The Storm God

Chapter 3591 Fryer! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

Darkness has completely shrouded this Land of Justice, which was once known as the light of the universe, and has been replaced by thick darkness and death.

Most people on the entire planet, whether it's the little blue man, or the Green Lantern, or the ultimate Green Lantern...

Under the influence of this force, he has completely turned into a servant of darkness, completely submitting to the dark force headed by Scarface.

And Apa, the former real power guardian of OA star, became the second in command. It is the one with the greatest strength and power besides the scar face.

"Is this power?"

Appa flipped her hands back and forth.

During this period, there were waves of terrifying power that faintly shot out from the void and his body, radiating infinite threats.

Compared with Apa's previous power, this power is undoubtedly more powerful and terrifying, which also fascinates Apa.

This made him feel that what he did was right.

At least……

He regained his strength.

And he was far stronger than he was at his peak, even unfathomable, full of endless possibilities.

If it was the battlefield on the other side of the light house barrier at this moment, Apa was even confident that he could defeat all the Apocalypse invaders by himself, including some super masters who came out of nowhere!

As for the price OA star paid for it?

It doesn't matter!

The most important thing is that they have gained strength, have a considerable right to speak, and can better control their own destiny.

This is the most fundamental thing, everything else is trivial!


And at this moment.

Scarface suddenly froze for a moment. He was stunned for a moment with his excited and excited expression, which was similar to that of Appa.

"What's wrong?"

Apa noticed the abnormal expression on Scarface, and couldn't help asking curiously.

When Scarface heard the words, he didn't hide anything, and told the truth directly: "It's not a big deal, but I got some feedback just now, saying that some infection and influence failed."


Appa felt incredible.

After all, he has a deep understanding of the power and terror of this dark power of death. Who is so powerful that he can withstand its infection and influence?

Scarface squinted his eyes and explained: "That's right! To be honest, although this force is powerful and terrifying, it is not absolutely omnipotent. There is also a chance of failure, but it is not great!"


"Just now, this probability has suddenly increased by tens of thousands of times, and the growth rate of our army has instantly weakened to a very pitiful level!"

"It's like someone deliberately blocked our broadcast signal!"


Appa was silent for a moment.

Then he frowned and thought: "This is impossible. You must know that this power is driven by the central energy battery of OA star, but all Green Lanterns will be affected and affected by it, with some exceptions..."

"Combined with the particularity of this force, how could it fail? Even if there is, it is only an example at most. This large area..."

"What's going on?"


He couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Scarface said: "Okay, Apa, don't think too much about it. Naturally, someone will be responsible for investigating and eliminating those things. Your task now is to seize the time to transform OA star, and strive to make it as soon as possible." Become our master's palace and place of origin!"


Appa nodded yes.


the other side.

Blue Lantern's base camp Odeum star.

As the guardian of the Blue Lantern, Ganser has left the OA star, but after all, he was born as a little blue man, and he has served as the guardian of the Green Lantern for a long time, so he knows many things about the OA star.


Like Scarface and others, he also left some dark hands and special hidden devices on OA star for emergencies.

But now.

Ganser suddenly sensed that those backhands and arrangements were all activated almost at the same time.

This is very abnormal!


Ganser looked up into the depths of the starry sky in amazement, and murmured to himself: "What's going on? Isn't the Apocalypse star not yet there? Why did something happen to OA star first?"

"Could it be that the Apocalypse is not the only one that invaded, but also other terrifying and powerful enemies? But who is it?"

He couldn't figure it out.

at last……

After all, Ganser's eyes fell on the lighthouse barrier battlefield, obviously wanting to confirm whether other people besides himself knew about this situation.

And according to Ganser's observation, most of the people on the side of the lighthouse barrier obviously don't know the situation on the side of OA star.


And only now.

With Bai Xiaofei's covert efforts, resistance forces and secret information continue to spread and spread, and some Green Lanterns have begun to understand the key clues and reasons.


These people are completely restless.

It's not that I can't bear it in my heart, but that this news is too explosive and shocking.

They are clearly guarding well here, why is OA star somehow being given over by someone?

The key is that they have no news at all.

follow closely.

The news began to be digested gradually.

Only then did people realize that it turned out that it was the OA star, who did some special experiments, which led to the current situation.

As for whether it is good or not, it is a matter of opinion, after all, they don't have any personal experience.

Take the ultimate green light, for example.

Cows are cows!

But compared to others, it seems that's it.

With such a lesson learned from the past, they certainly don't care much about what happened later.


Among the resistance forces that Bai Xiaofei sent away, there were speculations about the Black Death Emperor, and things that OA star might choose to surrender, all of which were also listed in a brain.

This problem is getting bigger.

For example, Abin Sur, although he has lost hope and trust in OA star, but after all, he still does not want OA star to have an accident.

It turned out to be good now, Apa and the others didn't know how to do it, but when everyone was busy fighting, they made such a move again.

It's outrageous and scary!


The power that OA star chose to form an alliance and cooperate turned out to be the most terrifying power of darkness and death in the legend!

Learn about this.

Everyone's patience and trust in Star OA and the Guardians was completely over, and many people immediately vowed secretly that they would never care about Star OA and the little blue man again.

Aren't they thieves with ideas and calculations?


Come yourselves!

I don't want to accompany you anymore, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself.

Don't take me with you!


It even includes the ultimate green light.

Although Ultimate Green Lantern has been brainwashed by the guardians of star OA and is loyal, but Bai Xiaofei can't stop it from being a hindrance.

If you want to fish in troubled waters and get a good harvest, you have to completely muddy the waters.


When making trouble.

Bai Xiaofei secretly played tricks, not only giving strength, information, and support, but also providing services such as brainwashing and elimination.

In order to help many people who have been used, they can get rid of the control of OA star and little blue man as soon as possible.


The Green Lanterns on the side of the Light House barrier immediately became overwhelmed.

They didn't care about dealing with the troubles of Apocalypse, they chose to evacuate and escape one by one, so as not to be caught by two sides and make dumplings, and they didn't know how they died.

And with their sudden withdrawal and dodge, huge flaws and loopholes appeared in the light house barrier defense that was originally well defended.


Apocalypse was immediately stunned.

what's the situation?


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