looked at Walker.

The eyes are full of joy and joy, but the words in the mouth are: "Control your own strength, I don't need your amplification and strengthening now..."

Obviously Mog also has his own self-esteem.

He didn't allow himself to defeat a respectable and dedicated opponent like Uncle Locke in this way.


Walker gave a wry smile.

Without saying anything, he just nodded.

Then he controlled the power he had just acquired as much as possible, limiting it within a certain range.

And after losing the boost and strengthening of the upgraded version of the power of blue light, Moge's angelic form also instantly returned to its original appearance.

Moge turned his head, looked at Uncle Locke who was stunned, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry just now, let's continue now!"


Uncle Locke looked at Moge blankly.

Obviously he didn't expect Mog to be like this, he was surprised and admired in time, and then came back to his senses and smiled excitedly.

He laughed loudly and said: "Okay! It's hard to wait to meet an opponent like you, you are straightforward enough, direct enough, and courageous enough!"

"Since that's the case, then I won't hide it anymore. Only defeating you with the strongest strength is the greatest respect for you!"

"Angel possessed!"


Uncle Locke is also inked.

While speaking, the trick broke out again, and the turbulent and terrifying power flowed into his body directly from the angelic form.


Uncle Locke's body began to be sanctified.

The endless golden radiance, accompanied by the holy breath, made him seem to be transformed into a real angel, especially a pair of bright angel wings emerged from behind him.

In a blink of an eye, Uncle Locke turned into a majestic and holy male angel with seraph wings, a golden halo on his head, and a golden holy light bathed all over his body.

Compared with the sharp-edged angel's appearance, Uncle Locke in the angel-possessed state is undoubtedly more powerful and terrifying.

Although the strength has been restrained to the extreme, the terrifying coercion that comes from the depths of the soul has become even stronger.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Uncle Locke is definitely more than several times stronger than before!

after all……

One is to borrow the power of an angel, and the other is to directly integrate the power of an angel with oneself. The two are not the same concept at all.

Not only that.

In the hands of Uncle Locke, a string of golden rosary-shaped weapons quickly appeared.

And this rosary weapon is definitely not ordinary.

Each of its rosary beads is a physical incarnation condensed by the endless power of law. The power is terrifying and cannot be underestimated!

In an instant, Moge felt tremendous pressure and threats from the transformed Uncle Locke and the rosary.

At this moment.

Uncle Locke spoke again.


"The strength and state of my angel incarnation haven't disappointed you, have I? To be honest, this is the third time I've used this power after I got it!"

"This is my trump card!"

"You might cope?"


The tone is calm.

With a little bit of showing off, but more explanations and explanations, the implication is that if you don't have stronger means, I'm afraid the contest between us will come to an end here.


Mog was silent.

To be honest, Uncle Locke's means of strength have indeed surpassed him by a lot, especially in combat experience.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't given Moge great authority and support, and could use more of his own power, I'm afraid Moge wouldn't be able to resist now at all.

after all……

Although he is the body of Gaia.

But after all, it is just a doppelgänger, and the deity is not here.

Moreover, the time for birth, cultivation, and comprehension of the mysteries of the universe is really too little, and it is far inferior to Uncle Locke, a super expert who has been in the world of reincarnation and has been battle-tested for a long time.

The gap between the two sides is like a talented seed player facing a top boxing champion who has experienced many battles.

Theoretically, the two sides are on par, but in fact, this cannot be said, because Mog's potential has not been fully developed.

Bai Xiaofei's intervention is equivalent to allowing Moge to enter a certain state in the future in advance, and this is how he has his current powerful strength.


With Uncle Locke's trump card revealed, Moge is undoubtedly in trouble again, because he has no way to deal with it.

This angelic power was provided by Bai Xiaofei's special sponsorship, but in the end, he couldn't beat the opponent, but the opponent has improved to a stronger level...

What's the matter?

And at this very moment.

It wasn't just Mog who was a little depressed.

Even Bai Xiaofei, who was far away on the dust star and gave Moge his strength support, was a little speechless after seeing Uncle Locke's trump card.


The current Uncle Locke is already at the standard God Emperor level.

It is even far more powerful and difficult than the general God Emperor class, after all, there are angels as the background and backing.

And Mog?

The current level, developed to the limit, is nothing but the top level of the gods.

If you continue to mention it online, it will affect its subsequent growth and potential, and the gain outweighs the loss.


Apart from Moge, who else could withstand Bai Xiaofei's strength to fight against the current Uncle Locke?

not a single one!


Except for Uncle Locke.

In the large army of Apocalypse, there are still some top masters who are similar to or even far superior to Uncle Locke.

How to deal with this?


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