The Storm God

Chapter 3618 Conditions! (Please subscribe!)

two days later.

Abin Sur, the little Red Razer, brought a team of elite fighters to the headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land.

The two sides started friendly talks.


accompanied by.

And the spies who were detected.

Star Kruga is now overcrowded, and there is no need to worry about talents at all. These spies will naturally not be hired until they reach a perfect cooperation.

Bringing it back to the Red Lantern Corps now is also a kind of expression.

Look, we mean no harm.


These people are already unlucky.


After Zuo Kesi and others saw Abinsur and Razer, they seemed very enthusiastic, and they seemed to have no spy at all.

His skin was extremely thick.

on this...

Abin Sur didn't say much, and when the two parties sat down in the meeting room, they didn't bother to talk nonsense to each other.

Straight to the point, he said: "Mr. Zuo Kesi, let's stop talking nonsense, I think you know something about the purpose of our visit this time..."

"As for your joining the alliance, we can consider it, but in view of your previous behavior and performance..."

"Everyone thinks you should show something."


As for what it means.

Abin Sur didn't mention it directly, but wanted to see how people like Zuo Kesi reacted after hearing these words.

If it is as expected, it will not be too late.


It's useless to say.


Zuo Kesi smiled sincerely.

Obviously, it was expected that Abin Sur might raise conditions on this matter, so it was not surprising at all.

Even after hearing these words, he seemed a lot more relaxed.

He nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and then said: "What we did before was wrong, and it is understandable for you to have concerns and worries..."

"Then I don't know what your condition is...?"


He's no inkblot either.

Now that everyone has talked about this, there is no need to beat around the bush, just open the skylight and speak plainly.

What Zuo Kesi meant was that he wanted to hear what the other party meant first.

As long as it's not too demanding.

They all can.


Abin Sur was slightly taken aback.

He looked at Zuo Kesi seriously, as if he was considering the authenticity and sincerity of the other party's words, and after a long while, he said: "Mr. Zuo Kesi, to be honest, there are really people in your Red Lantern Corps One thing is what we lack and need at present..."

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, and at the same time glanced at the little red Razer next to him, meaning, you can say what follows.


Razer's face was expressionless, very cold.

However, he still stood up very honestly, took over what Abin Sur said, and said: "The red light is full of energy!"


When Zuo Kesi and the others heard this, they all became furious.

To know.

The total energy of the red light is the foundation of the Red Lantern Corps.

The other party asked for this as soon as they opened their mouths. It was obvious that they wanted to annex them completely. Who can bear this?

It's like you ran to someone else's house and told them that you want the other person's wife. It would be strange if you didn't run away and beat someone.

"What do you mean!?"

Zuo Kesi and the others immediately became angry.

One by one, they have entered a state of combat readiness, and their bodies are filled with billowing red angry energy, as if they are ready to fight at any time.

Razer was unmoved.

Looking at the changes of Zuo Kesi and others with cold eyes, he didn't take it to heart at all, and continued to say indifferently: "No other meaning, it is the total energy of your red lights, which can help us mass produce more ultimate red lights. Lamp, I want to borrow some of its power, that's all."

"The ultimate red light?"

As soon as Zuo Kesi heard it, he immediately caught the key point, and said in amazement: "Could it be those powerful and special colored light fighters who emerged from OA star in the light house barrier battle?"


Abin Sur said: "Currently, we have mastered the relevant technology on Kruga Star, and can raise a certain amount of ultimate Lantern Man in batches, but the total amount of energy required is extremely huge."

"Of course, relying on our own ability, it's not impossible to create the ultimate red light, but it will be more laborious."

"If you can share a part of the total energy of the red light to support us in creating more ultimate red lights to show our sincerity and determination, then we will naturally not care about your previous behavior..."

"No one is forcing you on this matter. Whether you agree or not depends entirely on your own wishes. You just need to give us an answer within three days."

"During this period, you can have a good discussion."


After speaking.

Then he winked at Razer, who immediately nodded slightly.

follow closely……

They got up and left.

Only Zuo Kesi and others were left in the conference room, you looked at me, I looked at yours, staring at each other, at a loss.

After a long while.

Only then did Batgirl come to her senses, and asked blankly: "Mr. Zuo Kesi, what should we do now? Do you want to agree?"


Zuo Kesi remained silent.

To be honest, he was a little tangled and hesitant, and didn't know how to make a decision. After all, it was the lifeblood of the Red Lantern Corps.

Just sharing it with others for free, no one will be reconciled.


Considering the situation in no man's land.

As well as the strength of the Kruga star, as well as subsequent security issues, they had to make a choice on this issue.

That's fucked up.


The other party did not force it.

Instead, they were given three days to consider and make decisions, so Zuo Kesi still had room for buffering and negotiating.

So far.

Zuo Kesi couldn't help frowning and said: "This matter is of great importance, far beyond what the few of us can determine. Prepare to call a core meeting!"

What he meant was that he hoped that the core elders of No Man's Land would discuss and decide the final outcome of this matter together.


Whether it is successful or not, it is not his fault alone.

Otherwise, if something really happens in the future, Zuo Kesi will be the biggest sinner in No Man's Land!

No matter how stupid Zuo Kesi was, he couldn't take the blame.



The core elders of no man's land were all summoned.

Zuo Kesi and Batgirl didn't talk nonsense to these elders, and directly informed everyone of the conditions offered by Star Kruga.

Finally said: "This is the question of today's meeting. It depends on everyone's opinion whether to agree to them or reject them."


There was a moment of silence in the conference room, but soon, the atmosphere of silence suddenly became boiling again.

Dozens of core elders immediately started a heated discussion.

Some chose to agree, while others refused.

In short.

Almost evenly split.

And neither of them can convince the other, they look evenly matched.


A group of people looked at Zuo Kesi.

One of them, with a blue head and a round body, looked at the strange alien elder, and suggested: "Mr. Zuo Kesi, it's not an option to continue this discussion. In my opinion, it's better to vote!"



The elder nodded and explained: "The total number of elders in our Red Lantern Corps in No Man's Land is seventy-two, plus you, Chief Zuo Kesi, there are seventy-three elders. If there is a vote, as long as there is no Those who abstain from voting will eventually have a result."

"No matter what the final result is, I believe everyone will not have any opinions. After all, it is the result of everyone voting together."

"how do you feel?"


Zuo Kesi rolled his eyes.

Then he laughed and said: "Okay, let's do it this way, vote, and vote by secret ballot, so that no one will have any pressure!"

"Batgirl, get ready right now!"



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