The Storm God

Chapter 3600 Inhuman! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

After Bai Xiaofei assigned the task to Sinestro, he became his shopkeeper and spectator again.

Together with Aya, you leisurely continued to pay attention to the battle situation on the other side of the lighthouse barrier. Although Abin Sur and others' guardian forces left, the invasion of the Apocalypse army would not stop there.

Bai Xiaofei wants to see if the current OA star, after being reduced to the Black Death Emperor's command, can withstand the invasion of the Apocalypse star.

To know.

In the comics, the Black Lantern members of the Black Death Emperor are quite disgusting and perverted, almost unkillable.

There are only a limited number of means to kill Black Lantern members.

The most important thing is...

He tortures people with this thing.

But all intelligent and emotional creatures are basically unable to avoid the influence of black lights, and it is precisely because of this that many tragedies have occurred.

after all……

Who doesn't have a few relatives and friends?

Black Lantern specially selects these people to possess, and then goes to find the person involved. Ordinary people really can't stand this kind of blow and torture.


Bai Xiaofei thought.

You should be able to handle it well.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei's subordinates are so awesome, but most of his subordinates are mechanical creations.

Whether it is the most garbage mechanical corps, or mechanical hunters, or sentries, and sentry hunters after evolution.

They are all mechanical creations, not ordinary life forms.

This also makes them basically not have the feelings of mortals, as well as relatives and friends.

All they have is loyalty, and programs and orders.

For them, the ability of the black lamp is equivalent to directly cutting off more than half, and it is impossible to obtain emotional power from them.

The only key lies in the level of combat power of both sides.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to say that he would win for sure.

After all, he hasn't seen the real combat power of the Black Lantern members yet, so he can't give specific analysis and data.

But according to the information in the comics, generally speaking, Bai Xiaofei still made some predictions. Except for the top sentinel hunters, the rest of the mechanical creations should basically be difficult to deal with the members of the Black Lantern.

One is because the members of the Black Lantern are almost immortal; the other is that the current Black Lantern is not the Black Lantern in the comics.

There is already a considerable discrepancy between the reality and the manga that Bai Xiaofei knows. The worst possibility is that the black light and the green light may merge with each other and develop into a new kind of light.

In short.

No one dares to underestimate the name of the Black Death Emperor.

Even though Bai Xiaofei knew part of the plot and had countless mechanical brothers, but he didn't dare to say that he would definitely be able to beat the opponent.

And now, it is the critical moment for him to sit on the sidelines and check and accept the combat power data of both sides.


Bai Xiaofei and Aya saw that Dallol had returned from the passage of the light house barrier.

It's just that his current state seems to be a little wrong.


The Black Lantern Legion headed by Apa finally made their debut and directly fought against Haotian.

This allowed Bai Xiaofei and Aya to immediately obtain a large amount of relevant data about the combat power of the Black Lantern members.


While observing the battle situation, Aya analyzed the report: "Those members of the Black Lantern, if not unexpected, should be the ultimate green light of OA star..."

"And their strength is obviously stronger than those who participated in the battle before. They should be the ace troops left by the guardians!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Agreeing with Aya's analysis, she sneered and said, "In the end, it was given to the Black Death Emperor for nothing, making these ultimate green lights all black, becoming dark green lights, and their strength has also improved to a higher level!"

Aya continued to analyze.

When she saw that several dark green lights were able to almost draw with a strong master like Haotian, she couldn't help being slightly surprised: "Sir, it seems that these dark green lights have improved a lot." , even Haotian can't easily defeat them, if they are pure members of the Black Lantern..."

The voice did not fall.

Xiao Yao and others who were transformed into members of the Black Lantern appeared in front of Dallol and launched a frenzied attack on him.

Due to emotion and guilt, Dallol stretched his combat strength, and he was very embarrassed and passive in dealing with it. He just shook his head repeatedly as he looked at Aya.

"It sucks!"

"These pure Black Lantern members don't seem to be that scary in terms of strength, at most they are a little bit stronger than before..."

"In the end, he ended up like this..."


Aya expressed disappointment.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and explained: "You can't say that, after all, you are not a pure intelligent life, so you may not be able to understand his mood at this moment..."

"Actually, this is a normal behavior. If it were someone else, it might not be as good as Dallol, or even be killed directly, and then transformed into a new member of the Black Lantern..."

"This is also the most disgusting part of the power of the Black Lantern, but you are right about one thing, that is, the strength of these pure Black Lantern members does not seem to be as strong as I imagined..."

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused slightly.

Secretly analyzed: "I think there should be some special reason for this, such as the ability of the Black Death Emperor, which has not fully recovered; these Black Lantern members have not yet acquired the power of emotion, so the combat power is stretched..."

"In short..."

"These data can only be used as a reference. If you trust the data too much, you will probably suffer a lot in the future!"

"Let's see more!"


Aya nodded.

Then, the camera turned, and the two looked at the three fantasy team members who had just appeared.

Uncle Locke's ability and the power of dark death restrain each other, which Bai Xiaofei and Aya thought of almost immediately.


The abilities of Jiaoniang and Fairy made them feel confused and bewildered, as if looking at flowers in a fog.


Aya frowned and said: "I don't understand the abilities of these two people at all, and I don't know whether their abilities are too special or they are not used at all. I'm afraid it depends on you to analyze!"


Bai Xiaofei also noticed the strength and specialness of Jiaoniang and Fairy. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Go and analyze the other targets, leave these three to me..."

while speaking.

He has also silently opened the Eye of Primordial Mist.

next moment.

Through the vast starry sky and the space distance, Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eye vision immediately showed three biological maps completely different from ordinary people, as well as information about the magnetic field of strength and so on.

Obviously, the three related information are Dragon Warrior, Jiaoniang, and Goblin of Dream Team.


This complicated and special information data made Bai Xiaofei slightly stunned, and was shocked on the spot: "They are all not human!"

That's right!

According to the data of the Eye of Primordial Mist, the information of the three Long Zhan is completely different from that of ordinary people. In the final analysis, it is because the three of them are not different people at all, but transformed by other creatures.

Although Bai Xiaofei has some understanding of this, he has never encountered such a terrifying and powerful existence like Long Zhan and the others.

This can't help but make him interested.


"These three are all transformed by non-human cultivation. If you want to come here, you must have rich and sophisticated cultivation experience and experience. If you can get these and give them to other younger brothers..."

"I believe there will be unexpected major gains!"


It is not profitable to get up early.

A certain person began to have a crooked mind almost instantly.

no way.

Who told Bai Xiaofei to have some non-human beings beside him, since there are ready-made advantages, why not?

Isn't that a fool!


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