The Storm God

Chapter 3610 Unite as one!

"This is……"

Abin Sur was extremely excited, his eyes widened, and his breathing became rough, because he knew very well what this plan meant.

In fact.

Not only him, but none of the people who can achieve this position on the scene and survive the war are fools.

Everyone understands very well that Mecha Hunter represents.

This means that as long as there is this kind of mecha, even if there is no Lantern Man, ordinary people will have a certain ability to protect themselves.

This will be an epoch-making invention!


Sinestro smiled and looked at the excited crowd standing up, waved his hands, and said, "Why are you all so excited? Sit down, sit down and talk, what's wrong with this..."

In other words, these are nothing.

It's just drizzle.


There are even more powerful ones!

So far.

Everyone was stunned again, and then you looked at me and I looked at you, with incredible and unbelievable expressions on their faces.

real or fake?

Such an awesome Mech Hunter, but it's just an appetizer?

Oh My God!

How awesome is that Mr. Bai?


They all sat down obediently.

And Sinestro didn't keep secrets with everyone, and focused on explaining the Mecha Hunter plan to everyone.

after all.

Although the technology of this thing is not strong, it has strict requirements for driving, even after many improvements by Bai Xiaofei.

If the driver is rubbish, the Mech Hunter is a stick.

on the contrary……

The driver is great.

Only the Mech Hunter can exert its due power.

at the same time.

There are also many kinds of materials for making Mech Hunters. The top-notch ones are naturally extremely expensive, but the effect is also the best.

If that kind of awesome mecha hunter can really be produced early, it is estimated that nothing will happen if you just stand there and let the enemy fight.

But that's almost impossible.


There are many things and materials inside, not to mention everyone present, even Bai Xiaofei didn't have it.

However, if the top-level ones cannot be produced, there is no problem with ordinary ones. After all, everyone here is a big boss.

There are Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, and the person in charge of high-tech civilization. With so many big bosses working together, there is no reason why they can't create an ordinary Mech Hunter.

Although the power of this kind of mecha hunter is a bit weaker, but with whom to compare the score, let's say the current blackened Kryptonian, it must not be able to do it.


If the opponent is a general Black Lantern member.

There is absolutely no problem, as long as the armor hunter's inscription formation is not damaged, and the safety of the driver can be guaranteed, and it will not be corroded by the power of darkness and death, then it can continue to beat the enemy.

One or two may not show much power, but what if one hundred and two hundred besiege one together?

Even if you can't kill the enemy, you will be bored to death.

after all……

It's not about letting them fight alone.

Next to it is the Ultimate Lantern Man and other super fighters. The cooperation of various arms is absolutely invincible!


Hear the highlights of the explanation.

Among the bigwigs present, some couldn't help clapping the table to applaud immediately, and expressed that they would unconditionally support this plan.

No matter what you need, as long as you have what you have, give what you want!

Absolutely support to the end!

Not only him.

The other bigwigs also expressed their opinions one after another.

After all, the mech hunter is too practical, even if it is not used to deal with the enemy, it is good to keep it on your own planet, defend your home and country, and shock the world.

Anyway, absolutely no loss!

it's not...

Even some Lantern Warriors couldn't help but get involved.

After all, the number of Lantern Warriors is very limited. Apart from them, ordinary fighters need such equipment to arm and protect themselves.


Sinestro nodded in satisfaction.

He smiled and said: "Since no one has any opinions, the Mecha Hunter plan has been officially adopted. Wait for anyone who is interested, has any requirements, and what kind of support can be provided, leave a copy of the information and explanatory documents , someone will help you take responsibility..."

"Next, let's focus on the defense and resistance measures related to the black lights. My idea and proposal is that before the black lights spread, everyone should spread the news quickly..."

"No matter what galaxy civilization it is, the SLR dead should be cremated without leaving any corpses. Otherwise, once they are locked and boarded by black lights, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"in addition……"

"I have a special formation here. As long as it is arranged in planets and cities according to the requirements, it can prevent the invasion of darkness and the power of death to a certain extent, and can greatly enhance people's defense..."

"Then there is the recruitment of fighters..."


As the person in charge of the conference and the leader of this alliance, Sinestro has been quite conscientious.


He talked a lot.

Not only gave everyone direction and confidence, but also provided a lot of help, including information and strategy.

And as the meeting continued and various proposals and plans were explained, the people who were feeling stressed and desperate suddenly found that Apocalypse and Black Lantern seemed to have nothing to fear.

As long as Sinestro's plans and proposals are strictly followed, and everyone unites and works together, nothing is invincible.

This kind of strong self-confidence is of course not the illusion of everyone, but stems from the huge and reliable guarantee given by Sinestro!

Abin Sur, the elder brother, watched the whole process and hardly spoke much, because he couldn't find any faults at all because of the many plans and proposals.

As for the destination and arrangement of the Green Lantern Warriors he led, as well as matters related to the battle, Sinestro also gave a very reasonable division of labor.

in short.

If you want to fight, you can fight. If you don’t want to fight, you can arrange it behind the scenes, or you can just retire and enjoy life.

The premise is to obey the arrangement.

In short.

Almost everyone has received the greatest respect, as well as full freedom, full of sincerity, and no one can find fault at all.

And in view of this.

In fact, very few people opted out.

After all, whether it is the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern, they are quite terrifying and terrifying existences. Only by choosing to fight to the end can there be a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, how can there be eggs under the overturned nest?


No matter what other people think.

Abin Sur, the eldest uncle, is now completely convinced of his brother-in-law, and can't find any faults.

He even stated on the spot that he would unconditionally support Sinestro, no matter what he commanded and dispatched, there was absolutely no second word!

This move was immediately seconded by many people.

after all.

People are real cattle.

Working with such a capable, responsible, and promising leader is a real job, and only a fool would refuse.

not to mention……

Once you join, everyone will get endless benefits.

In this way, after a meeting and discussions, Sinesto can be said to have completely become the real talker of this newly established cooperative alliance.

No one is dissatisfied with him, and everyone is united.

at the same time.

With the hearts of the people.

For Bai Xiaofei's side, he also obtained a wave of huge benefits indirectly because of this, after all, he is the most critical core!

Merit, principle, energy...

All the same.


Believe in the passage of time.

As well as the development of various subsequent plans, as well as the harvest of the battle results, Bai Xiaofeihuo's benefits and benefits will continue to increase.

Of course.

The current Bai Xiaofei doesn't care much about these things.

Right now, what he is most concerned about is undoubtedly the fierce battle situation on the battlefield of the light house barrier, to be precise, it is the duel between Long Zhan and Appa.


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