The Storm God

Chapter 3608 The alliance is completed!

at the same time.

Abin Sur and others who left before, under the leadership of Moge, traveled through the vast sea of ​​stars and finally came to Kruga Star.


As soon as the people arrived, they were shocked.

As far as the eye can see, the outside of a bright planet is densely packed and neat, and they are all lantern men.

Green Lantern, Red Lantern, Yellow Lantern, all of them!


They are all very high-end.

Anyway, it is obviously different from the Green Lantern they know, not only in appearance is more amazing, but also in terms of strength!

If only Green Lantern is like this, everyone can still understand.

after all.

Sinestro was a Green Lantern before.

Now that he is on his own, it is only natural that he can improve as a Green Lantern.


In terms of other Lantern Heroes, they can also have such a level...

This is a bit unbelievable.

Not to mention the red light.


What happened to the Yellow Lantern Corps?

You know, in the past, the yellow light was synonymous with fear, and it was the life and death enemy of OA and Green Lantern.

Even if it is a red light, not long ago, it had just fought against OA star, and even once invaded OA star, which turned the world upside down.

It turned out that Sinestro was good, not only re-creating the Green Lantern Warrior, but even the Red Lantern Warrior and the Yellow Lantern Warrior were also created together...

Do you want to be so fantastic and bizarre?

this moment.

In addition to being shocked, everyone was more curious, wanting to know how this Sinestro, who was once honored as one of the greatest Green Lanterns, did all this.

The most important thing is that the strength and the number of fighters he displayed at this moment are too amazing!

Compared with others, they are the remnants of the joint army, they are nothing!


Even those ultimate Green Lanterns.

At this moment, in front of Sinestro, there is also a feeling of insignificance like gravel, as if standing in front of them is not Sinestro, but a great god.

It was the first time for them to feel the horror and profundity like abyss and prison, and the shock and amazement in their hearts can be imagined.


Sinestro stood in front of countless Lantern warriors, and greeted Mog and the others with a smile, giving everyone face.

Especially my uncle, who greeted him very well.

It made Abin Sur very embarrassed.

after all……

He came here with an investigation mentality.

The results of it?

My brother-in-law was too polite, which made him, the eldest uncle, really feel a little bit sorry.


Think big picture.

Abin Sur is still very clear about what he should do.

So, after being polite, Abin Sur stopped chatting with Sinestro, and went straight to the point, straight to the point.

Asked: "Sinestro, I'm so curious, your wealth..."

Speaking of which.

He pointed to the countless Lantern Warriors standing around the planet.

Then squinted his eyes, looked at Sinestro very seriously, and continued: "How did it get built?"

Good guy.

This is clearly to break the casserole and ask the end.

The others were like this, and they all stopped talking immediately, just watched silently, waiting patiently for the answer.

after all……

They're here to run.

Although they don't really care about the details of Sinestro's origin, since they have the opportunity to know the mystery, everyone naturally doesn't mind.

And the person who asked the question was not someone, but Abin Sur, Sinestro's uncle...

Even if there is any unpleasantness, it is expected that it will not have much impact, after all, they are a family.

In short.

Except Mog and Walker et al.

The rest of the onlookers were very happy to watch the play and listen to the gossip, not to mention that these were related to their future fate. Almost all of them stretched out their ears, for fear that they would miss the slightest detail.


Sinestro smiled.

There was no displeasure on his face, Wen Yan just hugged his uncle's shoulder vigorously, and then replied: "I knew that with your temperament, you would definitely ask this question..."


Abin Sur didn't answer.

He just silently looked at his brother-in-law, who was waiting for the next sentence.

And Sinestro didn't let him down, he didn't show off, and directly used his ring to project a light curtain.

Then pointing to a familiar figure on the display, he smiled and said, "You should know this person, right?"

"It's him?"

Abin Sul was stunned for a moment.

Because the light curtain figure projected by Sinestro is none other than Bai Xiaofei. As for Bai Xiaofei, Abin Sur has seen it before.

Not only him.

Many Green Lanterns around me have also seen or heard of it.

Of course, because of OA star Apa and others, things about Bai Xiaofei were blocked and tampered with a lot.

Except for high-ranking people like Abin Sur, few other ordinary Green Lanterns know the truth.

They only know that the appearance of Bai Xiaofei seems to have brought about a huge change in OA star, but what kind of change it is is vague.

Some said that the improvement of the new version of the green light ring was mainly due to Bai Xiaofei's contribution, while others said that Bai Xiaofei was a spy...

In short.

Opinions vary.

Only a very small number of high-ranking people like Abin Sur knew some of the original truth, knowing that it was OA star that took over other people's inventions.

As for what happened in the middle, no one knows.

after all……

The guardian of the OA star is not stupid either.

Naturally, it is impossible to tell the truth of the matter to Abin Sur and others. If they tamper with the truth of the matter casually, the matter will be completely blurred.

In addition, a lot of things happened to OA star at that time, so people didn't pay much attention to this matter in the follow-up.

And now.

When Abin Sur and the others saw Bai Xiaofei again, some of them were smarter and reacted almost quickly.

Just like uncle.

"Could it be..."


Seeing the dazed look on his uncle's face, Sinesto nodded with a smile, looked at Abin Sur with serious eyes, and said: "It is because of Mr. Bai's help that I am where I am today! "

"Mr. Bai?"

"Who is that? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Is he great?"


And after getting Sinestro's affirmative answer, the others were instantly blown away, especially those who had never heard of Bai Xiaofei, they were extremely curious and shocked.

After all, this is a three-color light group.

It turned out that it was all because of one person. Such an awesome thing had never happened before.

And those who have heard a little bit about Bai Xiaofei, at this time, immediately tell the people next to them what they know.


People immediately discussed more lively.

Regardless of the reactions of everyone around, Abin Sur here was completely silent, with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

But more regrets.


He knows far more than others, and he also knows some tricks of the OA star guardian, but he never questioned it.

Unlike my brother-in-law, after learning the truth, he did so many things secretly without anyone noticing.

It is even at a time when the entire universe is in crisis, such a huge and terrifying legion has been formed, and it has become the safety guarantee for countless people.

Compared with what I have done, it is really much stronger.

But I still inspect him...


It's ridiculous!

He raised his head and looked at the tricolor legion behind Sinestro, no matter if it was the Green Lantern Warrior, the Red Lantern Warrior, or the Yellow Lantern Warrior...

All of them are so neat, strong, and disciplined, without any so-called force and control.

The more Abin Sur looked at it, the more he felt that he had failed.


at this time.

Sinestro patted Abinsur's shoulder lightly, and comforted him with a smile: "The past is over, the most important thing now is to look forward, my uncle, remorse and self-blame are nothing but It’s useless at all, instead of doing that, it’s better to think about what to do in the future!”


Others are not stupid.

A few quick-witted ones immediately spoke up when they heard the words, quickly changed the subject, and turned the direction to another place.

Abin Sur is not a person who is inked and entangled. Seeing this, he smiled wryly and shook his head. He said nothing, and after patting his brother-in-law on the shoulder vigorously, he happily participated in it.


A group of people all entered the Kruga star.

The alliance was successfully completed.


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