The Storm God

Chapter 3601 Hurry up! (Please subscribe!)

Light House Barrier Battlefield.

The battle is still going on, but neither side has made any progress for the time being, and is in a state of anxiety.


Apa led a group of black lanterns and dark green lanterns to attack them aggressively, their power should not be underestimated.


Team Fantasy and Nemesis are also not vegetarians.

Especially the three of Long Zhan.


The three of them alone have held back the most powerful group of people on Appa's side, and with the presence of Uncle Locke, the super dad, the battery life is pretty impressive.

Compared with the members of the Black Lantern, who have almost immortal bodies, the same is not too much. In a short period of time, neither side can do anything to the other.

And this kind of situation undoubtedly allowed Bai Xiaofei, who was on the sidelines, to obtain a lot of information, whether it was from Heideng or Long Zhan and the others.

Of course.

For Bai Xiaofei.

The fighting power of the Black Lantern members is just that, nothing to be afraid of, the only troublesome thing is the characteristic of immortality.

Only a very small amount of certain energy can destroy the most critical black lamp ring, thus completely defeating the members of the black lamp.


The ring is constantly repairing and changing the possessed object, and the battle will only continue endlessly, endlessly.

Especially the current Black Lantern members seem to have some Green Lantern abilities, which is even more tricky and troublesome.


Everything remains the same.

From the perspective of Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eye, the essence of these black lamps has not changed. According to the setting in the original comics, they can also cause huge damage to them.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei, as a bystander, has absolutely no reason to help Long Zhan and others from Apocalypse.

Just know what you have in mind.

in addition……

Long Zhan three people.

There is also the strength and means of the Goddess of Nemesis team. In the process of fighting with the Black Lantern members, Bai Xiaofei also discovered a lot of secrets.

For example.

The members of the Goddess of Nemesis team seem to be not very familiar with the use of attacks such as the power of laws.

"It seems that I have just learned this method not long ago, and have not yet formed my own style and characteristics, so that a lot of time and energy were wasted, but even one tenth of the result could not be achieved..."

"However, the means of these people seem familiar. Could it be some kind of transaction between Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and Darkseid?"

"Besides them, I don't know how many other people have benefited..."


Bai Xiaofei was thoughtful.

at the same time.

He also kept his eyes on the three of Long Zhan.

These three people can be said to be the strongest existence in the Apocalypse camp, and all of them are not human beings, but transformed from non-human beings.

Perhaps it was because the fighting situation was not dangerous enough, Bai Xiaofei could tell that the three of them, Long Zhan, did not use their natal skills to suppress the bottom of the box.

Just like Jiao Niang.

In Bai Xiaofei's vision of the Primordial Eye, her body is a strange imagination of half human and half snake, similar to the legendary Medusa and Nuwa.


What is the specific difference between them, Bai Xiaofei doesn't know.

After all, his Primordial Eye has not been fully grasped yet, and he can only vaguely see some of the opponent's heels, but he cannot discern his specific identity.

However, according to the current situation, Bai Xiaofei's ability to analyze Jiaoniang should be similar to those in the legend.

For example, Medusa's petrification ability.

However, all enemies stared at by Jiao Niang, whether it is a black lamp or a dark green lamp, will often be petrified and frozen...

This is in line with Bai Xiaofei's guess and analysis.

Of course.

As for whether this is the limit of Jiao Niang?

Then I don't know.

Bai Xiaofei felt that it should be far from it. After all, according to popular logic, the strength of the human form is not all of them.

Only by recovering their original appearance is their strongest state.

He didn't even change his form, so naturally he didn't use his full strength, let alone the housekeeper's natal stunt.

And that goblin...

It's even more weird and scary.

Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eyes only saw a small black shadow surrounded by countless elements.

The analysis should be some kind of natural elf, who was born proficient in various elemental powers, so that he has grown to the present level, allowing him to easily master more than a dozen powerful law powers.

Wind, fire, water, soil, light, darkness, ice and thunder...

They have everything they need, almost at their fingertips, and their attacks are fierce and their manners are elegant. It doesn't look like they are fighting, but more like a music artist directing a large live music orchestra.

Elegant and beautiful, every move shows nobility and magnificence.

It is no exaggeration to say that the goblin is definitely the one who is the most light-hearted and extremely relaxed among all the people.


The enemy that the goblin dealt with was also the most numerous among the crowd, the absolute ace in battle, none of them!

by contrast.

As the captain, Long Zhan will appear to be much lower.

I only dealt with the blackened Apa, not to mention the key battle scenes. Although it is awesome, but the appearance and excitement are far worse. It is far less gorgeous and exciting than the goblin side. .

The endless elements and the power of law, like the shining stars in the universe starry sky, under the command of the goblin, bloom wantonly, embellishing the darkness, really beautiful and effective.

Often after a wave of attacks, the enemy can be disgraced, embarrassed, or even defeated!

Although the level of strength of those dark green lamps is not bad, but after all, they are spurred to grow. They may be able to resist ordinary masters, but they are not enough to face noble kings like goblins.

Being hanged and beaten almost the whole time!

Although they have immortal bodies, the power of the goblin's law can at most smash their bodies, and then recover quickly.

But what a shame!


The energy of the black lamp ring is not endless.

Every time they recover and attack, they will consume some of the power of the ring. The more times they attack and are severely injured, the greater the consumption.

Without devouring and absorbing other biological emotional forces as supplements, this will undoubtedly be a disadvantage.

It is equivalent to sitting and eating!

Although in a short period of time, you may not be able to see anything, but over time, many disadvantages will inevitably be exposed.


They are in a hurry.

But it's not in a hurry to kill the goblin, but to worry about not being able to get new development, so as to replenish the power of emotion.

After all, among these dark green lights, there are no people familiar or related to the goblins at all, just hostile and unfamiliar relationships.

Can't absorb even a little bit of emotional power!

Only going out but not going in, who can bear it? No matter how powerful the black death emperor is, he can't be so extravagant!

What's more, he still hasn't fully recovered and awakened.


They fought against each other in a confrontation.

After finding out that the people on their side couldn't do anything to superpowers like goblins, they immediately shifted their targets elsewhere.

Apocalypse army!

Regardless of whether the fighters inside are demon-like or not, after being infected and assimilated, they are better than none at all!

Of course.

The premise is that they can break through the blockade of goblins and others.

Otherwise, everything is just thinking about farting!





These dark green lights are no fools either.

They quickly thought of a way. First, they turned on the overclocking ability of the rings one after another to increase their power in a short period of time.

Then concentrate all the power on certain targets to make them improve on the original basis!

One part is responsible for intercepting and harassing goblins and others, while the other part spreads out, diverts targets and distracts attention.

after all……

In terms of quantity, the black lamp is still very dominant.

When they erupted like this, even the goblin and the others felt a lot of pressure instantly, and while being resisted for a short time, the enemy's plan had already succeeded.


Four or five dark green lights broke through the blockade.

Directly rushed into the Apocalypse army.

"Flesh and blood, wake up!"


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