The Storm God

Chapter 3616 Help yourself! (Please subscribe!)

"what to do?"

"What should we do now? Star Apocalypse, Star OA, all of them are so terrifying. With our current strength, there is no hope at all!"

"You have to find a way to save yourself, otherwise..."

"The consequences are unimaginable!"


Batgirl spun around in a hurry.

Not just her.

Several leaders of the Red Lantern Corps, including the leader Zuo Kesi, all of them, after knowing the battle situation on the other side of the light house barrier, there is no one who is not worried and afraid.

no way.

Who made them deserters before.

Now that Star OA has been completely blackened and has become the base camp of the Black Lantern Legion, even if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that the other party will never let them go.

Even if you don't come now, you will definitely retaliate in the future.

More critically.

After that incident, the reputation of their Red Lantern Corps has been completely stink, and it is not so difficult to find someone to help cooperate.

Thinking of this, Zuo Kesi couldn't help but feel dizzy.

All right……

His head was already big.

But now it's even bigger, and it's almost bursting with irritability.

Especially when everyone's eyes were all on Zuo Kesi, waiting for him, the boss, to find a way to solve the matter.

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Zuo Kesi was furious, and shouted: "I'm not a god, how can I solve everything, and don't look at who they are!"

"Don't rely on me, you all have to figure out a way yourself!"

"No man's land is not mine alone!"


A hysterical look.

Obviously, he was almost collapsed by the pressure of the situation in front of him.


Everyone was silent.

You look at me, I look at yours, no one can do anything, the eyes are full of helplessness and despair.

And at this moment.

Batgirl suddenly had an idea and thought of someone.


She quickly came to Zuo Kesi's side.

"Master Zuckers..."

"I think we can find someone to help. As long as he is willing to help and intercede, things should turn around..."

"After all, he is also a member of our no man's land!"


Zuo Kesi is not stupid either.

Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the person Batgirl was talking about was Little Red Razer.

His eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "Yes, Razer is also a member of the Red Lantern Corps, and even more so, a member of No Man's Land!"

"No man's land is in trouble, he can't stand by, and he has some friendship with Green Lantern Hal, Blue Lantern Walker and others..."

"If he's willing to help, we're still saved!"


Zuo Kesi became excited immediately.

Then they immediately wanted someone to contact Razer for help, but right afterward, they found out bitterly that none of them had the contact information of Razer...

That's shit!


In the end, Batwoman is more reliable.

She operated with a bang, and some information was displayed on the computer in the room.

And the planet shown above is the star Kruga.


Zuo Kesi was suddenly puzzled.

"This is……"

"Mr. Zuo Kesi, when I left the barrier of the House of Light, in order to monitor the situation and development of the battle over there at any time, I left tracking and monitoring devices on some people..."

"Although there are very few left in the end, they can basically locate their current positions, and this planet is Sinestro's home planet Kruga..."

"According to the analysis of the current situation, I guess those surviving Green Lantern Alliance fighters should have taken refuge in Sinestro!"

"After all, he used to be the greatest Green Lantern, and now he stands on his own, with extraordinary achievements, comparable to the former OA star, almost the last hope of the entire universe, if it were me, I would also go to Kruga star to see it. "


Zuo Kesi was stunned.

Squinting his eyes and looking at the planet Kruga, he said in a deep voice: "You mean, Razer may be on Kruga now, and has joined Sinestro's corps, and you want us to join in?"


Batgirl nodded: "This is our only hope, but if you join in rashly, the other party may not agree. After all, we have previous convictions before, unless someone guarantees us..."

"That is."

"We still have to find Razer and ask him to help intercede, so that we can join Sinestro's Kruga Star Legion."


Batwoman's statement was immediately recognized by many people.

Zuo Kesi also admitted that there is nothing wrong with what Batgirl said, but the key question now is, how can I contact Razer?

If you can't contact Razer, everything is useless!

"I have a way!"

Batwoman performed another burst of operations, and then said with a smile: "According to the latest information, the Kruga Star Legion is now recruiting volunteer soldiers and a large number of scientific and technological personnel..."

"My idea is, let's find some people to mix in, and then see if we can find a chance to find Razer..."

"As long as we can get some information about Razer, it doesn't matter if we can't see him, we can adapt to the situation..."


Batgirl's plan is perfect.

Zuo Kesi pondered for a moment, felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, then I will leave this matter to you!"


Batgirl was taken aback for a moment.

Depend on!

Such a difficult task, just hit me on the head?

Then what are you boss doing?


Zuo Kesi was also a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, he quickly coughed lightly, and lured him: "Well, if you can handle this matter well, then the position of deputy head of the legion will be yours from now on!"


Facing the lure of Zuo Kesi's naked power, Batgirl finally compromised.


She began gathering and screening people.

After several days of testing and trials, hundreds of special talents with different abilities were finally successfully selected.

Some of them are scientists, some are proficient in forging, some are outstanding fighters, and some are even ordinary migrant workers...

In short.

Complete range.

But for all the talents that Kruga star needs, no matter what industry they are in, they have prepared some, not afraid of too many, but afraid of too few.

A typical example of casting a wide net and catching more fish.

"Set off!"



Koruga star.

Regarding the matter of the Black Lantern Corps, not long after the news spread, envoys from the civilizations of the major galaxies in the universe rushed here one after another.

Some came to deliver supplies, some to people, and there were naturally some ordinary people seeking protection among them.

To this.

Star Kruga did not stop them at all, but they would not block the other party's entry within the scope of their abilities.

Especially those materials and talents who go to defection, Sinestro welcomes them with both hands, after all, fighting costs money.

No one has no money, so what a fart.

With such a person to support me, regardless of whether the other party has any special purpose, in short, get things first and talk.

Anyway, we don't suffer.

Of course.

As for the espionage, it must be strictly investigated and eliminated, and Sinestro is also very confident about this.

Because they have a set of extremely special and powerful detection devices, everyone who enters can basically detect whether they are sincere or harbor evil intentions.

it's not...

A group of professionals photographed by the Red Lantern Corps had just entered the first round of testing, and all of them were screened out.

And this matter directly alarmed Sinestro himself.

Because the purpose of these people is different from other undercover spies, they are just to find someone to help, and the ultimate goal is to join the Kruga star.

Or seek self-preservation.


When Sinestro knew this, he laughed immediately: "It's really hard to find a place to go, and it doesn't take much effort. It feels so good to have someone give you a pillow when you doze off!"


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