The Storm God

Chapter 3617 Contact! (Please subscribe!)

"Sinestro, what do you mean?"

The person who spoke was Sinestro's eldest brother--Abin Sur.

After all, they are relatives.


Sinestro would not shy away from Abinsur about many things, after all, their relationship is much better now than before.

Sinestro also firmly believed that Abin Sur would never betray him.

Just like now.

Catch spies and undercover things.

Basically, Abin Sur is in charge, but the final decision-making power is still Sinestro's.

As for the special personnel sent from no man's land, Sinestro obviously had other ideas, which made Abin Sur a little confused and puzzled.


Sinestro smiled.

Then he looked at his uncle and explained: "You also know the technology of the Ultimate Lantern Man. Although I also have the Red Lantern Corps under my command, I was able to produce some Ultimate Red Lanterns long ago, but there is a problem, but I still can't." has been solved……"

"You mean the energy of the red light?"


Sinestro nodded.

He looked through the monitor and looked at the captured spies in no man's land, and said with a smile: "And we all know that the total energy of the red light has always been in the hands of the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land..."

"Before we did it, we naturally wouldn't take this matter to heart. After all, we don't lack their strength!"

"But it's different now."

"Whether it is the threat of the Apocalypse or the expansion of the Black Lantern Corps, we must actively respond and plan ahead!"

"The total energy of the Red Lantern Corps is of great help to us, and can help create more ultimate red lights. Secondly, it will definitely be one of the targets of the Black Lantern Corps."

"After all, anger is also an emotional force. If it were me, I would definitely devour these energies to strengthen myself."

"That is to say, even if we don't want to absorb the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land, for the sake of the overall situation, we must protect them!"

"It's ridiculous that Zuo Kesi and those people can't see these realities clearly until now, and they still want to send people to sneak in and ask Razer to help intercede..."

"However, this just saved us a lot of trouble. After knowing their mentality, we can also make reasonable demands in subsequent negotiations."


Abin Sur remained silent.

Although he somewhat resisted Sinestro's calculations and scheming, he felt that this was not a method that an honest gentleman should use...

But he also had to admit that from the perspective of the overall situation, there was nothing wrong with Sinestro doing this.

after all……

The reality is right in front of you.

The blackening of OA star and the rise of Kruga star.

All this proves that Sinestro's foresight is correct, so at this moment, Abin Sur, although he still feels a little awkward in his heart, at least he will not stand up and accuse Sinestro of doing something wrong.

on the contrary.

Abin Sur nodded.

Standing firmly on Sinestro's side, he asked, "Is there anything I can do? I just happen to be free right now..."

"Why don't you let me talk to them?"


The team led by Abin Sur is mainly the previous Green Lantern, and the ultimate Green Lantern who got rid of Apa's brainwashing control.

And those volunteer fighters who believe in justice and light in the alliance.

Such an army, after joining Star Kruga, is naturally well arranged and can be handled easily.


Abin Sur's pressure was instantly reduced.

During these days with Sinestro, he was almost familiar with the power of his brother-in-law and presided over some basic tasks.

Sinestro is still doing big things.


Finally, there was something that Abin Sur could do, and he naturally hoped that he could do his part.


Sinestro was silent for a moment.

Looking at his uncle, he certainly knew that the other party had no bad intentions.

But the crux of the problem is that this uncle's personality is too upright, which is not good for negotiating with the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land.


There are no absolutes in the world, maybe, through this opportunity, can my uncle grow up and change a bit?

Think here.

Sinestro finally nodded.

Agreed: "Alright, the generals under my command are all busy outside at present, and I can't spare a few for a while."

"Since you want to go, then leave it to you!"


When it comes to this.

Sinestro paused slightly, and then continued: "I think it's better to be with someone who the other side trusts..."

"You mean, bring Razer together?"


Sinestro nodded: "The original intention of the other party was to find Razer to help negotiate a peace. If you just go there by yourself without the red light of Razer, I am afraid the other party will think there is some conspiracy..."

"After all, Zuo Kesi's group of people have too many thoughts, otherwise they would not have run away directly during the battle against the light house barrier."

"With Razer here, at least they will be less distracted, and even some words and things, we talk and do, are not as effective as Razer."


Abin Sur was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded with a smile and said, "I understand. I will contact Razer later and ask him to go to the no man's land with me."


Sinestro nodded and said, "Razer is a smart guy with strong strength. With him around, there is basically no problem."

"I just hope Zuo Kesi and those guys don't know good from bad, otherwise, for the sake of the overall situation, even if you don't want to, I'm afraid you have to use some tough methods."


Abin Sur was silent.

He knew that the last sentence was directed at himself.

In fact, relying on yourself, there are some things that good people are useless. Only force is the simplest and most trouble-free solution.

If he can't do it, give it to Razer.

To this.

Abin Sur was helpless.

Only by default.

after all……

Today is different.

Facing the threats from the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, for the sake of the overall situation, some special measures are necessary.

You are not good at it, and if you don’t want to do it, it’s okay!

Then let someone else do it!

In short.

Just don't make trouble.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him as a brother-in-law.


No man's land.

Red Lantern Corps headquarters.

Zuo Kesi and the others are anxiously waiting for the selection test results on Star Kruga, and before the results come out, none of them can let it go.

You can relax a little only if you are sure that someone has gotten in.


They waited and waited.

In the end, what they waited so hard for was not the reports sent to them by those carefully selected spies, but Abin Sur's communication.


Seeing that the requesting party was actually Green Lantern's Abin Sur, Zuo Kesi and the others seemed very puzzled and confused.

what's the situation?

How could it be this guy?

Could it be...

Our plans exposed? Otherwise, how could the other party contact us with our spy secret contact information...

This is bad!


They were very flustered, afraid that Abin Sur was looking for trouble, and they were all in a hurry.

Later, Batgirl was calmer. Considering Abin Sur's previous personality, she bit the bullet and connected to the communication.


Zuo Kesi and others were even more confused.

Because it was completely different from what they expected, the other party did not come to find fault, on the contrary, they came to seek cooperation.

This is simply dozing off and someone sent a pillow.

However, right after Zuo Kesi and the others began to mutter again, is the other party so easy to talk to?

Could this be a trap?

"I don't think so!"

Batgirl looked serious, and analyzed: "First of all, everyone knows that Abin Sur is not a sinister and cunning person!"

"in addition……"

"The other party also said that at that time, Razer will follow and come to discuss with us about cooperation and alliance."

"I think this is an opportunity!"


As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, it was unanimously approved by everyone.

Zuo Kesi also had nothing to say.


"Since that's the case, then go meet them and see what the other party wants. It's best to cooperate, and the worst is to break up!"

"We are not people who are afraid of things!"


The last sentence is obviously a bit lacking in confidence.


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