The Storm God

Chapter 3607 Fight!




Big Pata is not an inkblot person.

After having an idea in his mind, he immediately told Haotian about his idea, and of course, he also developed it with the enemy during the period.

after all……

Enemies are not stupid either.

Naturally, he would not just watch the Nemesis team switch opponents, making the situation unfavorable to him.

Led by the two blackened Kryptonians, the members of the Black Lantern launched a frenzied counterattack, intending to stop Big Barta and blacken the female Kryptonian.

But unfortunately...

Their attack was immediately met with strong resistance.


Haotian and others agree to exchange opponents.

After all, they are all masters, so naturally they don't want to deal with these cannon fodder characters all the time, and blackening Kryptonians is obviously more in line with their appetite.

So without any ink stains, they directly agreed to Dabada's request, which can be regarded as selling Darkseid's face.

The two sides quickly completed the conversion and handover.

Haotian faced the blackened Kryptonian who had just been transformed not long ago, while Jiao Niang was in charge of dealing with the blackened Kryptonian who had been blackened for the longest time and whose strength had become stronger and stronger.

In view of the opponent's figure, he looked extremely weak, like a bamboo pole, but possessed amazing strength...

Haotian called it the black bamboo pole.

To this.

Jiao Niang was noncommittal.

Just when he came up, he used his innate supernatural ability, petrification ability, and this black bamboo pole's mutated and blackened heat sight to head-to-head.

next moment……


Terrifying light waves bloom wantonly.

Wherever it passes, everything is either petrified, melted and burned, or the two forces are added at the same time, making it even more miserable.

But the final result of the competition between the two sides was evenly matched.

The two forces are confronting each other in the starry sky, they will not give an inch, they are equal, neither can do anything to the other.


See this scene.

Jiao Niang was a little surprised. Although she didn't use her full strength now, the power of her innate supernatural powers was still quite terrifying.

No idea.

The mutated laser light of this black bamboo pole can match up with his innate supernatural power of petrifying pupils...

If this continues to let the other party grow up, is it okay?


It must be done quickly.

Otherwise, with the passage of time, the power of darkness and death will increase and improve him more and more. I'm afraid that I and others will not be able to beat the other party.

So far.

Jiao Niang immediately became more serious.

In addition to using the innate supernatural power of petrifying pupils to fight against the black bamboo pole, he also used other unique skills.

Such as using poison.


These tricks are also not very effective against black bamboo poles.

Even if Jiao Niang continued to change other moves, they still didn't have much effect. Hei Zhugan was like an all-round warrior, no matter how she used her moves, she could perfectly resist them.

Even sometimes, it can counterattack back.

"So strong!"

"It seems that I underestimated these guys before. I didn't expect their abilities to evolve so perfectly after being blackened..."

"It's more troublesome now!"


Jiaoniang felt a little depressed.

At the same time, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of another battlefield, the battle between Haotian and another blackened Kryptonian.

And the result...

Not as expected.

Even though Haotian's swordsmanship was astonishing, and his attack power was famously sharp and powerful, it was still not enough to pose a fatal threat and pressure to these blackened Kryptonians.

Relying on his incomparably tyrannical body, the other party resisted Haotian's many sword moves and attacks. Although he was quite embarrassed and injured, they were all skin wounds and did not suffer any substantial damage.

on the contrary.

Under Haotian's continuous onslaught.

The opponent's strength and defense level are exponentially increasing.

From the very beginning, Haotian occupied the top steadily, attacking more and defending less, and then the two sides were evenly matched, attacking each other...

It was only a moment in total.


As time goes by.

As well as the power of dark death, the ability to blacken Kryptonians is getting stronger and stronger, and their performance is becoming more and more terrifying.

to the end.

The opponent was able to block Haotian's fairy sword.

Simply incredible!


When Jiao Niang was shocked, she also had a flash of inspiration in her heart, and she suddenly realized: "The real power is not these Kryptonians, but the ability of the black lamp, and the strength of the black lamp is growing rapidly..."


At this moment, Hei Zhugan suddenly spoke.

"Why, did you finally find out?"

"It's a pity that everything is too late. When darkness and death keep coming, the ending is already doomed. You can't change anything..."

"It's better to give up as soon as possible!"


The voice was weird and proud, and the look of being superior and sure of winning made Jiaoniang very upset.


She sneered: "Really? But I don't think so, because you, the so-called source of darkness and death, are still hiding in the dark and dare not come out, which means that there is still someone or something, It makes you jealous and fearful..."

"am I right?"


Hei Zhugan remained silent.

The smug expression also froze instantly, becoming very ugly and angry. It was obvious that Jiao Niang had hit the pain point, but he was speechless.


He could only use more violent attacks to vent the anger in his heart.


"You foreign invaders, just take advantage of the last happy time now, and when I appear, it will be your end!"

"Including the one behind you!"


The black bamboo pole looks like crazy.

The waves of attacks were higher than the waves, and Yan Ran showed an attitude that she would never give up until she killed Jiao Niang.


His attack is strong and strong, but he has never reached the level where he can break through Jiaoniang's talent, the petrified pupil technique.

So much so that no matter how fierce the offensive was, it was eventually blocked in the middle.

Then it was completely useless.

Not only that.

As Jiao Niang became more serious and used more strength and special skills, the pressure on Hei Zhugan suddenly doubled.

Especially the confrontation of eye ability.

Hei Zhugan clearly felt that his mutated laser light had become more and more difficult.


It was an evenly matched confrontation.

It turned out that the other party gradually began to suppress himself.


Hei Zhugan suddenly became furious.

He knew that the other party was finally serious, and as Jiao Niang's power continued to erupt, his pressure was increasing, and he had to draw more power from the black lamp ring to amplify himself.


Once the opponent breaks through the defense, the consequences will be disastrous.

But fortunately, people like the other party still don't know how to deal with the black lamp ring.

This gives them a lot of opportunities.

Even if the body is destroyed, it can be restored with the help of the black lamp ring as an intermediary, using the power of darkness and death.

Of course.

The Black Death Emperor also knows.

This situation cannot continue forever.

With the passage of time and more and more battles, I believe that in a certain period of time in the future, someone will definitely discover the weakness of the black lamp.

Before that, he must develop as many subordinates as possible and strengthen his own strength.


Once that moment comes, and he does not accumulate enough strength, then everything will eventually become a dream!

Think about it.

The Black Death Emperor also went all out.

As soon as the divine mind moved, a portion of mighty power was immediately transmitted to several holders of the black lamp ring.

Just like black bamboo poles!

in addition.

Apa, as well as the Kryptonian who fought against Haotian, also received different levels of strength and promotion.

After all, they are the main fighters.

If you can't bear children, you can't set wolves.

For the sake of the big picture.

The Black Death Emperor went all out.


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