The Storm God

Chapter 3596 But that's it! (Please subscribe!)

"I gonna go see!"

Haotian's personality is relatively impulsive, and he was the first one who couldn't help it, so he wanted to rush out and ask about Dallol's specific situation.

To this.

Long Zhan and the others didn't object either, they all acquiesced.

next moment.

Haotian flew out.

He controlled the sword light and came to Dallol almost instantly.

"Dallol, what's going on?"

"Where's your team?"


Dallol looked embarrassed.

Not only was he out of breath, but his body was still wounded. It was obvious that he encountered enemy attacks during the escape.



He is relatively strong, although he looks rather miserable, but in fact his life is not in danger, it is just that his breath has dropped drastically.

Obviously a lot of energy was wasted.

"Mr. Haotian..."

Seeing that the person who came was Sword Immortal Haotian of the fantasy team, Dallo was overjoyed, because it meant that he was finally saved.


When I heard Haotian's question.

Dallol's expression, however, couldn't help but dim for a moment, excruciatingly painful, and then said in a deep voice, "They...all..."

The words are not finished.

His whole body had already begun to tremble violently.

at the same time.


A powerful and terrifying power of dark death also burst out from the passage of the light house barrier in an instant.

Like a volcanic eruption, a terrifying black torrent emerged.

Go straight to Dallol and Haotian.


Hao Tian's face darkened.

Seeing this, he frowned slightly, followed by the awe-inspiring sword light all over his body, and directly released a golden giant sword method.

The sword shadow is awe-inspiring and mighty, extremely domineering.

Facing the impact of the black torrent, he went forward without fear.


Two forces meet.

Terrible impact and shock erupted, but in the end, Haotian's power was superior, and the sword light method directly split the black torrent, resolving the crisis.


The black torrent was just a greeting.

The real enemy has just arrived.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Just at the moment when the black torrent was split.

In the passageway of the light house barrier, a dozen strange figures suddenly appeared, and they were almost exactly the same as the previous dark Green Lanterns.


The pitch-black color on their bodies is deeper and more evil.

Especially the short figure at the head, the extremely dense darkness and the power of death permeating the whole body, it is a horror.

Even a master like Hao Tian felt the tremendous pressure.

"Who are you……"

Hao Tian recognized the identity of that person almost immediately.

no way.

Who made the race and appearance of the guardians so widely circulated in the universe of this world that it would be impossible not to recognize them.

Just, what's the matter with this guy?

His appearance is a bit too different from the one in the rumors, isn't it?

Could it be a mutant?


Didn't everyone say that the guardian has no power?

What's the matter with the power of darkness and death in this little dwarf? It's so terrifying and powerful, it's almost catching up with Uncle Locke and Boss Long Zhan...

Could this be the trump card of OA star?


Between consternation.

Hao Tian also saw several familiar figures.

And they are Dallol's teammates, Xiao Yao, Lao Wu and others. But now they are not the same as before.

The whole person is like a zombie, the body is filled with the power of dark death, and the black flames burning in the eyes are even more frightening.

"Little demon!"



Dallol's reaction was undoubtedly the biggest.

Seeing that they were fighting side by side just now, but now they are reduced to a corpse, a tool used by the enemy, Dallol was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he was furious and wanted to run away.

"Do not impulse!"

Haotian stopped in front of Dallol in time, and said solemnly: "This little man, and those dark green lantern men, are very powerful. Even I dare not say that I can win for sure. You can only die in the past!"

at the same time.

Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse Army.

Naturally, Long Zhan and the others also saw what happened on the scene, and while being shocked, their expressions became much more dignified. Obviously, the current situation is somewhat beyond their imagination and expectations.

Whether it is the blackened guardian or those dark green lantern men, the strength of these people is amazingly powerful.

Even a super expert like Long Zhan has his face down.

"That guy is in trouble!"

Long Zhan said in a low voice.


Uncle Locke nodded in agreement.

The Nemesis team's Dabada and others next to him also needless to say, each of them has also quietly entered a state of combat readiness.

They are also not stupid.

The current situation not only exceeded the expectations of Long Zhan and others, but also exceeded their expectations.

at the moment……

It is no longer the time to intrigue with each other. The most important thing is to solve these blackened Green Lanterns who suddenly appeared.

Because the other party is obviously looking for trouble.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The light house barrier channel side.

The leader is naturally none other than the blackened guardian Apa.

Looking at Haotian and Dallol, who looked cautious and dignified as if facing an enemy, he felt very comfortable.


Appa couldn't help laughing.

While laughing, he shook his head and said: "I still think you are so powerful, now I can feel it for myself..."

"It seems to be nothing more than that!"


between words.

Apa's eyes never left Haotian.

Obviously, these words were addressed to Haotian, who made Haotian steal the limelight with Uncle Locke in the defense battle of the light house barrier before.

Apa can't find anyone else, so now he can only hate Haotian.

As for Dallol?


Just a lost dog.

Appa didn't take it to heart at all.


Feeling slighted and underestimated, Haotian was furious immediately, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were filled with endless anger and killing intent.


Haotian finally held back.

He is impulsive, but he is not stupid. He obviously knows that this is Appa's aggressive method, and the purpose is to let himself make a move.

Haotian smiled coldly, grinned and said: "Indeed, I'm not very good, but I'm not good, so I'm better than some rubbish, isn't it?"

The implication of rubbish is naturally referring to the Green Lanterns of OA star. After all, he, Uncle Locke, and Dallol and others were tyrannical against each other before.

If it wasn't for Moge's sudden eruption, the current OA Star Legion would have been slaughtered by them long ago, completely wiped out.

Now Apa, the guardian, suddenly jumped out, and still in a blackened state and appearance, sneering and sarcastic in front of Haotian, naturally Haotian would not be used to him.

Open your mouth and fight back!

Mouth cannon is also a means of attack!


Appa was furious.

I saw the veins on his forehead protruding, he was gnashing his teeth, and the back of his teeth showed obvious muscle bulging, obviously he was very angry.

after all……

What Haotian said is the truth.

The Green Lantern Corps of Star OA was weak.

In front of Haotian and the others, they are like melons and vegetables, allowing the opponent to slaughter and chop at will, almost without any power to fight back.

In the end, it was the ultimate green light created at a huge cost and Mog's sudden outburst that turned the tide of the battle.

As soon as Apa came over, he wanted to sarcastically say a few words to the other party, but he never thought about it. Instead, he was overwhelmed by the other party.

The key point is that he still can't refute it, which makes Apa very angry.


"Stop talking nonsense, you lackeys of Apocalypse, don't even think about leaving today, all of you will become slaves of death under my command!"

"Give it to me, kill them!"


Appa is angry.

Knowing that he was inferior to Haotian in his verbal skills, he gave an order, and the surrounding dark green and black lights immediately roared and rushed towards Haotian and Dallol.

Before the people arrived, the terrifying attack came first.


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