The Storm God

Chapter 3595 Revenge! (Please subscribe!)

One ebbs and another.

The pressure on Dallol and the others suddenly increased, and it was even difficult to resist.


A super air bomb exploded.

Dallol was out of breath, and although he paid a considerable price, he finally managed to push the enemy back.


He didn't care about rejoicing and panting.

He flew directly in front of the two little demons who were the most seriously injured, pulled their arms, and said without doubt: "Let's go!"


The two Xiao Yao chose to refuse.


They all had smiles on their faces.

He seemed very satisfied that at this critical moment, Dallol did not give up his behavior of waiting for others, and said to Dallol with a smile: "Have you forgotten what you just said? If you have the ability to leave, don't ink..."


She pushed Dallol's hand away.

And turned around angrily, facing the ultimate green light that attacked again, and at the same time said in his mouth: "Boss, you go, in fact, everyone knows very well that this time, except for you, we probably won't be able to leave..."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you are still alive, we still hope..."

"Take advantage of this opportunity and leave immediately!"

"Leave it to us here!"


at the same time.

The blackened Ultimate Green Lantern, who was repulsed by Dallol just now and was slightly injured, also rushed over again.


But it was directly blocked by Xiao Yao and others practicing their hands.

For this, they also paid a big price, after all, they had already struggled to deal with their enemies.

Now it is undoubtedly a bit overloaded to take on Dallol's opponents.

Injuries are inevitable!


See this scene.

Dallol's teeth were about to shatter.

He was so angry that he wanted to rush over to help, but he was immediately stopped by Xiao Yao and others.

While dealing with the enemy, they said to Dallol: "Boss, hurry up, don't hesitate any longer, otherwise the situation will only get worse..."

"Don't be impulsive, don't act out of loyalty, or leave, we have hope, otherwise we can only be wiped out!"

"Go, we beg you!"

"Let's go..."

Everyone wept.

Because, they know very well that this time's parting is likely to be forever.

But they don't regret it at all.

"Little demon!"





Dallol was crying too.

He wanted to be strong, but at this moment he was crying like a child, with tears streaming down his face, without any imagination, then he turned around and fled this dark star field desperately.

And those of his partners were completely swallowed by darkness.


The force of death came.

The pure and pitch-black weird lantern rings were born and created from the void, and then stayed on the fingers of the six little demon corpses one by one.

next moment.

They were already dead, but suddenly resumed their actions.

However, at this moment, they are no longer their original selves, but puppets controlled by the power of darkness and death!

The Black Lantern was officially born here!


OA star.

The darkness of chaos and the depths of death.


The strange darkness in front of Apa suddenly let out a dumbfounded voice of surprise, followed by a very excited smile: "Interesting, they are actually strong from the foreign world, no wonder their power is so strange and strange..."

The black lamp symbolizes the power of death.

Black Lantern Rings possess corpses, stealing their memories and abilities, and appearing to those who remember them.

The black light ring cannot replenish energy from energy sources, so it must devour the colored light energy of other lamp clusters, or devour the heart of a living person to obtain its emotional energy.

And the energy of Zhexi will be transmitted back to the total energy of the black lamp.


This is its original setting.

But now, the situation is a bit different, because Apa and others on OA star have completely degenerated and become slaves of the black lamp.

And its original central energy total battery has also been transformed into a ready-made black lamp total energy, which also has the functions of energy transmission and so on.

Compared with the original setting of very capable, the current black lamp is undoubtedly more powerful and terrifying.

And this dark figure obtained the memories and abilities that Heileng stole from Xiaoyao and others almost instantly.

Then he discovered some big secrets.

That's a surprise!


The terrifying and strange dark figure, as if seeing the endless benefits, burst into bursts of excited smiles.

To this.

Appa felt a little inexplicable.

But as a younger brother, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and stood there blankly.

at last……

Sombra finished laughing.

Appa raised his head and was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, Soi Ying took the initiative to say: "Apa, now I give you a task, don't you want revenge?"


Appa nodded immediately.

The reason why Xing OA became like this is all due to those hateful bastards, so he vowed in his heart that he would take revenge no matter what!

Heiying smiled and said: "Then you will lead the team this time to attack and deal with those people from Apocalypse. Do you have any opinions?"


Appa looked excited.

In fact, this is exactly what he wanted to say just now, but unexpectedly, this boss directly gave out what he wanted the most.

This is very nice!

"grown ups!"

Appa patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, this time, I will definitely beat the enemy to pieces, and I will definitely not let you down!"


Sombra nodded.

Obviously it is Apa's ability, so I am very relieved.

But after all, he still gave a few words of advice and said: "I don't care about the other people, but you have to get these people no matter what. If you get one, I will give you a credit. The more credit you have, the more credit you have. The rewards will be richer..."


The shadow waved.

A group of unfamiliar characters immediately emerged.

It is the five Dragon Warriors of the Dream Team.

as well as……

Dallol who just escaped.


Apa took a careful look and found that he knew three of these people, Dallol, Haotian, and Uncle Locke...

The remaining three have no impression at all. Presumably, it should be the guy who is hiding in the Apocalypse army and has never made a move.

That is.

The strength of the three of them may still be higher than the known three.


None of this matters.

The key point is that the current Apa is not what it used to be, so even if it is up to his own task, he has no worries or concerns about toughening up such a master.


The black shadow returned to normal, and seemed to be resting.

Apa also left the room respectfully, and then led those ultimate green lights that were completely blackened, left the OA star, and went straight to the barrier of the light house.


Outside the light house barrier.

Long Zhan and others are still anxiously waiting for the news.



A figure wrapped in raging golden flames suddenly rushed out from the passage of the light house barrier.

The speed is extremely fast.

It was Dallol!


Seeing this, Long Zhan and others were overjoyed.

It's just that they soon discovered the abnormality. Dallol looked so embarrassed, and judging from his face, he seemed to have cried...


What's the situation?

Dallol is of Saiyan blood, a standard battle madman, how can he cry?

Could it be...

Everyone continued to look back, but apart from Dallol, no figure flew out of it.


Long Zhan and others are not stupid.

What this means, they are very clear, the worst possibility is that except for Dallol, the rest of the demons and others have already died on the other side of the battlefield.


How can this be?

How long has it been? Even if Dallol and the others are a little weaker, they won't be killed and defeated by the enemy so quickly, right?

Unless the enemy's level of strength has seriously surpassed them. If this is the case, then things will be troublesome...


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