The Storm God

Chapter 3603 Cannon fodder! (Please subscribe!)


Appa was like a rag doll that was hit by a train, and flew out in an instant, with such momentum and speed that it was comparable to a shooting star.

And the warriors and defenses transformed by the power of darkness and death in front of him were all disintegrated and annihilated, completely disappearing without a trace.


Even Appa himself was terribly wounded.

After all, this is one of Long Zhan's unique moves. Although it looks simple, it is actually extremely terrifying.

Even though Apa had the protection of the Black Death Emperor and was not annihilated on the spot, he could not be completely exempted from his damage.

To know.

This kind of attack has already touched the level of Dao.

Even if it is very shallow, it is definitely not something that anyone can rely on. Although the Black Death Emperor is awesome, he has not fully recovered after all.

Moreover, the person who gave the power was a little blue man like Apa, so the effect was naturally greatly reduced. After all, the little blue man had lost his power for too long.

Whether it is combat experience or combat awareness, they are far from the opponents of Long Zhan and others. Even if they have a power far superior to the previous one, it is difficult to fully display it.

So he got hurt.

When Appa's flying figure finally stopped, there were already countless shatters around him.

Those are all the meteorite damage of the light house barrier!

Appa knocked out!

And he...

Subconsciously protecting his arm with his arm, a strange layer of black carbonization appeared.

Obviously, that part of the body tissue has been completely necrotic under the action of Long Zhan's power and cannot be revived.

And this kind of necrosis is still in the concept of law.

Even the power of the Black Death Emperor can't restore it. At most, it can remove that part, and then use the black plasma substance as a substitute to fuse it into Apa's arm.

And this process is undoubtedly very painful and tortured.


compared to physical pain.

At this moment, Apa couldn't accept his embarrassment and failure in his heart. He didn't care about his arm, and broke out at that time.


"You bastards from Apocalypse are too arrogant. Let's see how I deal with you..."

"The night is coming!"


Appa was furious.

Desperately, he began to unleash his strongest power, the endless power of darkness and death, instantly gushing out from his small body like a landslide and tsunami.


Endless meteors are swallowed by darkness and death.

Even the light transmitted from other galaxies in the starry sky was submerged in darkness, so that in the star field beyond, there was no light, only darkness and death!

It's like a picture of stars that was suddenly splashed with black ink from someone's mouth. Compared with the bright night sky scenery, it directly turned into thick and deep blackness.

And in the darkness, there is endless death!

Staring at the darkness is like staring at death. It will only make people feel creepy and unable to extricate themselves!

Of course.

For a super expert like Long Zhan, the resistance is not usually high.

Almost instantly, he recovered from the influence of Apa's nightfall, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Okay!"

"That's what it looks like!"


It seems that he has already seen the power of this trick and some tricks.

at the same time……

See the dragon battle from the hunting heart.

He didn't rush forward recklessly, and the night with Apa came to be tough, but reminded the companion next to him aloud:

"Fairy, you'd better stay away, this trick should not be underestimated!"


The goblin danced.

Like a noble gentleman, walking and dancing in the cosmic starry sky, and with his every movement, all kinds of law power will burst out around him, bombarding Appa's dark green lamp.

Hearing Captain Long's reminder, the goblin just sneered and didn't say a word, apparently he didn't pay attention to Apa's attack at all.

after all.

He is a goblin.

Those of noble birth are second only to the top Gaia.

If he really wants to show his body and show off all his combat power, I am afraid that these dark green lights will have been knocked down long ago.

He's just playing now.


play back play.

What should be paid attention to should be paid attention to.

Now that Captain Long has spoken, the goblin can't ignore it completely.

After a sneer, seeing the dark green lamp, it seems that under Apa's trick of the night, it has a very strong increase and improvement, and its strength has greatly increased...

He chose to stay away in the end, not because he was afraid, but because he didn't want to make the originally simple things more and more troublesome.


Those dark green lights, none of them had any brains, they only knew how to chase after them fiercely, and when the goblin was far away, they immediately followed behind.

If you don't do this at all, you will put yourself at a disadvantage.

Typical idiot!


It's not all their fault either.

After all, before they were blackened, they had already been brainwashed by Appa from OA star, and all they could think about was fighting.

After blackening, although the strength is stronger, but the control is getting more and more severe, just like a puppet, basically without its own independent consciousness.

That is.

Apart from some fighting instincts, they don't have their own thoughts at all, just like robots that can only execute rigidly.

Before Apa, the master who issued the order, issued new orders and instructions, no matter how great the advantage he had, he would strictly follow the previous orders.

Even if doing so would make him completely lose his advantage, or even put him in danger, he didn't hesitate at all!

Unless the boss, Appa, has any special instructions.

But unfortunately...


Let alone them.

Even Apa has already been dazzled by anger, and his mind is only filled with anger and killing intent, so he still thinks so much.


In this way, a group of dark green lights were easily attracted by the goblins to other places, completely losing the huge advantage of increasing and improving in the dark night.

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei and Aiya who were watching were quite speechless.

Especially Aya.

Even as an artificial intelligence life, it is difficult for her to understand the behavior of these ultimate green lights, because it is so stupid!

She felt that even the lowest-level mechanical hunter would not make such a mistake, but these dark green lights just did it.

It's incredible!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei understood why.

in short.

Or the difference between cannon fodder and elites.

This is also the main reason why Bai Xiaofei can easily develop a powerful younger brother like the Black Death Emperor, but he never does it, but spends his time looking for talents everywhere.

Because cannon fodder can only do things like cannon fodder, they don't have their own independent consciousness and thoughts, and they can only rigidly execute the orders from above.

The elite younger brother is different.

They have thoughts, cognitions, and their own preferences and personalities, which makes them full of endless possibilities!

Just like the current situation.

If it were a group of elite boys, the result might be completely different. No matter how stupid or stupid the boys are, it is impossible for them to give up their advantages and chase after the tough ones with the enemy.

That is simply courting death!

it's not...

Just flew out for a while.

The goblin laughed gloomyly, and then waved his hands crossed. In an instant, the billowing flames burst out of nowhere, directly submerging a group of dark green lights that were chasing towards him.

This fire is no ordinary fire.

It is an extremely special source fire of the law, which can almost burn all substances within the law, and it is incomparably overbearing!

Poor those dark green lights, they were all buried in the sea of ​​fire in an instant, and became a delicacy that was ruthlessly roasted in the sea of ​​fire!

Although they were not burned to death on the spot, they were all driven to the extreme, and the power in the black lamp ring was quickly exhausted.


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