The Storm God

Chapter 3604 Blackened!


Aya was speechless for a while.

Looking at the group of dark green lights engulfed by the sea of ​​flames, she suddenly felt that these guys seemed to have nothing to be afraid of...

After all, they are strong enough to be strong, but there is something wrong with their brains.

They're all so stupid, right?

Afraid of a ball!


Bai Xiaofei also laughed.

He seemed to see through Aya's thoughts, he couldn't help shaking his head, and then said: "You are right to think so, but there is a premise..."


"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei explained: "The premise is that you have to be stronger than them, otherwise even a fool will be fatal!"


Aya was silent.

She is not stupid, she understood Bai Xiaofei's reminder almost instantly, and thought to herself: "Yes! Without enough power, everything is useless!"

"Let's talk about that goblin."

"If you don't have enough capital and strength, you can deal with everything with confidence, even if you are a group of fools, but when these fools have great power, it will definitely be a disaster!"

"Only strength is the foundation of dealing with everything!"

"but me……"

Think here.

Aya couldn't help feeling slightly sad.

Because she suddenly realized that she was not strong enough.

Although he has the body of the anti-surveillance king and the special body and strength bestowed by Bai Xiaofei, there is still a big gap compared to super masters like Goblin and Long Zhan.

If it were her to deal with those dark green lights, she would definitely not behave as easily as the goblins.

This made Aya very frustrated and depressed.

"do not think too much!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and comforted him: "How long have you been practicing? How long have they been training? Be timid before fighting, this is a big taboo!"

"Remember, no matter what, you have to have confidence in yourself, otherwise, if you don't even believe in yourself, then who can believe in you?"


Aiya was shocked immediately, feeling greatly encouraged, her heart was burning, and in an instant, she felt that those things were nothing to worry about.


The premise is that there is a big tree like Bai Xiaofei.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't know at all that at this moment, his image in Aya's heart was already more and more brilliant and great.

Just like a towering tree, it shelters Aya from the wind and rain, and establishes grand goals and self-confidence, as well as the direction of growth and pursuit.


on the other hand.

On the other side of the battlefield, Haotian, Dallol, Jiaoniang, and members of the Nemesis team quickly fought against the army of black lights and zombies who were affected by the power of darkness and death. lump.


These people are more thieves and troublesome.

Those zombies were responsible for serving as cannon fodder to block Haotian's attack, while those newly transformed Black Lantern members almost turned their heads and ran away, with only one goal——

The fresh flesh on the other Apocalypse battleships!

to be honest.

Still the power of emotion!

Fighting or something is just a means, and its real purpose is to obtain huge emotional power from these people.

after all.

The Black Death Emperor has not yet fully recovered.

He needs more emotional power to support and resuscitate himself, otherwise it would be difficult to accomplish anything with this power alone.

That is.

These Black Lantern members are different from those who fight goblins.

Most of them have been instructed by the Black Death Emperor, intending to seize the power of emotion instead of fighting meaninglessly.


Their ideas are also extremely simple.


Run as far as you can.

Until it develops wretchedly or receives new instructions, it will never stop, and then develop it when it finds an opportunity!

Based on such instructions and orders, some of these Black Lantern members have even evolved a certain degree of intelligence.

After they invaded the battleship, they did not immediately activate the power of death, but immediately transferred the host, changed their identities, and then hid themselves.

This not only successfully diverted the danger and made myself safer, but also better harvested the power of emotion!

"Damn it!"

One of the Nemesis team members, after chasing a member of the Black Lantern and entering the battleship, found out bitterly that it was just a discarded corpse.

The black lamp ring on the corpse had been transferred long ago.

As for being transferred there?

Feel sorry!

she does not know.

Looking around, in the bewildered eyes of the surrounding soldiers, it is obviously impossible to find the answer to the question.

The only thing that this member of the Nemesis team can be sure of is that these damned black lights are getting more and more cunning.

Now they all know how to lurk and pretend.

This will be difficult!

To know.

Although most of Apocalypse's troops are demon-like and Doomsday, some of them are native intelligent life forms.

That is, a more advanced tool man.

Some of these people are prisoners of war. Because of their special abilities, they have been trained as elite fighters, such as demon-like destruction day, transforming superman...

Etc., etc.

It would be bad if these people were infected and assimilated by the black light, because some of them would still be very troublesome once they were released.

For example, the Kryptonians whose genetic development has reached an almost perfect level.

Once such a guy becomes a black lamp, his fighting power is absolutely astonishing and terrifying. Even the Nemesis team can't say that he can definitely defeat the opponent.

It is precisely because of this that Apocalypse did not transform it into Doomsday, it was just brainwashing and using it.

But now...

Such an excellent sharp weapon is very likely to be used by the enemy, and the problem is very serious.


Without any hesitation.

When he learned that the members of the Black Lantern had become cunning and might hide and disguise, the member of the Nemesis team immediately passed the news to other teammates.

Then they immediately flew to the positions of the key figures on the nearby battleships, and they wanted to make sure everything was safe.

It would be best if those guys hadn't been assimilated by the black lamp.

Release all of them directly, and then use them to deal with the black lantern members on the goblin side, after all, the ones there are more stupid.

But if unfortunately it is infected and assimilated and becomes a black light, then it can only be killed and destroyed as soon as possible.


If it is allowed to grow, the consequences will be unimaginable.

You must know that the genes of Kryptonians are too special, and under the stimulation of certain specific conditions, their growth potential is almost infinitely powerful.

at this point.

Even many new protoss are far behind and envious.

Fortunately, Krypton is dead.

Among the remaining survivors, Apocalypse also found some talented people, and trained them to become their own loyal puppets.

Most of these special Kryptonian fighter puppets are on Apocalypse, and only a very small number of missions will be sent out.

And unfortunately.

To be on the safe side when attacking OA this time, Granny Cixiang sent three special Kryptonian fighter puppets to hold the line.

This moment.

Members of the Nemesis Squad, I just hope that those damned Black Lanterns haven't found and transformed these three special Kryptonian warrior puppets.

Otherwise, their affairs will be serious.


Murphy's Law is the same everywhere.

The more you don't want something to happen, the more it will happen.

When Big Pata received reports from his companions one after another, saying that the Kryptonian warrior puppets on both sides were fine.

There was a sudden scream at the last place.

follow closely……


Two scarlet and terrifying laser beams directly penetrated the battleship of Apocalypse, and at the top of the beams was a member of the Nemesis team.

That's right!

The team member was directly blasted out.

As for the murderer, you don't need to guess, because only Kryptonians and Doomsday have the iconic laser light.

Doomsday's strength is still a bit weak, and it is impossible to blast away the members of the Nemesis team with laser light.

After all, they are all from the New Protoss, and they have also received the guidance of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. Their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and they are very strong!

The only ones who could blow them out were strong men of the same level as them, that is, special kryptonian warrior puppets with extremely high genetic completion!

as expected!


The next moment, the terrifying power of darkness and death erupted, and the battleship was blown up in an instant, while a Kryptonian man in a pitch-black battle uniform stood standing amidst the countless fleet destruction, with black flames flickering in his eyes , has obviously been completely blackened.


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