The Storm God

Chapter 3609 Mech Hunter!

Koruga star.

In the magnificent palace conference hall.

Everyone can see with their own eyes how awesome Sinestro is, and how rich and powerful it is. The technological strength here is actually no worse than OA!


Uncle Abin Sur was also quite shocked.

"Is this also because of him?"



Abin was silent.

You know, as Sinestro's eldest brother, he knows the strength of Keruga star very well.


Not seeing him for a short period of time, everything here made him feel extremely strange and shocked.

It feels to him more like a new rise, but different from the OA star. This kind of extreme transformation makes him very uncomfortable.

There is a feeling of dreaming.


During the discussions and discussions that followed, Abin Sur hardly spoke, and remained in a daze and confusion.


Someone mentioned the invasion of Apokolips.

Abin Sur's mind, this is considered to be back on track, and then he couldn't help but interjected: "Yes, Apocalypse is too strong, OA star exhausted everything, it is not their opponent, Sinestro, you... ..."

"rest assured!"

Of course, Sinestro knew everyone's worries.

Hearing this, he suddenly laughed, and then began to briefly explain his existing corps and strength composition to everyone.

Not to mention the three-color light group.

The other negatives are not bad at all, even stronger than OA star.

after all……

Behind him is Bai Xiaofei.

Among other things, there is absolutely no problem with the support of the mechanical corps alone, and this is also the most effective and safest way to deal with the black lamp.

none of them.


Everyone still doesn't know about the black lamp.

Just through the dissemination of Bai Xiaofei's information, I know a little bit about the cooperation between the OA star and the dark forces.

But exactly what is not clear.

And now...

The main task of Sinestro is to completely pierce the window paper, let everyone know the seriousness of the matter, and at the same time force everyone to take refuge in Bai Xiaofei's forces.

Otherwise, not to mention how cruel the Apocalypse thugs are, just the disgusting behavior of the Black Lantern members playing with the hearts and the dead is enough to make countless people collapse and despair.

in the ensuing negotiations.

Sinestro intentionally or unintentionally reminded everyone that Apocalypse is indeed terrifying, but the dark force that OA is looking for must not be underestimated.

As soon as this remark came out, as expected, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and following Sinestro, it was logical to broadcast the situation on the other side of the lighthouse barrier battlefield to everyone live.


After a while, everyone was speechless.

Including Abin Sur, as well as Mog and Walker, because even they are not very clear about the ability of the black lamp.

Seeing now that they were so terrifying and evil, they all frowned and worried secretly, and the rest of the people were even more astonished, and they were shocked at that time!


"I can't imagine that OA star is so stupid, who can't cooperate well with him, and finds such an evil and perverted guy..."

“What a disappointment!”

"what should we do?"


After the shock and horror.

Everyone's minds quickly unified into how to deal with this terrible situation, after all, it was an extremely weird black light.

Bring the dead back to life, and then appear in front of those who are close to them, play with people's hearts, and take the opportunity to harvest emotional power...

this kind of thing...

Oh shit!

There are not many people who can bear it!

How to fight this?

at last……

After all, everyone's eyes still fell on Sinestro. Who made this place his territory, the one with the most complete strength preservation and the most hopeful?

OA star?


Hehe, stop joking!

It is because of them that there are so many dangers in the entire universe. It is simply a daydream to expect them to stop!

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient!"

Sinestro was very calm.

After all, he had already been reminded by Bai Xiaofei before, and he himself had carefully analyzed a lot of the information given by Bai Xiaofei, and he had already had experience and strategies.


After seeing everyone quiet down.

Sinestro expressed his thoughts: "I understand everyone's worries, but there is one thing that everyone must be clear about, that is, the enemy has not yet fought, and the one who is currently fighting against it is Apocalypse!"

"Whether it's the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern, they are our enemies. They fight with each other, and we benefit from it..."

"In the end, no matter who wins or loses, we are not the ones who suffer. Instead, we can take this opportunity to study the opponent's strength and details..."

"Of course, the most important thing is that our strength is not bad!"


He talks eloquently.

The words are full of self-confidence and confidence.

The data of the fighters under Sinestro's projection from time to time also brought strong confidence and hope to the panicked crowd.

Especially the existence of those sentinel hunters.


To deal with black lights.

Bai Xiaofei has already authorized some of the Sentinel Hunters in Sinestro to control them, and besides Adam, he is the veritable second-in-command.

Although the individual strength of the sentinel hunter is not very strong, it may not be enough to deal with the black lamp, but it is better in the ability to restrain the enemy and the large number, so there is no need to worry about sacrifice.

As long as there are enough materials and resources, they can have as many fighters as they want, and if everyone present can support them, then it goes without saying.

after all……

The bigwigs present are all powerful figures from the whole universe.

With their support, dare not say the whole universe, at least about one-third of the resources of civilized galaxies can be used and dispatched by Sinestro at will.

With such reserves as support, sentinel hunters naturally want to have as many as they can, just relying on the number to pile up enemies!

It can be described as quite simple and rude!


Except for the usual black lights.

Among them, there will inevitably be some elites, and even top super masters, such as the current blackened Kryptonians.

With that level of strength, ordinary sentinel hunters are useless to members of the Black Lantern. No matter how many there are, they will still be delivering food.


Sinestro means.

Ordinary Black Lantern members are handed over to sentinel hunters to deal with, and those high-end combat powers have to be dealt with by everyone.

As for the solution?


This is also simple.

Sinestro said that he had analyzed and reproduced a relatively stable set of techniques based on the integration of the Blue Lantern at that time.

Using this technology, the creation of the ultimate lantern man can be completed with a high probability, so as to mass-produce top-level high-end combat power.

at the same time……

He was still in front of everyone.

Using remote live broadcast, I watched some red lights, green lights, and the ultimate lanternman manufacturing process of yellow lights.

And the results are quite impressive.

In more than a dozen manufacturing processes, there was only one accident. But it's not a failure, but the effect after fusion, which is somewhat unsatisfactory.

After all, even Sinestro has just taken over this technology, and the development is not very perfect. It is already quite good to be able to reach this level.

At least everyone was very shocked and surprised by this technology, expressed their support and participation, and hoped to help create their own high-end combat power as soon as possible.

And some representatives who are not Lanterns are a little depressed and entangled, because this technology does not apply to them.

Fortunately at this time.

Sinestro also demonstrated another technique.

Mech Hunter Project!


At first, everyone was confused and puzzled.

But when the screen changed, a tall and burly Mecha Hunter who seemed to be unaware of his strength, under the operation of some ordinary fighters, was able to fight the Lantern Man, and even the Ultimate Lantern Man. One, all of them stood up in surprise.


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