The Storm God

Chapter 3589 Darkness invades! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

Appa, who was still a little hesitant at first and couldn't make up his mind to cooperate with Scarface, changed his expression instantly when he saw Moge suddenly surrender.


"Are you admitting defeat? What does he mean?"


Before Appa got angry.

Immediately afterwards, after the increase, the ultimate green light that became stronger than before immediately gave Apa some confidence.


"An outsider is always an outsider, no one can be trusted!"

"You still have to rely on yourself!"


Appa thought inwardly.

But just two seconds after he was happy, those ultimate green lights that he had given high hopes for were instantly controlled by Uncle Locke.

Then in an instant, he was blasted to nowhere after a face-to-face meeting!

This scene.

In an instant, Appa was shocked and speechless.

Obviously, at this moment, Uncle Locke has become so powerful beyond his imagination and cognition, and at the same time completely shattered the last trace of luck in his heart.

"Mr Appa..."

At the same time, Scarface, who also saw the situation on the other side of the light house barrier, also laughed and called Apa again...

The meaning is very simple.

bring it on!

You don't have many chances anymore. If you don't cooperate with me, I'm afraid it won't be long before OA star should be destroyed by Apocalypse star!

Only I can help you!

Don't hesitate!


Appa's face was gloomy and terrifying.

His eyes were full of anger, unwillingness, jealousy, resentment, even cruelty, and madness...

at last……


He finally made up his mind.

Suddenly changed his hesitation just now, and immediately agreed to Scarface's cooperation request: "I will agree to everything you ask, but you have to promise one thing, you must capture that damn earthling, I will You must torture him yourself!"

No doubt.

That so-called earthling is naturally Bai Xiaofei.


Appa always thinks.

The culprit of all this is Bai Xiaofei, if it weren't for him, there wouldn't be so many scandals in OA Star.

Without those scandals, Sinestro and the others would not have betrayed Star OA, established their own family, or even made Star OA lose the hearts of the people...

He didn't want to think about it.

If it weren't for the OA star's approach, which was too disappointing, even if someone provoked dissension, how could it be successful?

It can only be said that when a person is crazy to a certain extent, he has completely lost his mind, and he will only blame others for all his faults.

Just like Appa.

He was like this, directly attributed everything to Bai Xiaofei, although Bai Xiaofei's help was indispensable, but the problem itself and the key was always OA Xing himself.


None of this matters anymore.

At least, for Scarface, these messy things don't matter at all, because what she wants is Appa's consent.

As long as Apa agrees to cooperate with her, her plan will reduce a lot of troubles, and even get on the right track!

As for the so-called guarantee to Apa?


Who can fool people.

Anyway, now I am the last straw of the other party, and I have fallen into extreme anger and madness.

So far.

Without any hesitation, Scarface immediately agreed to Apa's request.


The two sides began to conspire with each other.

With Apa, the actual power holder of OA star, as the internal response, and Scarface, the former chief scientific director of OA star, as the planner, it is conceivable that no matter what this conspiracy is, it is very easy to realize.

Poor other guardians, who know nothing about this, are still worried about the soldiers who are fighting on the front line to protect OA star at all costs.

But never thought about it.

The person in power among them has already traded the OA star as a bargaining chip to another force represented by Scarface.

Not only that.

Unknowingly, Apa used his authority and ability to secretly activate many special technological devices left on Star OA by Scarface.


A vast and terrifying dark force suddenly came from the depths of the void, and descended inexplicably. Using these technological devices as the foundation, it began to invade and infect many areas of Star OA.

And the first to bear the brunt is the OA star, which no longer has ion sharks, and the central energy battery that has very little energy.

Without anyone noticing, the energy of this central energy source started to change rapidly from emerald green to deep pitch black...

Not only that.

Appa also specifically activated the central energy total battery, the terminal supply and power docking device for all Green Lanterns.

It's like the transmitting end of WIFI, directly changing the transmitting frequency, and other special information, directly spreading to all other linking devices.


Some Green Lanterns who were closest to him immediately sensed that something was wrong, and were quickly affected and infected by the power of darkness.

And the dozen or so strongest ultimate green lights responsible for protecting the OA star were the first batch of victims to be infected and controlled.

after all.

Their direct person in charge is Apa!

With Apa, the leader-level leader, as a helper, who the hell can escape? Without any resistance or twists and turns, these ultimate green lights were infected and transformed into dark green lights extremely smoothly!

Then there are other Green Lanterns on OA, as well as some very important key equipment and key-level guardians...

In short.

At the same time that there were turning points and changes on the lighthouse barrier battlefield, the OA star side also completely walked into the abyss of darkness because of Apa's decision.

An extremely terrifying dark boss is slowly recovering with the help of the power of OA star, and its power and influence, along with the characteristics of OA star's central energy battery, gradually spread to the entire universe.


dust star.

Bai Xiaofei sighed slightly.

Xin said that his strength background is still a bit short after all, mainly because the time is too short.

Otherwise, with his current development, as long as there is enough time, it is unbelievable that a top expert comparable to Uncle Locke will not be born.

Take Mog, for example.

Gaia was born.

Absolutely talented!

With the support of a large number of resources, the growth is definitely not low.

The key is that the training time is too short, so that before he grows up, he meets a top expert like Uncle Locke...

This is very helpless!


Bai Xiaofei was thinking about whether he should go to see other worlds, and see how the younger brothers he deployed are growing up.


An incomparably dark and disgusting breath of power suddenly penetrated into Bai Xiaofei's original power.

That feeling is very similar to the system being invaded by a virus. If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's source of power, which is extremely powerful, active and dazzling like a star, an ordinary person would be infected by this breath of power in an instant.

No matter how bad it is, it will be affected to some extent, just like a cluster of flames is suddenly rained down from the sky by a damp cold current in a cold and windy winter, few people can resist it.

"What's the matter with this terrifying and dark feeling?"

Bai Xiaofei's expression changed suddenly, his eyes were full of shock and vigilance, he carefully sensed the invasion of that force, and found that its source was actually from OA star!

"I rely on it!"

"It's the OA star again? That Apa must have come up with something special again, right?"

"This time it even affected me!"

"That's awesome!"


In amazement.

Bai Xiaofei is also controlling the power at the same time, driving away the dark power that keeps invading and trying to infect the source of his power.

At the same time, a reverse investigation was carried out, following the invasion path of the power of darkness, going upstream, and preparing to investigate what was going on at the source.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei finally succeeded in finding the source of the infection, and then his face changed instantly, and he said in amazement: "It turned out to be the Green Lantern?!"


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