The Storm God

Chapter 3602 Collapse! (Please subscribe!)


The terrifying darkness and the power of death exploded in the large fleet of Apocalypse in an instant, and such a huge hungry beast opened its fangs and scarlet mouth, ruthlessly and frantically devouring its prey.

Some of the densely packed fleet exploded on the spot.


Warrior inside.

It doesn't matter whether it's a demon or a doomsday.

Counting one after another, the moment they were enveloped and swallowed by the power of darkness and death, the simultaneous transformation of death and rebirth was almost completed.


At this time, they are just a zombie.

Before they wear the Black Lantern Ring, they are not considered real members of the Black Lantern, and characters who are generally too rubbish do not deserve the Black Lantern Ring.

Just like ordinary demon warriors.

What is this thing for? Except for the large number, there is no use at all. Any black lamp can kill a large area with a wave.

Even if there is a bug-level monster like Doomsday, it still can't catch the eyes of the black death emperor.

after all……

No matter how strong Doomsday is, it's just meat.

For an existence like the Black Death Emperor, or people like Long Zhan, it seemed too much to kill them.

And in view of the particularity of the Black Lantern's ability, the Black Lantern Ring basically didn't play much role on them.

It's perfectly fine to act as a tool man and cannon fodder temporarily.

But right now there is no need for that.

Just turn into a zombie.


They will also play the attributes of cannon fodder.

The main key to this wave of detonation actually lies in the normal people in the Apocalypse large force fleet.

Although Apocalypse believes in brutal and iron-blooded rule, not all the personnel under his command are cannon fodder characters such as demons.

There are also some technical and other personnel.

And most of these people are captives who have been brainwashed or transformed, and they can be regarded as tool people of a higher level than demons.

Just like Krypton, which was destroyed by Apocalypse before.

Among those survivors, most of them were transformed into demon-like Doomsday, but some people still retained their original appearance, but their minds were sealed and they became slaves of Apocalypse.

And now...

With the infection and assimilation of the dark death force, their sealed minds were freed almost instantly.

at the same time.

A member of the Black Lantern will be released soon.

And when they were born, other people who were related to them and had different relationships did not receive this treatment.


They are the prey of the Black Lantern, the newly born members of the Black Lantern, to devour and absorb the source of emotional power.

Otherwise, they will all turn into black lights, where can they absorb the power of emotion?

Although the quantity is a bit unsatisfactory, the quality is still very good, at least there is income, not simply just going out but not getting in.

This made the Black Death Emperor very pleased.


The captain of the Nemesis team, Dabada, saw the fleet being attacked, and immediately cursed angrily, and then urged the order through the device on his body: "Why haven't you left here, hurry up!"

at the same time……

A few of them also rushed up immediately.

Prepare to kill those members of the Black Lantern, otherwise, if the opponent continues to grow, the remaining fleet may not be able to survive.

Not just them.

Several members of the fantasy team also understand the powerful relationship.


Hao Tian, ​​Uncle Locke, Jiao Niang.

The three of them didn't neglect either, they turned around one after another, followed several members of the Nemesis team, and killed the black lamp on the other side of the main force, as well as countless zombie cannon fodder.

And the enemies here are all taken over by the goblin alone.

at the same time.

The goblin, who was outnumbered, seemed to feel the sudden increase in pressure, so after resisting a few waves and seeing that the effect was not very satisfactory, he finally released some tricks to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Frozen forever!"


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei, who was on the sidelines, saw the goblin holding her arms across her chest, as if she was embracing her lover. At the same time, the terrifying power of laws around her was frantically condensed, and finally burst into full bloom with the opening of her hands...

"Wow, boom!"

In an instant, the unparalleled freezing air almost enveloped everything within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers around the goblin.

The blue ice crystals formed instantly, freezing the void and also freezing the enemy. In this vast universe, a bright and deadly ice crystal snow lotus blooms!

"This is……"

Seeing the frozen snow lotus, Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "...the law of freezing that has almost reached the extreme, space, power, void, darkness, death, even part of the time can The ultimate power to freeze them all!"

"What is the origin of this goblin to have such magical skills, and it seems that this is far from his real trump card..."

"If he recovers his body, exerts all his strength, and then uses his natal stunt at the bottom of the box, how terrifying will it be?"

"These guys hide really deep enough!"


Aya next to her.

Seeing this scene, she immediately showed a dignified and apprehensive look. If it were her fighting the goblin, she would not have the confidence to resist this wave of big moves anyway.

Although the anti-supervision king's body is useful, it is not invincible. Even Aya at that time could penetrate it, not to mention a monster like a goblin!

Even if the antimatter light wave particle technology is turned on all the time to act as its own protective cover, it may not be able to stop such a large-scale freezing.

after all……

The anti-surveillance king's ability is a weakened version.

Even transforming, shattering and absorbing a planet requires a certain amount of time and process, not to mention the eternal freezing of a goblin!

The two are not the same concept at all!

In short.

Aya was worried.

If the enemies I have to face in the future are all such guys, can I really help my husband share the pressure?

To this.

Aya was skeptical.


She can find the head of the anti-surveillance king and fully grasp the special device for traveling through time and space, otherwise there is really no hope!

Think here.

Some thoughts began to pop up in Aya's mind.

It's a pity that Bai Xiaofei didn't notice Aya's reaction, because he was completely attracted by the goblin's trick at the time.

Bai Xiaofei, who opened the Eye of Primordial Meng, can be said to have used his ability to the extreme, intending to try to reproduce and decipher this ability of the goblin through the method of on-the-spot analysis.

This required Bai Xiaofei to expend a lot of energy, and naturally he couldn't care about Aya's abnormal reaction.

And after the goblin broke out.

On the other side, Long Zhan seemed to feel that the younger brother had exploded. If he, the boss, didn't express himself and continued to paddle and test, it would be too unreasonable.


He started to magnify his moves.

I saw Long Zhan put his hands together in front of his chest, and made a signature move similar to Kamehae Qigong. His tiger's mouth faced the blackened Apa in the distance, and suddenly pushed!

at the same time.

He shouted angrily, "Crash it completely!"


Blackened Appa was shocked instantly.

Quickly released the billowing power of dark death, protecting himself tightly, like a rice dumpling.

He even manifested a large group of generals who seemed to be substantial, standing in front of him and rushing towards Long Zhan.

It was obviously intended to destroy the release of Long Zhan's ultimate move.


He is always one step slower.

The general summoned by Apa had just rushed out two steps, and the unique move of Long Zhan had already formed and blasted out in an instant.

follow closely.

Without any sign, Long Zhan faced the front with his hands facing the tiger's mouth. They were almost lined up, blocking in front of Apa like an arhat. Nearly fifty or sixty warriors all collapsed and disintegrated, turning into a flying ball. Gray, instantly annihilated!


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