The Storm God

Chapter 3588 It feels good again! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while.

Of course he knew why Moge contacted him, but, in the current situation, Bai Xiaofei was not easy to handle.


The answer still needs to be answered.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Xiaofei asked back.

"I want to fight!"

Mog answered in the affirmative.

And this answer made Bai Xiaofei very, very satisfied.

Of course, satisfaction is satisfaction, as the boss, it is naturally impossible for Bai Xiaofei to see Moge suffer.


He told Moge the real situation: "That's how things are. With your current level, this is the only way to go. If you continue to improve, you will hurt your foundation, and the gain will outweigh the loss..."

"I mean, forget it this time, and I understand what you mean, but you have to think about the future, right?"

"What's more, this is not our own business. There is no need to do this for a mere OA star."

"do you understand me?"


Bai Xiaofei spoke earnestly.


Mog nodded.

He naturally understands what the boss means. In a word, it is not worth paying so much for the OA star, and even hurting his own foundation.


Mog is not reconciled.

It's rare to meet such a master of temper, he really wants to have a hearty contest with the other party.


Reality does not allow.

The gap between the two sides is really too big.

This made Mog very depressed.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have much to say, so he could only comfort him from the side: "Moge, don't be discouraged, in fact, you have already done a good job!"

"You know, that's a master in the world of reincarnation. Whether it's background, experience, or anything else, it's far better than you."

"You can push the other party to this level and come up with the stunt of pressing the bottom of the box. This is already quite good. You don't need to blame yourself and be depressed!"

"One defeat is nothing. After all, your future is still very long, and I have great confidence in you. In the not-too-distant future, you will definitely be able to surpass him, and even become more powerful!"

"Let's leave it at that for the matter over the lighthouse barrier. You've tried your best. No one will blame you, and you don't have to take it to heart."

"After all, our mission is to muddy the water!"

"You've done it now."


In order to comfort Moge, Bai Xiaofei spared no effort, fearing that Moge couldn't think about it himself, and insisted on fighting Uncle Locke.

If that's the case, Bai Xiaofei can't refuse.


In this way.

It will inevitably hurt Moge's foundation and affect his future growth, which is not what Bai Xiaofei wants to see.


Mog is more sensible.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's consolation and remarks, he didn't dig into the horns, but smiled wryly and said, "Sir, thank you for your consolation, I feel much better now!"

"do not worry……"

"I'm not messing around, now I know what to do."

"Sorry to bother you..."


Bai Xiaofei said it was fine.

Then, Mog hung up the communication, and then looked directly at Uncle Locke, who was still waiting for Mog to make a big move.

Said very calmly: "You are very strong! You are so strong beyond imagination. Now I am not your opponent. I admit defeat!"


Uncle Locke was stunned.

Obviously, he did not expect that Moge would admit defeat directly in front of so many people. This...

This is unreasonable!


Uncle Locke's intuition told himself that Mog must be hiding something, and with the ability he showed before, it is impossible to only have this level.

Probably because of other reasons, the opponent gave up the plan to continue fighting with him and chose to admit defeat.

Such a result was somewhat unacceptable to Uncle Locke.

He was just about to say something.


This is just the beginning.

Moge interrupted directly: "I know what you want to say, but I can tell you clearly that those are not important!"

"The important thing is that now I have surrendered."

"that's all……"


Mog directly lifted the combat state.

The angel's form disappeared, and the whole person returned to the usual ordinary Green Lantern form, making it clear that he didn't want to fight Uncle Locke anymore.

He believed that with Uncle Locke's temper, he would not force himself to continue fighting with the opponent.

And it is true.


Seeing Moge like this, Uncle Locke immediately became extremely depressed.

In the end, he sighed deeply, and said weakly: "Forget it, if that's the case, then I won't force you..."


"It's a war right now. Although I can let you go, I will never let anyone else go. I hope you can understand..."

"You better get out of here!"


This is not an order.

It was a good intention and a proposal. Obviously, Uncle Locke didn't want to see Mog, a recognized opponent, fall into this war.

He still wants to go to the future and continue to fight Mog.


Uncle Locke also understands.

This is just his wishful thinking. The two sides have different positions, and his own words are likely to be ignored.


When saying this.

Uncle Locke didn't have much hope, he just said it according to his own heart and wishes.

How to choose exactly is Mog's business.

"Thank you!"

Mog also understood what Uncle Locke meant.

Wen Yan smiled and said thank you, followed the conversation and said, "But I'm sorry, I can't leave here yet."


Uncle Locke was silent.

At this time, Mog had already flown in front of Walker, who had become the ultimate blue light, and winked at him.


Walker and Mogg were old acquaintances.

The two sides didn't need to say much, just a look, Walker understood Mog's meaning, was shocked immediately, and then nodded slightly to express his understanding.


Walker had a thought.

The blue light ring in his hand instantly released a terrifying wave of light, which spread to the surroundings at an astonishing speed.

And under the influence of this light wave, the Green Lanterns on the scene, whether they are ordinary, new versions, or ultimate Green Lanterns...

All amplified and strengthened.

Especially the latter.

The power of the ultimate blue light has an extremely obvious effect on the improvement of the ultimate green light. Almost instantly, the power of the ultimate green light has crossed a big step, making them feel that they seem to be able to do it again.


Led by the ultimate Green Lantern Captain.

The group of ultimate green lights, whose status and confidence doubled at the same time, immediately replaced Moge and rushed to Uncle Locke head-on.

after all.

This is a super powerful enemy.

Mog stopped fighting, they had to fight.

Otherwise, once such a master hits the defense of the light house barrier, with the abilities of Abin Sur and others, they can't hold it at all!

What's more, under the boost of the power of the blue light, each of them felt that they could do it again, so the posture when they attacked was full of enthusiasm.


Feelings and reality are completely different.

Facing the ultimate green light after the increase of the group of joint attacks, Uncle Locke didn't pay attention at all.


He snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he did not see any movement, but just stared at the past, and the next moment, the dozen or so ultimate green lights flying halfway were completely frozen in place, and they could not be stored!

"This is……"

The final green light suddenly changed in horror.

The captain with the strongest strength suddenly thought of something, and said in fear: "The power of the law of supergravity that is enough to affect space?"

The voice did not fall.

A group of people were directly pressed down towards the void by an invincible force, and fell down at an extremely terrifying speed, as if falling into an abyss.


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