The Storm God

Chapter 3592 Choose! (Please subscribe!)

"This is……"

Looking at the scene in front of them, Long Zhan and others were a little dazed and unbelievable. Just now they ignored the defense of life and death to prevent us from passing.

Why are you taking the initiative to back down now?

what happened?


This is a trap?

Not only them, the members of Nemesis team also have similar thoughts.

So much so that the passage of the light house barrier has been given up, but the large army of Apocalypse did not choose to enter rashly.

Instead, they all froze in place, puzzled.

Including Hao Tian and Uncle Locke.


The two looked at each other.

They all saw confusion and incomprehension from the other party's eyes. Why did they suddenly give up defense when they were fine?

at last……

They looked directly at the Dallol seven.

The meaning is very simple. Invading OA star is your task. If you want to take the blame and make meritorious service, why don't you hurry over and see what's going on?

Is it possible to wait for us to go?


No eyesight at all!


The seven people in Dallol are very depressed. Damn, isn’t this obviously using us as guinea pigs? You guys are really good at it!


Depression belongs to depression.

The action is still action, who is so awesome.

Moreover, the reality is indeed such a situation. Since the start of the war, except for the relatively good performance of the seven at the beginning, the rest have been soy sauce almost all the way.

If Haotian and Uncle Locke hadn't come to the rescue, I'm afraid they would have to admit death again.


People just let them explore the way.

What's this?


Think about it.

What else could Dallol say, but with a gloomy face, he greeted his team members, and then walked towards the barrier of the light house with concentration and vigilance.

They are very slow.

And the whole process was full of vigilance, because I was afraid that there would be some traps in the barrier of the light room, so I was careful.



Until they got close to the passage of the light house barrier, nothing unexpected happened, as if the other party really gave up resistance.


Dallo was stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?

Are these guys really giving up?


It doesn't make sense!

Xiao Yao and the others didn't think too much. Seeing that there were really no traps on the side of the lighthouse barrier, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said to Dallol: "Boss, it seems that we are lucky to have picked up such a big deal for nothing..."

The fifth child also said: "This should be considered a small credit, right?"


Dallol ignored them.

He looked deeply at the other side of the passageway of the light house barrier, and with his extreme eyesight, Dallol could see through the scene on the other side almost at a glance.

Without any traps and ambushes, this is an unimpeded passage that allows anyone to pass freely!


No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense.

This is the best passage to the OA star. Once through, the OA star is defenseless. How could the opponent give up so easily?

Could it be that the OA star has already taken precautions?

So don't care about this at all?

But it's not right either.


Those Green Lanterns, the ultimate Green Lanterns have fought and protected this barrier and passage with all their lives, why now...

Could it be that there is some unexpected situation on the OA star?


In fact, not only Dallol and the others were puzzled, but even the Parallax Demon who was hiding in the dark corner and secretly devouring and absorbing the power of fear was puzzled.

Is it possible that OA star is stupid?

If this passage is abandoned, the army of Apocalypse will be able to face OA unimpeded.

Are they not afraid?

Or, on the OA star side, there is already a countermeasure?

never mind!

Don't think so much anymore.

There are too many masters here.

With my current strength, I am not yet their opponent. Since the battle cannot be won for the time being, I should withdraw as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it is discovered, it will be hard work!


After a slight energy fluctuation, the Parallax Demon, whose strength had recovered by more than half, disappeared into the corner in an instant.

Parallax Demon also has the ability to teleport through space.


No one found out.


Near the light house barrier channel.

Seeing the seven people in Dallol, they entered it safely and smoothly, and they were not attacked or hindered by any, and they were about to pass through.

Haotian and Uncle Locke couldn't help but also flew over, full of doubts and puzzlement: "Could it be that they really gave up?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"The resistance was so fierce before, why is there a sudden 180-degree change now?"

"My intuition tells me that there must be something tricky in this!"

"OA star has a big problem!"


Uncle Locke was silent.

But for Haotian's conjecture, he agrees with it very much.


I turned my gaze.

Uncle Locke looked directly at the Green Lanterns who had evacuated from this place, followed the movement of God, and appeared directly beside someone.


Power surges.

Uncle Locke, who teleported over, immediately controlled the Green Lantern, and asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

The tone is flat, but it has an undeniable hypnotic power.

next moment.

I saw that Green Lantern, his eyes blurred, as if he had been given some kind of bewitching power, he immediately said everything he knew.


Uncle Locke was taken aback immediately after listening.

"The power of dark death?"

"My God, what's going on here? Isn't OA star the base camp of the green light? They claim to be bright and righteous, but they actually use such evil and domineering power?"

"It seems that something must have happened to Star OA, no wonder these Green Lanterns suddenly gave up their defense and chose to evacuate..."

"Because what they guard is no longer the original OA star!"


After the shock.

Uncle Locke let the Green Lantern go.

Then fly directly back to the main ship of the Apocalypse Army, and then find Long Zhan, the captain of the fantasy team, and tell the details of the information he just intercepted.

"Is that so..."

Long Zhan frowned slightly and fell silent.

not for a while.

Haotian also flew back.

Similarly, the Nemesis Team Dabada and others who had left before also returned to this room.

Obviously, they came to ask for relevant intelligence and action intentions.

after all……

This mission.

The Nemesis team just assists from the sidelines.

The real main force is Dallol Seven and these big guys from the fantasy team, and the rest are just decorations.

"What's the situation now?"

Big Pata would not be polite to Long Zhan and the others. After coming in, he would cut straight to the point and ask what was going on?

Long Zhan glanced at her lightly.

Then he said: "Star OA seems to have found a big boss as a backer, and that big boss seems to be an evil guy, so these Green Lanterns who swore to guard before felt betrayed, so they gave up and chose to evacuate... ..."

"There are two options before us now, one is to move on, and continue to fight against the OA star that has almost changed its gate!"

"The other is to go home..."


Big Barta opened his mouth wide.

His eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief, "Star OA found an evil guy as a backer? Is this... true? Don't they claim to be the embodiment of light and justice? How could..."


Haotian sneered and said: "Why not? From my point of view, this is clearly because we have cast a shadow in our hearts. When we have nowhere to go, that's why we are hungry and choose to throw ourselves into the darkness..."

"We have encountered similar guys before, and there is nothing unusual. The key now is, who is that guy?"

"What about the level of strength?"


Speaking of which.

A group of people couldn't help but all looked towards the passageway of the light house barrier.

It has been a while since the Dallol seven people have passed, and they don't know what happened to them. If there is no accident, they should bring back some news soon.


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