The Storm God

Chapter 3615 Spread! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

Boundless darkness and death completely enveloped this once brilliant and brilliant planet, turning it into a hellish existence.

Almost all the lives on the entire planet have become zombies, or black lamp warriors, and have completely surrendered to the darkness.

Only a very small number of guardians were lucky enough to escape when the darkness fell, and they used special techniques to escape to other places.

And Seid is one of them.


A special existence suddenly descended.

She is Kroner, now known as Scarface, but the guardian of the Black Lantern, the loyal number one fan of the Black Death Emperor.

Even Apa, the leader of the OA star, had to be ranked behind, and even had to act according to Scarface's wishes.

after all.

Who told someone to be the second in command?

This guy, Apa, is now at Star OA, at most he is a super fighter with more strength and status.



It's just a self-deceiving idea.

When Apa led his subordinates back to Star OA, and saw that Scarface descended on Star OA at some point, and seemed to take his place, he was already a little depressed, and suddenly became even more unhappy.

"Why?" Appa, who was on the verge of anger, suddenly felt overwhelmed, and directly questioned Scarface.

Of course.

This question not only refers to Scarface coming without saying hello, but also includes the matter that the Black Death Emperor ordered them to stop and retreat.

after all.

They were the ones who suffered at the time.

If there is no reasonable explanation, Appa will not be able to swallow this breath anyway.


And the scar face is no longer the scar face before.

Having succeeded in her plot, she is proud now, and she sneered coldly at Apa's questioning, and said displeasedly: "Apa, pay attention to your attitude, you must know that the you now are not the you you used to be!"

The implication is that now you are just a younger brother, and my mother is the one who is talking. If you dare to be ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude to you!


Appa was furious.

He almost ran away, but when he thought that what Scarface said was true, the main reason behind the other party was the awesome Black Death Emperor...

Appa immediately faltered again.

no way.

Circumstances are stronger than people.

Now even Star OA has completely become the other party's territory, what can Apa, a down-and-out guardian, say?

I can only admit defeat, otherwise what should I do?

Is it tough?


What a joke!

What's the difference between that and courting death?


Even worse than death!

Thinking of this, Apa immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, then quickly hid all his emotions and regained his composure.

Then he said: "Scarface, we are collaborators, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Attitude has obviously improved a lot.


Among them, it is still hard to hide the arrogance of Apana from the bottom of his heart, after all, he was also the top talker of OA star before.

Even if he is down now, he will never let go of the pride deep in his soul, even if the other party has a scarred face.

To this.

Scarface also understands.

After all, we are all old acquaintances, no one knows who.

She didn't care about this, she just smiled slightly when she heard the words, and explained: "Even if you don't ask about this matter, I will tell you, after all, this matter is of great importance..."


Appa was even more puzzled.

Later, I heard Scarface narrating, directly telling about the fact that someone was peeping in the dark and seemed to want to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


Appa remained silent.

Naturally, he would not suspect that Scarface was lying, because there was no need for that at all, after all, Apocalypse also stopped fighting.

That means everything is true.

The key now is, who is that guy who hides in the dark and intends to reap the benefits?

And the first person Apa thought of was Bai Xiaofei.

no way.

Except for Bai Xiaofei.

He really couldn't think of anyone with this ability.

Most of the matters before the key are also related to Bai Xiaofei, and there are still conflicts and frictions between the two parties...

If it were Apa himself, he would definitely not have such a good opportunity.

"I also think so."

Scarface nodded, agreeing with Apa's guess.

Then he said: "However, these are not important. What is important is what we will do in the future. After all, Lord Black Death has not fully recovered, and our Black Lantern Legion is not strong enough to deal with the two major forces at the same time..."

"Furthermore, after this war, whether it's Apocalypse or Bai Xiaofei, I'm afraid they will publicize the blackening of OA to the whole universe. This is very detrimental to us."

"The key is that what we lack and need most now is development and expansion. Without enough emotional strength, Lord Black Death Emperor cannot fully recover..."

"No matter what, we have to solve this problem!"

"What can you do?"


Appa remained silent.

This question was too difficult. Facing the suppression from the two forces and the big bosses, even he couldn't come up with any good ideas for a while.


An old fox is an old fox. After only pondering for a while, Apa came up with a solution that was not a solution.

He said: "Perhaps we can start from those civilized planets on the edge of the universe. After all, neither Apocalypse nor Bai Xiaofei's power can affect the entire universe..."

"And the edge of the universe has always been a weak place, very chaotic. Even if there is really Apocalypse, or Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, we may not be able to benefit from it..."

"As long as we move quickly, when the development reaches a certain level, they will be the ones who will suffer when the other party comes."


Heed the proposal.

Scarface immediately nodded in agreement, and raised his brows and said, "Yes, it is indeed a solution. Although it is a little troublesome and the Xiaojiazi is a little angry, it is still a feasible strategy!"


"Then let's do this!"

"Except for the necessary elite left behind on Star OA, the rest of the members of the Black Lantern Legion can be deployed as you like, only one is required, and as much as possible to obtain huge emotional power in a short time!"

"The previous battles have consumed a lot of the power of the Black Death Emperor. We have to prove our worth!"

"Only in this way can we become stronger!"

"Do you know what I mean?"


Appa nodded silently.

Then he left the hall, quickly summoned some elite black lantern fighters, left OA star, and went straight to the edge of the universe.

In order to maximize the benefits.

Apa also divided his team into six waves, and each wave was responsible for a certain degree of fan-shaped universe area.

He has only one goal, the power of emotion!

At all costs, harvest the life and emotions of the civilizations of the universe and galaxies, strengthen the strength of the Black Death Emperor, and thus strengthen himself.

It has been completely blackened and turned into a servant of the Black Death Emperor.

at the same time.

Sinestro and the others on the Kruga star side were also not idle. After the meeting and discussions were over, the bigwigs and representatives from all parties started to take action one after another.

Spreading news, spreading news, summoning human resources, in short, no one is lazy.

Under the influence and appeal of the big shots, the names of Kruga and Sinestro, as well as news of the blackening of OA, were quickly spread across most of the universe.

Zuo Kesi, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps in No Man's Land, who has always been more concerned about the news and dynamics of the Lighthouse Barrier Battlefield, suddenly became ill after knowing all this.

OA star blackened?

The previous Green Lantern, Sinestro, stood on his own and became a brand-new representative of justice and light in the universe, and called on people from galaxy civilizations all over the universe to jointly resist the invasion of the dark OA?

More than half of the major galaxy civilizations have given high recognition and attention, and immediately arranged a support plan?

What's the situation?

this moment.

Zuo Kesi and the others were completely dumbfounded.

Also immediately panicked.


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