The Storm God

Chapter 3598 No solution! (Please subscribe!)


Under the treatment of Uncle Locke, Dallol's consciousness quickly became clearer. After all, Uncle Locke's power restrains each other against the power of darkness and death, and the effect is extremely significant.

at the same time……

There are also many magical effects such as inspiring and boosting morale.

Under the reminder of Uncle Locke, Dallol will naturally regain his consciousness and sanity soon.


So what if I got it back?

Facing the closest comrades-in-arms, now they have turned into living puppet corpses, attacking themselves...

The key reason why they became like this is to save themselves...

How can Dallol stand it!

"what do I do?"

Dallol, who is of Saiyan blood, is helpless like a child at this moment, showing sadness and weakness.

There were even tears in his eyes!

He looked at Uncle Locke.

His eyes were full of pleas and hopes, and he hoped that Uncle Locke could help him solve this problem!

Dallol really can't do it!


Uncle Locke sighed slightly in his heart.

He didn't blame Dallol.

In fact.

Uncle Locke is very understanding and sympathetic to Dallol's experience and his mood at the moment.


It is also the horror of Heileng's ability!

Use the face, memory, and ability of the deceased to reappear in front of the relatives and friends of the deceased...

Who can resist this!

No matter how rational a person is, he cannot pass the psychological test!

Even if it can pass, I'm afraid it will be affected to some extent, and in the process, the enemy has already gained strength from it and become stronger.

This is very incomprehensible!


Uncle Locke was silent for a while, but finally nodded, and chose to help Dallol, and deal with the little demon and others who turned into black lights.

Lest they continue to be used and controlled by others, torture Dallol's heart and emotions, and at the same time continue to absorb the power of emotions and become stronger.

next moment.

Uncle Locke broke out.

In the state of being possessed by an angel, no matter what moves he makes, he will carry the holy and purifying power of the Angel of Light.

And this power happens to be the nemesis of darkness and death.


Uncle Locke's attack.

For the little demon and others who turned into black lights, the effect was immediate, and the opponent was beaten back and forth in a blink of an eye, unable to hold back.


Soon, Xiao Yao and others got it.

Their bodies were attacked by Uncle Locke's holy light, as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, they were immediately corroded into large pieces, and it hurt to look at them.


Just then.

From their rings, a black plasma-like substance suddenly sprayed out, directly covering the injured part.

follow closely.

and they were healed.

Not only did it recover as before, but even the whole person became stronger than before.

Because in the process of Xiao Yao and other Black Lantern members being injured and screaming, Dallol, the source of emotion, provided them with great emotional power.

When these powers were sucked into the black lamp ring, their abilities were also strengthened, causing the pressure on Uncle Locke to increase instantly!


Uncle Locke was stunned.

He looked in disbelief at the strengthened Xiao Yao and other Black Lantern members, his eyes were full of amazement and disbelief, and he muttered to himself: "The body is not the most important thing, is the ring?"

next moment.

Uncle Locke changed his attack strategy.

Instead of hurting the bodies of members of the Black Lantern, he became an arm with a Black Lantern ring.


An angel light blade flashed.

The fifth brother, who couldn't dodge in time, had his arm cut off by Uncle Locke.


This arm was directly captured by Uncle Locke with strength, held directly in his hand, and began to purify it with the endless angelic holy light.

Especially the black light ring, which was not deep and dark, was directly taken care of by Uncle Locke.


An unexpected scene appeared.

Uncle Locke was surprised to find that his power of holy light could not destroy the black lamp ring, but only purified the amputated arm.

follow closely.

There is no arm to rely on.

This black lamp ring, which was not destroyed by the power of the holy light, seemed to have its own consciousness, struggling to get rid of the attack of the holy light, and then flew back to its owner with a whoosh.

Only this time, it was worn on the owner's other arm.


The black lamp ring continued to spew out black plasma-like substances, and in an instant, it restored the severed and purified arm of its host to its original state.

at the same time.

The black lamp ring also absorbed the emotional power of Dallol by the way, making himself stronger.


Uncle Locke, who saw this scene, suddenly had a bitter face: "Damn! How can this motherfucker fight, there is no solution at all!"

the other side.

Jiao Niang, Fairy, and Hao Tian.

The three members of the dream team are also at full strength at this moment, and they have used their own methods to fight against other members of the black lantern.

Compared with Xiao Yao and others, the members of the Black Lantern they have to face are not very pure, they are all transformed from the original ultimate Green Lantern.

Although powerful, it also has certain flaws.


The power is not pure enough.

Unable to absorb the power of emotion from Jiao Niang and others, to strengthen and restore themselves, they can only sit and eat and so on.

This is very bad for them.


In order to avoid this phenomenon, they had to change their fighting style and turned it into a guerrilla warfare, running away if they couldn't fight.

If you can't run, just hide. If you really can't hide, then you can only resist.


While resisting hard.

These guys are also purposefully approaching the main force of Apocalypse step by step.

It was obviously an idea to fight against the demon-like army.

After all, they can develop and grow only when they have contact with the army of demons, otherwise, with these few people alone, they might not be opponents at all.

It's not that they are weak, but that the three of Jiao Niang are too strong.

The reason why Haotian was passive before was because he was outnumbered, now all the members of the Fantasy team have arrived, and the Nemesis team is helping...

Naturally, these members of the Black Lantern could not take advantage of it.


This is limited to Fantasy Teams.

For example, the Nemesis team members next to them did not go so smoothly when dealing with these Black Lantern members.

after all.

They are no better than Fantasy Team.

And the fighting style is more inclined to attack by force, close combat and so on. In terms of energy manipulation, attribute control, and law power, etc., it is slightly inferior.

General physical attacks have almost no effect on members of the Black Lantern. Only certain attacks with emotional power or law power can severely injure and consume their strength.

After discovering this, Dabada immediately reminded his team members not to use physical attacks, but to use energy and laws.

Until then, they had a slight upper hand.


Black Lantern's abilities are disgusting.

The black lamp ring at the core cannot be destroyed, but it will also release a steady stream of black plasma-like substances to repair the host's body...

on the contrary.

enemy attack.

Whether it is the power of darkness or the power of death, it should not be underestimated, it will hurt if touched, and it is like a tarsus maggot, constantly invading the body and soul, which is very troublesome!

How to fight this?

in the field.

To say that the easiest one is undoubtedly the dragon battle.

Because no matter how fierce the fight was elsewhere, he and Apa never made a move, they just looked at each other.

It was as if the two were making eye contact, except for eye contact and spiritual communication, neither side made any unnecessary movements.

In fact.

They are not fighting, nor are they pretending to be deep, but they are secretly looking at and observing each other's details.

It's just that most people can't see it.


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