The Storm God

Chapter 3593 Go to Sinestro! (Please subscribe!)

the other side.

Regardless of the reactions and thoughts of the people on Apocalypse.

Bai Xiaofei of Star Sand Dust felt that this was an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the critical moment when Star OA lost his mind, and jump out to accept those forces who had nowhere to rely, as well as the Green Lanterns.

To know.

Among them, there are many ultimate green lights that have escaped the control of brainwashing.

Although the strength of these ultimate green lights is mediocre, and their growth potential seems to be limited, they are still very comfortable to use as super soldiers.

after all.

The power of the green light is like a panacea.

With a little guidance and finding, it can exert power and effects beyond imagination, which is obviously much easier than cultivating a similar existence alone.

Especially those galaxies and civilized worlds that once believed in and supported the OA star, if they can all accept it...


As long as you can receive about half of it.

Bai Xiaofei is also earning blood, not to mention how many talents he can get as a candidate, just the convergence of information from various civilizations can provide a huge knowledge reserve for Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System.


These are unimaginable wealth.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was immediately excited.

He is not an inkblot person. Now that he has an idea, he will not waste time and inkblots, and start to act immediately.


Bai Xiaofei informed Moge and Walker of his plan.

For now.

The two of them are definitely the most dazzling and eye-catching existence among the survivors on the other side of the light house barrier.

A word from the two of them is better than many.

in short.

As long as the two raise their arms, I believe that many people will blindly follow them and join the other camp.

after all……

Now this situation.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on themselves. Only by uniting can they cope with the coming cosmic crisis.

And Mog and Walker are undoubtedly the most convincing and appealing people, none of them.


One of them is the strongest green light, and the other is the strongest light of hope.

The combination of the two is a powerful combination.

More critically.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the character of the two.

At least in the previous battles, everything they showed was enough to win everyone's trust.

Bai Xiaofei believes that entrusting the two of them to do the task is definitely better than doing it himself.

Coupled with the hint and influence of assimilation, there is basically no difficulty.

And in fact, it is true.

When Walker and Mog, according to Bai Xiaofei's plan and instructions, prepared to reorganize their combat forces and form a new alliance to fight against the danger of the universe, among the survivors of the light house barrier, almost 99% of them They all chose to support and follow.

The remaining one percent are completely tired of everything.

Or completely hopeless.

In short.

A look of indifference.

There is a kind of attitude of breaking the cans, smashing and falling, and doing whatever they want.

Obviously, he was completely hurt by OA star's behavior, and he no longer believes in any so-called light and justice.

They just want to go back to their home planet and spend the last good time with their family and friends.


What the hell are you playing with!


"We'll all go with you. Wherever you say we'll go, we'll follow. Anyway, it's impossible for Star OA to follow along, so we'll just believe you!"

"Just tell me where to go!"


The crowd was excited.

Everyone said that only Mog and Walker followed suit.

at last……

Mog waved his hand.

He motioned for everyone to calm down, and then said, "I'm talking about one person, many people must have heard of it, and that is Sinestro!"


"It's him!"

"I'll go, isn't this Abin Sur's brother-in-law, one of the greatest Green Lanterns ever on Star OA?"

"What are you mentioning him for now?"


Everyone was very puzzled.

Even Abin Sur, Sinestro's uncle, was extremely puzzled at the moment, thinking, could it be that Mog and Walker are going to take us to Sinestro?


Sinestro is on its own.

And he has achieved little, but his family knows his own affairs, and Sinestro's lantern group is completely established under his own dictatorship.

If these were known, many people would probably not be able to accept them.

Like Abin Sur himself.

Think here.

He just wanted to say something.


Don't wait for him to speak.

Moge explained first: "That's right! The Sinestro I just mentioned is the one everyone knows!"


"He has established his own Lantern Group power, and his level of strength is not weaker than that of OA star. In view of the past, I believe he should not refuse our defection..."

"As for the previous rumors, you don't have to take them seriously, because they are completely rumors, and they are all means used by OA stars to protect their own interests!"

"It was precisely because Sinestro knew of some scandals and secrets about Star OA that he angrily left Star OA and set up his own company."

"Facts have proved that the OA star is indeed untrustworthy..."


Mog's words were convincing.

Because whether it is about OA star or his own point of view, these are indisputable facts.

At least……

The OA star has taken refuge in darkness, this is a certain fact.

by contrast.

At this time, the almost helpless and desperate people are naturally more likely to believe that Mog and Walker are fighting side by side with them.

In particular, Sinestro's personal charm and ability level are also recognized by the public...


Mog spoke.

Immediately, he got the support and approval of the vast majority of people, expressing their willingness to believe in Mog and go to Sinestro with them.

If you can't play it and feel inappropriate, then quit.

What's the matter.


It is much better than being helpless alone, or a few people getting together. In order to deal with the crisis, even if the hope is small, they are willing to try it.


Moge smiled and said, "Since no one has any objections, let's go directly to Kruga Star and join Sinestro's lantern group!"


Abin Sur was silent.

For this, he did not agree or support, and was speechless throughout the whole process, as if he was watching a theater.

Someone asked him, what do you think?


Abin Sur just smiled wryly, but he just didn't express any opinions.

It's not that he has any opinion on this brother-in-law, but at this moment, Abin Sur is no longer willing to trust others easily.

Obviously what OA Xing did, hurt him deeply.

Before seeing Sinestro and the situation of Keruga Star with his own eyes, Abin Sur would not express his opinion easily.


What if someone else paid by mistake because of him?

The current Abin Sur has a very fragile heart, and he can no longer afford to be deceived and betrayed again.

So this time, he felt that he had to take a good look at whether his brother-in-law was what Mog said.

in the case of.

Of course, there is nothing to say, we must fully support it!

The kind who don't care about their lives!

But if not...


For the justice in my heart.

Even if it is to tear his face, Abin Sur must announce the truth, so that everyone will not be deceived again, just like paying OA star, wrongly paying his brother-in-law.

Mog naturally also saw what Abin Sur meant.


He didn't say anything about it.

The investigation is just an investigation, who is afraid of whom, anyway, we have a clear conscience, and I believe that the vision of most people is also discerning.

At that time, whether what I said is true or not, everyone will judge for themselves.

So nothing to worry about!


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