The Storm God

Chapter 3612 Inference!

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei from Sanddust Star is doing.

On the side of the light house barrier battlefield...


After the armistice.

What the two sides ushered in was a moment of wide-eyed silence.

Apparently, neither of the two sides expected that the two sides, who are hostile, would have such a tacit understanding at this time.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Of course.

Embarrassment is embarrassment.

Some people are still more angry and helpless.

Just like Dallol.

after all……

His teammates are all dead.

Not only did he die, but he was also controlled by the enemy. Dallol couldn't bear such a thing anyway.

But now, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, ordered everyone to stop. As a younger brother, Dallol dared not listen.


Listen to me, but he remembered this grudge.

Dallol swears.

No matter what price he pays, he must avenge this revenge, and at the same time revive his teammates.

For this purpose, he is willing to give everything.

Even if it is your own soul!

And this.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei noticed it too.

However, he was not in a hurry to do it. One reason was that the timing was wrong. After being watched and watched by several bosses, Bai Xiaofei couldn't find a chance to contact Dallol at all.

Moreover is.

Dallol's strength is too low, and it's not worth Bai Xiaofei's wasting effort to pay attention to it, unless the other party can prove himself.

For example, a short-term increase in strength or something, only in this way can there be investment potential and value, otherwise why should you trust him?

Closer to home.

After a short silence.

Long Zhan and Appa faced each other across the air, their eyes full of regret.

Apa gritted his teeth and said harshly: "I'll let you off this time, if someone else hadn't conspired against me, I'd turn all of you into puppets walking corpses under my command today!"


Long Zhan smiled coldly, and retorted: "Really? I think you should feel lucky. If it weren't for someone hiding in the dark and watching, waiting for an opportunity to plot something wrong, you people would be completely dead today!"


Words are not speculative.

Naturally, the two sides will not continue to talk.

Otherwise, the more you talk, the more you will get angry, and it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be blinded by anger and continue to fight fiercely.

It is inevitable that this kind of thing will happen.


It was Appa who turned around and left first.

On Tianqixing's side, because of the order from above, they did not continue to advance or pursue, but silently watched Appa and others leave.

Some people under his command began to close the mess.

To know.

Their large army suffered heavy losses. Although many battleships were still to be destroyed, there were still many casualties.

Those ordinary demons are nothing more than that, the point is that there are many demon-like doomsdays, all of which are infected and assimilated by the ability of the black lamp.

Especially the two Kryptonians whose genes are nearly perfect.

That's the biggest loss.

To this.

Big Barda of the Nemesis team blamed himself very much.

If it weren't for their underestimation of the enemy, things might not have developed into this way, and she would have to bear part of the responsibility.


The Fantasy Team also has some responsibility.

However, the other party is an outsider after all, and even if he is responsible, it is not the turn of the Nemesis team and Apocalypse to pursue it.


Big Pata can't ask others.

She can only strictly demand herself and her teammates, in order to try to make up for the fault and guilt of this mission.

Even if Darkseid didn't blame her, Big Bada felt a little bit off, after all, she was the main person in charge of this mission.

With the current situation like this, the army has suffered heavy losses, so Dabada and the others naturally feel uncomfortable.


They also know.

Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The most important thing right now is to gather up the mess, reorganize the army, and then find a way to deal with the subsequent situation.

after all.

Darkseid gave them a brand new mission.

The target of the new mission is no longer limited to OA star, but also includes Bai Xiaofei hiding in the dark.


They just know.

When this war was fiercely unfolding, there were people watching, intending to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but it was not known who it was.

I can only roughly guess that the other party should be the mysterious master with strong strength and ability that Morpheus said.

Specifically, what is the origin of the other party, and where is it...

None of this is known.

In short.

their task.

It is the person behind the full investigation.

At the same time, the Apocalypse Headquarters will immediately dispatch capable officers to join the Nemesis team and others.

Their current task is to regroup their forces and find a place to settle down temporarily. After all, this task is very difficult and cannot be solved overnight.

Besides, the mutation of OA star, and the boss who coexists with darkness and death, are also quite difficult problems.

Even Apocalypse can't ignore their existence now.

Especially this boss, who seems to be bewitched and occupied the OA star, turned the Green Lantern base camp, which originally symbolized justice and light, into the origin of darkness and death.

Such a difficult opponent, even if it is Apocalypse, I dare not say that it will be easily won, especially after the fierce battle before, and there are still certain losses.

Suddenly there are two super tough masters, even if it is Darkseid, he has to get serious now.

As for the existence of other civilizations and resistance forces in the universe?


That's almost completely irrelevant.

Because in addition to Apocalypse, the mutated OA star is also their major enemy. Even if Apocalypse does nothing, those people will still have a headache because of the problem of OA star.

Since there is this free target to attract the attention of those people, Apocalypse will naturally not do anything unnecessary, and is also happy to have someone help to divert the target.

This moment.

They are more willing to use the freed energy to investigate and find Bai Xiaofei who is hiding in the dark and peeping, trying to reap the benefits.

As for whether it can be found, how long will it take...

That's another story.

In short.

After noticing the problem, Darkseid of Apocalypse contacted Morpheus the Oneiroi immediately.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also responded to Dakseid's contact immediately, and said that the person who was hiding in the dark and peeping at that time was most likely Bai Xiaofei.

After all, apart from him, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, can't think of anyone else who can do this to such an extent.

The most important thing is that this combat style is too familiar.


He was almost sure.

That sneaky person hiding in the dark is Bai Xiaofei.

Of course.

Darkseid didn't care about the speculation of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord. What he wanted was the result and how to find him.


After a long silence.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, thought over and over again, and after stringing together some events, he suddenly discovered a common point.

Then he said: "Mr. Darkseid, if my predictions are correct, that guy should be hiding in Dust Star now!"


Dakseid was shocked when he heard this.

There was a little surprise, surprise, and anger in his eyes, and he said with murderous intent, "You mean, all the things before are related to him, and even planned by him?"

"That's right!"

Morpheus, the god of dreams, replied: "This person is extremely insidious and cunning. According to my inference, the previous incidents are absolutely inseparable from him. Otherwise, it is impossible to be so troublesome with a single anti-supervision king..."

"Even the artificial intelligence of an OA star can overthrow the anti-surveillance king. It doesn't make sense that the Dallols I sent out have returned without success, and they almost wiped out the entire army, right?"

"The only explanation is that behind this new version of the anti-surveillance king, there is a very strong master as the backer!"

"That's Bai Xiaofei!"


Some analysis and inference.

Directly solve all doubts and directly hit the truth.


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