The Storm God

Chapter 3614 Prepare!


"What do we do now? That's..."

"Can we?"


Hao Tian couldn't hide his words.

When he learned that the target of this mission was actually Bai Xiaofei, who had caused Morpheus, the God of Dreams, a big loss last time, he immediately lost his composure.

In fact.

Not only him, but the other members were also a little bit overwhelmed, but not as exaggerated as he showed.

There was seriousness in Jiao Niang's beautiful eyes.

Seeing that Long Zhan looked thoughtful and didn't answer, he knew that the boss was thinking about a strategic approach.

So he winked at others.

Uncle Locke nodded his head, then pulled Hao Tian, ​​turned around and walked out, completely ignoring the latter's bewilderment and clamor.

"Shut up!"

"If you bark again, believe it or not, I'll add a wilting buff to you?"

"Let the boss be quiet for a while!"


A threat.

Haotian immediately calmed down.

He suddenly realized that it was not only himself who felt difficult and stressed about this task, but also the other members.

Especially the boss who is the captain.


He was honest right away.

On the one hand, it was because of Uncle Locke's "threat". After all, Uncle Locke did what he said, if he barked again, he could really apply a wilting buff to himself.

Haotian didn't want to suffer that.

Of course.

The most important thing is undoubtedly not wanting to disturb the boss's thinking.

Haotian believes that no matter what, the captain Long Zhan will lead them to complete the task, because after following him, he has never failed.

So what if the opponent is the terrifying and powerful Bai Xiaofei?

You know, the boss's boss, Lord Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has already helped us to the greatest extent.

The power of the source, the magic weapon, everything, with these, the strength of their dream team can definitely be improved to a higher level!

not to mention……

For this mission, I heard that the avatar of Lord Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, will personally lead the team to participate. What do you have to be afraid of?

It's all psychological!

In short.

Haotian comforted himself in this way, and the effect was very prominent.

The same is true for the other members. After all, the rumors about Bai Xiaofei were only in the past, not the present.

Coupled with Morpheus, the God of Dreams, they are naturally full of confidence. As for whether they can survive to the end...


This is nothing to worry about.

Because they are a team, as long as one person can survive until the end, when they return to the reincarnation space, and have enough points, they can bring the dead opponent back to life at a certain cost.

Even after the resurrection, the strength is no longer there, and it will take a greater price to recover, but it is hope anyway.


They have nothing to worry about.

This is also the biggest reason why the rest of Dallol's team tried their best to cover Dallol's escape.

It's just that they don't know at all that the subsequent development has completely exceeded Dallol's ability to bear it.

According to normal logic and deduction, it is impossible for Dallol to save enough points to revive Xiao Yao Lao Wu and others, because with his current strength, it is unknown whether he can survive this mission safely .


Dallol was also assigned to this mission.

In other words, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, had already gone all out, and almost pulled in all the personnel under his command who could participate in the battle.

They even applied for some powerful members from Darkseid to join the battle as foreign aid to deal with Bai Xiaofei together.

after all……

They are allies.

And Bai Xiaofei's power and terror cannot be underestimated.

For the sake of the overall situation, and to collect intelligence information about Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid will naturally not stand idly by.

At that time, he readily agreed to the request of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and arranged the most elite team under his command to support the fantasy team and others to carry out this mission together.

Of course.

This is not to say that Apocalypse has nothing to do.

You know, their enemy, whether it is Bai Xiaofei, also has the blackened OA star, that is, the Black Lantern Corps.

The threat of these guys should not be underestimated either. After all, the other party represents darkness and death, and they are also extremely difficult to deal with.

Now that the opponent has not fully risen, it is the best time to deal with them. If they miss it, it will be troublesome when the opponent develops strongly.


Apocalypse immediately issued an order.

All the planets under its colonial control have all entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and at the same time, they have also launched compulsory control over the surrounding galaxy civilizations.

In case the Black Lantern Legion is used as a springboard to infiltrate and invade the territory of Apocalypse, the best way to prevent it is undoubtedly to send an army of demons to guard it.

after all……

Demons are cannon fodder.

Even if it is really assimilated by the black lamp infection, it's no big deal.

But other elite members are completely different. For example, the Kryptonians carefully crafted by Apocalypse before became one of the powerful enemies that caused them the most headaches after being blackened.

Apocalypse will naturally not make similar mistakes again.

Of course, relying on these monsters alone is not enough. If there is no master, it is easy to be attacked by the enemy.

to this end.

Apocalypse had to build a powerful special mechanical corps.

Obviously, the science department of Apocalypse is not stupid. They also realized that the best way to deal with the Black Lantern Corps is to have no biological body and mechanical steel body.

It's just that under normal circumstances, they would not create such a thing, because this thing is completely operated by the command of the program. Although there is nothing to say about loyalty, there is a huge security risk.

For example, if the program is invaded and tampered with, the mechanical creation will completely rebel, and the only thing Apocalypse can do is to detonate them.

Speaking of which.

I have to mention it.

Apocalypse's technology is mainly good at biological transformation and some mechanical engineering technologies.

Although the level of mechanical creation is not weak, it is still not at the top, which is about the level of the ceiling lamp under the ceiling.

And the ones who are more powerful in this respect must first belong to the OA star.

after all……

The other party has created the existence of the anti-surveillance king and the mechanical hunter, and the disasters created by these creations have even affected the safety of the dimensional universe and most of the local universe.

It's awesome and scary, needless to say.

Even if the current OA star is far from the previous OA star, or even completely blackened, the camel that died is bigger than the horse.

Apocalypse still needs to pay attention.


Most of the main members of the current OA star are black lights or zombies. Even if there are other elites, they are not mechanical creations.

So Apocalypse doesn't have to care too much.

The main function of the key mechanical creation is to target the black lamp, coupled with the involvement of Bai Xiaofei's third-party forces, this relieves a lot of pressure on Apocalypse.

In short.

The division of labor on Apocalypse is very clear.

The mechanical creations are mainly used to deal with the Black Lantern Warriors of star OA, while the other elite troops are mainly used to guard against Bai Xiaofei's forces.

There is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei.

And the team of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is mainly responsible for finding out and probing, and providing the necessary accurate data for Apocalypse.

Of course.

All this is easier said than done.

First of all, the creation of mechanical creations requires a certain process, and the second is the convening and selection of elite troops...

These all take time.

in addition.

The enemy is not a vegetarian, and will not sit still and be beaten.

During this period.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei or OA Star, they have also relatively launched their own countermeasures in case of emergencies.

The power of the three parties is like a tripartite confrontation, each showing its means.


It depends on who is more skilled.


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