The Storm God

Chapter 3611 Stop!


While watching the battle, Bai Xiaofei suddenly let out a light hey.

Aya asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"There is movement!"


She was full of doubts.

Is there any movement? What's the meaning? Didn't they all move?

Why is there any movement?


on site.

Dragon War and Appa are dueling.

The two sides didn't use any fancy whistling tricks this time, it was just a confrontation in terms of pure strength.

It's a bit similar to the duel of internal strength in ancient martial arts.

Each side occupies one side, and then they will use their skills to compete. Whoever can persevere until the end will be the final winner.

There are no tricks at all.

Of course.

Compared with Guwu's duel of internal skills, the situation of super masters like Long Zhan and Apa is much more advanced even if they are facing each other.

What other people see is either the surging law of power, or the endless darkness and power of death, facing each other without giving an inch.

Although the scene is not as exciting and spectacular as real swords and guns, life and death fights, it is also very dangerous and shocking.


Relatively speaking.

Whether it's Dragon War or Apa.

One thing remains constant.

That is, the two of them basically kept their positions, didn't move much, only their strength moved.


What Bai Xiaofei said just now made Aya very confused.

However, she is not stupid, she quickly guessed something, and then said in surprise: "Sir, what do you mean..."


The smile on Bai Xiaofei's face became brighter and brighter.

While nodding, he replied: "That's what it means. As expected, this battle should be over soon."

"After all, there are already higher-level roles involved."


Aya was even more shocked.

A higher-level role to intervene? Could it be Darkseid?

But this time, she didn't speak.


at the same time.

Apocalypse, in the palace of the monarch.

The dark lord Darkseid has also used some means to have a panoramic view of everything that happened on the other side of the light house barrier.

at last……

He frowned slightly, and then conveyed a meaning——

Call it a day.


some corner of the universe.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also opened his eyes suddenly.

Looking at a certain place through the starry sky of the universe, the corners of his mouth swayed slightly, and he said to himself: "I finally found you..."


He also conveyed an order to his subordinates.


OA star.

In the great hall shrouded in endless darkness and the power of death, the terrifying dark figure fluctuated abruptly.

follow closely……

Appa on the side of the light house barrier immediately received a message:

Stop, withdraw!


Appa was a little confused at the time.

what's the situation?

I am at a critical moment here, why did I suddenly stop myself, and immediately withdraw...

Could there be some unexpected situation?

In short.

He couldn't figure it out.

But he didn't dare to disobey the order of the big brother, after all, he got all his strength from others.


Appa could only suffer in silence.

Fortunately, Long Zhan, who was fighting against him, also received a special hint from Shanfang.


People on both sides looked at each other.

It was rare to form a tacit understanding, and Qiqi began to shrink his strength, and finally stopped smoothly, without receiving the opponent's fierce attack.

Not only that.

Other members of the Black Lantern, and even the army of zombies.

They were all under the control of the commander of the power of darkness and death, and all of them withdrew back one after another, and did not continue to attack.

Dabada and others of the Goddess of Nemesis team also chose to stop.

Although the two sides did not have much communication, they were in tacit understanding, as if they had reached an agreement, and the flags and drums died down together.

This sudden scene made Aya who was watching, as well as Sinestro and others on Star Kruga, very confused and puzzled.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did they suddenly stop fighting? Isn't this too weird?"

"It feels so strange!"


Countless people were moved and surprised by it.

Sinestro was thoughtful, although he didn't know what was going on, but he also felt something tricky from it, squinting his eyes and frowning in silence.

dust star.

Aya looked at Bai Xiaofei with admiration, and manually liked it.

It means, sir, you are too good.

It's all counted.



However, Bai Xiaofei shook his head and smiled wryly, and laughed at himself: "What's so great, isn't it because I missed a move and someone found out about the prying? After all, no one wants to be a snipe..."

Aya: "..."


I'm flattering?

I'm struggling.

Bai Xiaofei's voice sounded again: "But it's okay, after all, no matter what, we have been fisherman for a long time, although it's a pity we didn't have the last laugh, but in the end we didn't suffer..."

"As for what's next?"

"Do your best!"


Aya was silent.

She felt that she could not keep up with the rhythm of her husband.

Aya understands the previous ones, and the meaning is nothing more than that the two sides behind the scene of the battle at the lighthouse barrier should have noticed that someone is being a fisherman and reaping the rewards.


For the sake of the overall situation, we have to temporarily stop the war in front of us.

Otherwise, both parties will suffer in the end, and only the fisherman hiding in the dark will be the biggest winner!

But what does it mean after that?

Do your best?

What do you do?

Could it be that the enemy already knew of Mr.'s existence, and would come to him soon to fight...

So far.

Aya's eyes suddenly opened wide.

My dear!

A boss of that level cannot be dealt with by us small characters. Can you handle it by yourself, sir?

She expressed concern.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, with my current strength, even if I can't beat the opponent, the opponent can't easily take advantage of it..."


"In the beginning, the enemy was in the clear and we were in the dark, and after being a fisherman for so long, I don't know how many opportunities and advantages we have taken..."

"No matter how stupid and reckless the enemy is, they won't come to the door immediately, and this gives us enough time and opportunity to deal with it."

"On the contrary, they should be the ones to worry about!"


Bai Xiaofei was full of confidence, and his smile was so contagious that it instantly restored Aya's calm.

"Sir, what shall we do next?"

Aya asked.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Of course it is to integrate our forces, actively prepare, and guard against the enemy's invasion and attack."


"Before that, we should add more obstacles to these enemies. While we are happy, we can also buy us more time!"

"You don't need to do this matter, I have someone else."


Aya nodded knowingly.


Koruga star.

Sinestro quickly found Bai Xiaofei's new instructions.

It was a special data file, which contained some information about the strong players of Apocalypse and the methods to deal with the black lamp.

What Bai Xiaofei meant was to spread this information internally in as short a time as possible.

The implication is that the enemy is likely to attack us next, you'd better prepare in advance, so as not to be caught off guard by the enemy.

And with these data, they can take a considerable advantage, at least to a certain extent, they will not be led by the nose by the enemy's ability.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

The battle hasn't been fought yet.

This side already has a fairly in-depth understanding of the enemy, but the enemy has been kept in the dark, completely ignorant of the opponent's situation...

With such a large information gap, the results can be imagined.

Of course.

There are no absolutes.

There are exceptions to everything.

Even with these, Bai Xiaofei can't guarantee that everything will be safe.


In addition to these.

He also took some other precautions.


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