The Storm God

Chapter 3594 Black lamp! (Please subscribe!)

Koruga star.

Naturally, Sinestro had also received Bai Xiaofei's task assignment and related reminders early on.


He acted immediately.

The Yellow Lantern Corps, Green Lantern Corps, and Red Lantern Corps under his command all dispatched out in a warm welcome.

To know.

This is the best time to show your strength.

If this battle is fought well, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. As for the different colors of the lights? It's not a problem.

after all.

In the battle of the light house barrier.

Haven't the Blue Lantern Corps, Red Lantern Corps, and Green Lantern Corps all united to fight against Apocalypse?

Then, after I, Sinestro, created and developed different lantern groups and united them to form my own armed forces, is there anything wrong with that?

As for why Sinestro has the power of so many different lights?

Feel sorry!

It's a secret!

It's not that you can't say it, but it depends on who you are.

Ordinary people ask, naturally there is no comment, only those who have absolutely no problems in terms of status and loyalty will be told.

Of course.

Having said that, such a person would not ask these more sensitive questions.

In a word, Sinestro attaches great importance to this meeting, after all, it is the task assigned by Bai Xiaofei.

Whether it can open up the situation in one fell swoop and completely replace OA star as the center of the new cosmic order depends entirely on this.

Of course he has to pay attention.

Because this is not only about face, but also about the world's perception of them. After all, no one likes the weak.

Only when Kruga Star shows a sufficiently powerful force will it attract more people to join it.

To this.

Sinestro was very clear.

Therefore, for this meeting, he took great pains and did not hesitate to show a lot of his hole cards.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power displayed by the current Keruga star is definitely not weaker than the previous light house barrier.


More than anything.

No matter in terms of quantity or strength, they are impeccable.

If the time was not too short and Sinestro was prepared enough, he could even copy the models of the ultimate green light and blue light, and create some top masters such as the ultimate red light and the ultimate yellow light in batches.

Of course.

Even if you don't now, that's okay.

Who let him have a super boss like Bai Xiaofei behind him, with countless voluntary support, if you want the ultimate lantern man, isn't it just a matter of taking it?

And in front of the defectors, on-site creation seems to be more effective.


Regardless of the situation on the Kruga star.


Star OA, which was shrouded in darkness and the power of death, suddenly ushered in seven uninvited guests, it was Dallol and the others who were the vanguard.

"What a strong darkness and the power of death!"

Before getting close to OA star, Dallol and the others felt the evil power permeating and escaping from OA star.

This is what they are, if they were ordinary people, they would have been affected long ago.

See what you see.

There is no green scenery in front of it before, it is completely dark and deep darkness, like the abyss of death.

Even some surrounding stars and galaxies were infected and affected to become a death zone, swallowed by the almost boundless darkness.

that situation...

It's like a giant dark beast devouring everything.

Dallol's seven people stopped immediately, frowning and looking at the scene in front of them, their faces were dignified and apprehensive.


Even Dallol was a little scared.

He could clearly feel that in the deepest part of this dark abyss, there was an extremely terrifying existence slowly waking up.


There are also many powerful master characters surrounding him.

With the strength of Dallol and the seven of them, it is impossible to invade and defeat this darkness.

The only way is to wait for the arrival of the large army.


The premise is that they can wait until that time alive, and can successfully transmit the news here.


Void tremors.

Darkness surged.

In an instant, there were seven strange dark green figures around the seven Dallols, and they surrounded the seven Dallols.


The other party wanted to keep Dallol and the others completely.

"It's the ultimate green light!"

Dallol is not stupid.

When I saw these guys, I was slightly startled, and at the same time, I immediately recognized the other party's identity from the dark-infected outfit of the other party.

Isn't it the ultimate green light that they fought against before?


Now for these ultimate green lights.

The changes were too great, the brilliance on his body was swallowed up by the strange darkness and the power of death, not to mention, the whole person did not look like a living person at all.

More like corpses!

At least.

On these ultimate green lights, Dallol and the others didn't feel any breath of life, only evil death and killing!

And look at what these ultimate green lights look like...


That's just a corpse.

Almost every piece of good meat on his body was wrapped in dry, smelly dark skin, and it was full of grim bones.

In the dark eye hole, there are two strange dark fires burning.

at the same time……

rings in their hands.

It was originally green, but now it has completely turned into dark green, full of the atmosphere of darkness and death, and as time goes by, it is rapidly completely turning into pure pitch black.

And the purer the darkness of the ring, the more powerful and terrifying the dark death power on its body.

on the contrary.

Then there is a hint of green power.

It's just that the power of these green lights has been completely infected, showing a strange and frightening dark green color, and its power is second only to pure black.


After the seven strange figures of the ultimate green light appeared, they roared angrily, and immediately attacked Dallol and the others without saying a word.

And the shot is the terrifying dark death cut.

Seven strange black lights with different levels of dark green, wrapped in unparalleled sharpness and power of death, bombarded towards their respective opponents.

"Everyone be careful!"

Dallol was affectionate and dignified, and immediately reminded: "The strength of these guys is extraordinary, break out and leave as soon as you get a chance, don't worry about other people!"

The implication is that it is useless to stay, it will only die in vain.

The most urgent task right now is to get out of here!

Even if there is only one person.

after all……

They are the vanguard.

The most urgent task is to convey the news here to the large troops, otherwise they will not know what's going on, and the large troops will definitely be unlucky.


Xiao Yao and the others' expressions darkened, and then expressed their understanding.

At the same time, each of them also took out their own bottom-of-the-box tricks to deal with their opponents' attacks.


These ultimate green lights that look like mummified corpses may look ugly, but their strength is indeed far superior to any ultimate green lights that appear on the other side of the light house barrier.

The power of darkness and death contained in the power of green light seems to have also given them a huge boosting effect.

Among the seven Dallols, Dallol, who is the strongest, can barely make a move, and the rest of them will suffer if they meet each other.

The two little demons who were the weakest were even injured on the spot and made a surprise attack.

Billowing black air and the power of death, like tarsal maggots, crazily invaded their bodies, lingering, extremely difficult!

"Damn it!"

"The power of these bastards has a strong corrosive and contagious effect, everyone be careful, you must not be approached by their power..."

"Try to use long-range attacks!"


While reminding.

The two people who were infected by the corrosion immediately cut off the injured parts directly and ruthlessly on the spot.

In an instant, blood flew and screams continued.

at the same time.

A wave of emotional power was instantly absorbed and devoured by the surrounding seven ultimate green lantern corpses...

To be precise, they were swallowed and absorbed by the dark green light ring in their hands, and with the absorption of this power, the color of the light ring became darker and deeper.

At the same time, it also makes the wearer's strength stronger.


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