The Storm God

Chapter 3599 Black hole! (Please subscribe!)

Long Zhan's eyes shone with golden light.

Obviously, at this moment, he has already used his magical powers to observe and analyze the blackened Appa on the opposite side, and wants to see the true face of its darkness and death power.


In the past, the magical pupil technique, which he thought was easy to use, seemed to have encountered some difficulties at the moment, making it impossible for him to pry into its mysteries for a long time.


Long Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

He naturally knew why this happened, and the simplest solution was the source of the power of darkness and death. His strength and realm were far above his own, so he couldn't see through it!


Even so, he can still see some things with his supernatural pupil technique, such as the essence of Apa.

According to the analysis and spying of Long Zhan Tongshu, this little blue man has not changed in any special way, the only difference is that he borrows the power of others.

That's right!

The terrifying and powerful power of darkness and death, Long Zhan saw, did not belong to Apa himself, but was borrowed.

But even so, you can't just underestimate the other party.

after all.

Apa and this power are perfectly integrated, just like his own power, there is almost no difference.

That is to say, Long Zhan has a special magical pupil technique, so he can see through some things, and other people would not know these things at all.


It doesn't affect Apa's power and fear at all.

Although his strength is borrowed, but it can't stand it. It's powerful enough and easy to use, just like a baby with a gun in his hand, it can also kill a negligent martial arts master.

Long Zhan didn't want to end up like this.

And opposite.

Apa also had a serious face, looking at Long Zhan, full of surprise, doubt, and deep fear.

Because in Long Zhan, he felt the terrifying pressure and the bottomless strength like a deep abyss like a prison.

Even though the current him already possesses more powerful power than before, he can definitely defeat the opponent no matter what.

"Are you the boss of those people?"

Appa was silent for a while, and finally spoke, and said: "It seems to be a bit capable, but unfortunately, you followed the wrong person!"

"I'm very interested in your background and strength. Since you are so strong, I can give you a chance..."

"How about joining us?"


He even threw out an olive branch.

Of course, this is not only Apa's own meaning, but also the idea of ​​the dark lord behind him.

Appa was nothing more than a sounding board.

It was the person behind Apa who really took a fancy to Long Zhan. After all, he had special abilities, and the stronger his subordinates were, the better he would be able to use them.

And the dragon battle is undoubtedly the best material.

He longs for such talent.


Long Zhan laughed at that time.

He said coldly: "Fucking with you guys? Don't tease me, what are you? You're just a lost dog who has taken refuge in others, and you are also worthy to recruit me. It's ridiculous!"


Appa was furious.

Being pointed at the nose and scolded like this in front of people made Apa feel very humiliated and extremely angry.

If he hadn't cared about the face of the Lord of Darkness, he would have already beaten people.


The Lord of Darkness behind him also seemed to be enraged by Long Zhan. Seeing Long Zhan like this, he never responded.

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you want me to fight, or continue to persuade?"

"Try if you can kill him?"


Appa kicked a few words in his heart.

As a result, the Lord of Darkness still didn't respond in the slightest, which made him very happy, and it was right that the boss acquiesced.

next moment.

Apa's face suddenly turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, he released a large piece of terrifying darkness and the power of death, and transformed into various real-like entities, pounced towards Long Zhan.

And as soon as you make a move, you will do it with all your strength.

Although this attack looks simple and not as fancy as before, its power is extraordinary.

The entities condensed and manifested by its power are like real people, and their strength is not at all under those blackened ultimate green lights.

This is scary.


It might be possible to use this trick to deal with others, but in front of Long Zhan, it still didn't arouse any idea in him.

"Small tricks!"

Long Zhan's head held high, his face full of disdain: "Just some energy illusion moves, just want to test my level?"

"It's childish and ridiculous!"


The voice just fell.

A speck of dust suddenly appeared in his hand.

It was Long Zhan playing with his divine thoughts, and the on-site matter was randomly captured in the starry sky, but under the blessing of Long Zhan's power, it changed rapidly, and in an instant, it transformed into a terrifying sphere .

This sphere is as big as a marble, and contains the terrifying power of dragons fighting like abyss and prison. It is extremely compressed and formed, and it is full of deterrence.


Long Zhan dropped it lightly.

The marble-like ball flew out directly.

And what it has to face is the dark army released by Apa, which is transformed by the condensed power.

Not to mention the power gap between the two sides, it's obvious that Long Zhan's side is a little bit worse just because of the appearance.

after all……

One is gaudy, while the other is just a small ball, no matter how you look at it, it feels weak...


This is just the opinion of ordinary people.

However, when some masters are serious, the situation on the scene is indeed completely different. On the contrary, the small marbles thrown by Long Zhan are more threatening and lethal.

And it is true.


When the ball flew to a certain extent, it burst suddenly.

Then the terrifying power directly collapsed, causing a qualitative change, forming an extremely terrifying singularity, distorting time and space on the spot, turning into a black hole with an unshakable shape but possessing infinite devouring power!

Appa's phantom army of dark power, all attacks, even including themselves, are directly affected by this black hole, unable to maintain the original smooth and stable actions.


As time goes by, and more and more things are devoured, this weird and terrifying black hole is also getting bigger and bigger.

It is like a terrible devouring monster, biting and devouring the power released by Apa frantically.

It's not that Apa's powerful army doesn't want to run.

But it can't run at all!


That sucks so much!

Whether it was their attack or himself, they were instantly locked and captured by the black hole, and there was no way to run away.

Even if Apa continued to increase his strength, it would not have any effect. On the contrary, because of his strength blessing, the black hole absorbed more "nutrition", and became bigger and bigger and more terrifying.

In the end, there was really no way, Apa could only grit his teeth and give up.

He watched helplessly as the dark army of death that had been created with great effort just now was gradually swallowed and absorbed by the black hole, completely becoming the opponent's nourishment.


Even himself.

I was also scared and quickly hid a little away, lest I be attacked by the black hole and completely fall into passivity, that would be bad.

To this.

Long Zhan didn't even attack.

Instead, he just watched with a smile and let Apa retreat. It wasn't because of his good intentions, but because of the trick just now, which gave him a lot of power of darkness and death. Long Zhan is busy analyzing and researching now. .

Where is the time to talk to the little man Apa?

after all……

Appa is a tool man.

What Long Zhan really has to deal with is actually the power of darkness and death. As long as he can analyze and study the nature of some of its power, Long Zhan can gain certain initiative and advantages.

This is called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, fighting a hundred battles with no danger of danger!

When the other members of the Dream Team confronted the Black Lantern members, Long Zhan, the captain, was completely aware of it.

Although he didn't care about it on the surface, he actually cared about it in his heart.

Whether this war can be won or not, the key to standing in the end depends on whether he can analyze the characteristics and mysteries of the power of darkness and death.


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