The Storm God

Chapter 3606 Exchange opponents!


Seeing the two sides fighting more and more fiercely, with all kinds of supernatural moves emerging one after another, and constantly showing their respective hole cards, Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

"Let's fight, let's fight, the more fierce you fight, the better. It's best to use all the tricks at the bottom of the box!"

"It just happened to be cheaper for me..."


What is a sit-and-catch fisherman?

This is!

In less than a moment, Bai Xiaofei had already used the Analytical Power of the Grandmist Eye and the Grandmist System to analyze the combat power and unique skills of several masters from both sides.

And in view of the particularity of Bai Xiaofei's abilities, the SLR is the strength and moves that he has analyzed, and it can basically be simulated to the same degree!

That is.

Just watch the battle for a while.

In Bai Xiaofei's database, there are already many, many powerful and powerful special abilities, as well as special skills and so on.

As for lineage?


This thing is quite special.

Even if it is analyzed, it is impossible to create it directly, and some special means are needed, even Bai Xiaofei cannot create it out of thin air.

After all, this involves some special origins and powers at the level of life. With his current power, it is not enough.

But the most basic data structure can be preserved relatively completely, and can be copied later if given the opportunity.

In short.

Even if the brains of Tianqixing and the blackened Appa and others are all out of their minds, it is undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei who will benefit in the end.

Especially now.


That's just whoring for nothing!

Not to mention how exciting it is to get such huge benefits without paying anything, it's even more enjoyable than before!


Light House Barrier Battlefield.


The people of Apocalypse and the members of the Black Lantern Legion headed by Apa have already become a complete mess.

Although the main station personnel are all there, some of the Black Lantern members have already used the evacuated Apocalypse army to spread out.

They hide and linger under the command of many Apocalypse stars, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and it is difficult to track and stop them.

not to mention.

There are still many members of the Black Lantern on the battlefield, doing various things, making Dabada and others of the Nemesis team quite speechless.

"Damn, these guys..."

"too disgusting!"


Dabada pierced through a member of the Black Lantern with a single shot, but under the influence of the power of the Black Lantern ring, the other party instantly recovered.

Then, regardless of being hung on the gun, he continued to attack Dabada, which can be described as incomparably crazy and difficult.

Dabada's armor defense is very strong.

Even if this member of the Black Lantern grabbed his body, it would not leave any traces, but the troublesome thing was the power of darkness and death attached to the attack.

That thing is like tarsal maggots, entwined on the armor. Although it can't cause damage to Big Barda, it can limit her attack speed and strength to a certain extent...

It's like carrying a heavy weight on your body, the key thing, Dabada can't get rid of it, it's very depressing!

Not only her.

The rest of the Nemesis team members are almost the same.

After the two sides fought for a while, the strength of those Black Lantern members had declined to a certain extent, but there were also some troubles on their side.


Each of them was entangled with a strong dark power of death.

Even if there is no enemy in front of them, they have to use their power to resist the erosion of these things, lest they be taken advantage of by them and turned into puppets of black lights.

Don't you see, the two Kryptonians who were with them just now, one of them was gradually swallowed by darkness and death because he didn't care about these things, and finally turned into another blackened Kryptonian!

After seeing this scene, no one dared to belittle or be careless anymore.

at the same time……

Their pressure has also increased a lot.

After all, the genetic completion of these Kryptonians is very high, especially after blackening, their abilities will be improved to a certain extent.

One is enough for them to drink a pot, but now another one pops up, if even the last one is blackened, how the hell are they going to fight?

read here.

Big Bada couldn't help frowning slightly, and immediately ordered to the Kryptonian who hadn't been blackened: "Come back!"


Without any hesitation.

After getting the order, the female Kryptonian stopped directly, and then flew in front of Dabada and the others with the fastest movement and speed, as if obeying orders.

"team leader!"

Stomp also understood what Dabada meant.

It's just that in the current situation, if there is no auxiliary attack from the Kryptonians, they alone may not be able to deal with the attacks of the two blackened Kryptonians.


Only then did she speak.

It meant to ask the captain to think of a solution quickly, otherwise they would be completely passive if they continued like this.


Although the other team members didn't speak, they all looked at Dabada, who made her the captain.

The more critical the moment, the more you have to rely on the captain to support the overall situation.


Dabada was under a lot of pressure in an instant.

While his face was solemn, his eyes were also looking directly to the front left.


Haotian and the others are also fighting, but the objects they fight are those zombie-like demons and the Doomsday army.

Although the individual strength of the demons and Doomsday is not as good as these three Kryptonians with nearly perfect genetic completion, they are superior in numbers.

The combination of a large number of cannon fodder, coupled with the increase in the power of dark death, is also quite terrifying and terrifying.

That is to say, Hao Tian and the others are the top experts.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been overwhelmed or even swallowed by this terrifying army of zombies.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

"You disgusting minions, you are lucky to be able to die under my master's trick..."

"Flooding light, disease!"


See what you see.

But it was the scene of Haotian Yujian confronting the enemy, heroic and domineering, countless sword lights turned into bright brilliance, facing the countless zombie army around him.

Those weaker zombie-like demons were basically crushed by the terrifying sword before these sword lights approached.

Only the individual strength is relatively strong, and even the Doomsday, which is regarded as a bug, can be a little bit tougher, staring at the unparalleled sword light to destroy, and continue to attack, that kind of braveness is not afraid of death, even if it is death, it will bite The frenzied posture of attacking the enemy is really chilling.


The absolute gap in strength cannot be made up by madness.

In the end, this wave of zombie army was completely wiped out by Haotian's unique move, completely turned into ashes all over the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

after all.

They were simply zombified.

Without the power increase and recovery of the black lamp ring, once the body is destroyed, it is really dead and cannot be recovered again.


Special existences like Doomsday also have extremely abnormal recovery abilities.

So before this kind of enemy is completely wiped out, even without the blessing of the power of the black lamp ring, even if they are just zombies, they can already recover on their own, which can be described as quite difficult.

If it's just one or two, then it's nothing, after all, it hasn't reached a special level, and there is no great danger.

But the point is that there are too many of these guys.

It is so densely packed that it stretches as far as the eye can see, at least there must be more than tens of thousands, and such a large number will be more troublesome.


This moment.

No matter how troublesome it is, Big Bada can only accept it.

Because for those two blackened Kryptonians, they really have no good solution, and they have to prevent the female Kryptonian next to them from being blackened again, and they will be tied up and extremely depressed when they fight.


She decided to exchange opponents with Haotian and others.

Let their Nemesis team deal with the zombie army, and let the stronger Haotian and others fight against the two blackened Kryptonians.

at the same time……

I still have to find an opportunity to find a way to send this female Kryptonian away, otherwise once she is blackened, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, this is a female Kryptonian.

It can be reproduced!


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