The Storm God

Chapter 3597 The power of the dragon battle! (Please subscribe!)


The terrifying torrent of darkness struck again.

And this time, it is more powerful and terrifying than the previous one. After all, the distance is shorter and there are many attackers, so the power is naturally higher.

"You protect yourself!"

Haotian's face was serious, and he quickly defended himself to parry the enemy's attack. At the same time, he didn't forget to remind Dallol: "Don't go out rashly, otherwise even Uncle Locke can't save you!"

Uncle Locke in the fantasy team, Envelope is an angel of light, with extremely powerful abilities, especially in terms of support.

Just like group growth or something.

There he is.

Members of the fantasy team can easily display their strength far beyond their own. If they explode with a unique move or something, the power will be even more heaven-defying.


None of this counts.

After all, Haotian and the others are all super strong, and in general, they don't need Uncle Locke's boost at all.

And Uncle Locke is usually a very powerful combat character.

Only when encountering some strong opponents, will he become a serious dad, providing various assistance and benefits for the team members.

And one of the most powerful abilities of Uncle Locke is resurrection!

As long as certain conditions are met, members who have just died can be resurrected under Uncle Locke's ability!

It can be called a bug!


This resurrection ability is not omnipotent.

Not only are there very strict conditions and restrictions, but the cost of activation is really not small, and there are also restrictions on the number of times.

These outsiders don't know, but Hao Tian, ​​who is a member of the dream team, knows it very well, very clear.

And in the current situation, Haotian is sure that if anyone unfortunately dies in battle, even if Uncle Locke tries his best, he may not be able to revive him.


The enemy he faced this time was an extremely powerful force of darkness and death.

And it is undoubtedly the old enemy of Uncle Locke's ability.

The two sides restrained each other!


The level of strength of that little dwarf is likely to be higher than that of Uncle Locke, which is even worse.


Dallol was silent.

I don't know if I have listened to Haotian's reminder, I saw that his expression is blank now, his eyes are almost waiting for Xiao Yao and Lao Wu who will become members of the Black Lantern, showing sadness and guilt .

And Haotian didn't have any extra effort, he continued to pay attention to and protect Dallol, because this time the enemy was really a bit difficult to deal with.

In the situation of being outnumbered and outnumbered, even a strong man like Haotian used the unique move of Wanjianjue, but he could barely cope with it.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid it won't take long for the enemy to completely gain the upper hand, and even beat him down.

Fortunately, at this time, Long Zhan and others in the main ship of the Apocalypse Army did not continue to watch, and started to act one after another.

Just for a moment.

The four Long Zhan and several members of the Nemesis team all flew out of the main ship and arrived at the battlefield.

at the same time.

Apocalypse's large fleet also seemed to have received some order, and when Long Zhan and others flew out, they retreated collectively.

Directly hand over this battlefield to Long Zhan and others.


They saw it too.

This time the enemy seems to be able to control death, using the corpses of the dead to boost their power.

This makes the demon-like army with a large number of Apocalyptic stars who are not afraid of death, act as cannon fodder and consume the enemy's combat power, directly become the most beneficial accomplice of the opponent.

The best way to prevent the phenomenon of "relying on the enemy" is to prevent the demon-like army from participating in the battle.


As soon as this battle continues, the enemy will only fight more and more, one will ebb and flow, which is quite unfavorable to Apocalypse.

"Want to run?"

"How can there be such a good thing, just leave it to me!"

"Death shrouds!"


Apocalypse's actions and thoughts were naturally noticed by Appa, he smiled coldly, and followed suit.


The billowing power of darkness and death emanated from the body, and the overwhelming power, as if it had life and consciousness, swooped towards the Apocalypse army at an extremely fast speed.

"Quick retreat!"

Apocalypse's fleet saw the monstrous power of death coming towards the sky like dark clouds, and several responsible persons immediately became anxious, and hurriedly urged the control personnel to turn the bow of the ship and evacuate quickly.


Their movements were too slow, and the death power released by Biappa was like a snail.

Seeing that the billowing power of darkness and death was about to swallow up the large army that would drown Apocalypse, Uncle Locke finally made a move at the critical moment.

"Angel Holy Light!"


Uncle Locke completed the summoning of the angelic form and the possessed form almost instantly, and then his whole body was like a little sun, exuding endless golden radiance, and the holy power filled the starry sky, dispelling darkness and death.

Light and darkness, the two forces compete with each other, they are clearly distinct, and in the end they are directly eliminated and annihilated, completely disappearing.


Seeing this scene, Apa was slightly taken aback: "You actually managed to wipe out my death shroud, but I underestimated you!"


Uncle Locke was also a little shocked.

You know, his current state is possessed by an angel, which is almost his strongest form. As a result, the angel's holy light released only neutralized the enemy's attack.

This is incredible!

On the other hand, Long Zhan, the captain of the fantasy team, was very calm about this, as if he had encountered this result long ago, without any surprise or surprise on his face.


Just excited and thrilled.

It was a feeling of joy at finally seeing the prey you wanted.

"Locke, you and Jiao Niang, goblins and others, go deal with other guys, this dwarf, leave it to me to deal with!"

Long Zhan licked the corner of his mouth and ordered.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, the terrifying power aura exploded directly.


In the blink of an eye.

An extremely violent shock wave almost swept across the entire battlefield and the starry sky, forcing those Black Lantern members who were concentrating on attacking Haotian to stop, and then contracted their strength to cope with the shock and shock of this mighty force.

Even the leader, Apa, had to seriously release a mass of dark death power, which turned into a shield wall and blocked him.

The power of the dragon war is so terrifying!

Before he even moved his hand, the burst of power and pressure alone was enough to deter almost all the enemies on the scene.

"So strong!"

Appa's face suddenly sank.

Especially when he saw that the ready-made dark shield wall that he gathered together was instantly blasted with dense cracks by the power of Long Zhan, looking like it might explode at any time.

He immediately realized that the guy in front of him was definitely a formidable enemy, even if he was himself now, he couldn't underestimate the enemy.


In the end, the unlucky one is probably yourself!


Naturally, Uncle Locke would not question Captain Long's order. He nodded and immediately turned around and flew towards Dallol.

Because of this moment.

Dallol has been completely surrounded by the little demon and others in the black light state. The key point is that Dallol looks shy and is beaten almost the whole time.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before Dallol will be beaten to death, and then he will become a member of the Black Lantern just like Xiao Yao and others.

Uncle Locke naturally didn't want this to happen.


An angelic light.

Xiao Yao and others in the black light state were forced to retreat in an instant.

Uncle Locke came in front of the Dallol who had no fighting intentions at all. While treating Dallol's injury, he frowned and reminded: "Dallol, be sober, don't be taken advantage of by the enemy!"


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