The Storm God

Chapter 3619 No need! (Please subscribe!)

No man's land.

In a high-end hotel room.

Abin Sur and Razer sat face to face, and when they were bored, they couldn't help asking, "Razer, what do you think they will do?"

"Hard to say!"


Abin Sul was suddenly puzzled.

What does it mean? What is hard to say?

Razer smiled wryly and explained: "It's like this. First of all, Zuo Kesi is sometimes very smart, but sometimes he is very stupid!"

"For example, the last battle against the light house barrier. It is estimated that no one with a normal head will be driven out of the escape. After all, there are no eggs under the nest..."

"But he did it."


Abin Sur agrees.

Such behavior, in the light of the circumstances at the time, was indeed quite stupid.

If it weren't for this, the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land would not have ended up in the difficult situation it is today.

No matter how bad it is, it should be the same as other civilized galaxies.

it's good now.

With the reputation of betrayal and escape.

Even if in the end Zuo Kesi and the others agreed to the conditions of Star Kruga, they probably wouldn't be easily believed by others.

What is the picture!

Isn't this a typical example of shooting yourself in the foot?

But if you want to say that Zuo Kesi is stupid, this guy is an existence that went from Atoxista to the peak step by step.

If there are no two brushes, can we have today?

Think here.

Abin Sur suddenly understood what Razer meant—as long as Zuo Kesi is not stupid and his IQ is online, this matter will be absolutely fine.

Just be afraid, Zuo Kesi is the same as last time, inexplicably stupid.

Then there is no move.


The two soon got a report from their subordinates, saying that Zuo Kesi had summoned the core elders of the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land, and they seemed to be discussing something important.

As for what happened, the two of them knew it well.


They couldn't help but smile slightly at each other.

Abin Sur said with a smile: "It seems that this time, Zuo Kesi is quite reliable. He knows how to call the core elders to discuss instead of going his own way. From this point of view, it seems that the result is not so bad..."


Razer nodded and said: "I hope so. The core elders of No Man's Land are similar to the group of guardians of OA star, but usually they don't care much about the affairs of the Red Lantern Corps, unless it is about life and death."

"This time they were summoned by Zuo Kesi, they should be discussing the matter of total energy, and it is best to agree, otherwise..."

"I'm afraid things will be completely ruined."


Speaking of which.

Razer's face couldn't help but get a little dignified.

They don't care much about whether the total energy of the red light can be used by Kruga in the end, after all, the result is not much different with it or without it.

Razer's real concern is disunity in no man's land.

If the Black Lantern Corps took advantage of it again, and the Red Lantern Corps became angry and completely irrational, it would definitely be the best emotional provider for the Black Lantern.

This is especially important for the overall situation.


Zuo Kesi and others cooperated well.

If the other party insists on going its own way and resolutely refuses to cooperate, then Razer will have to resort to tough measures when the time comes.

In a word.

Even if it is destroyed, it must not be used by the enemy.

Fortunately, Zuo Kesi did not commit any stupidity this time, and after just a few hours, their vote had its result.

And the conclusion reached really shocked Zuo Kesi and others for a long time - the number of votes supporting the agreement was as high as 65 votes.

Only 7 votes were against it.


This poor number of votes is not so much a statement, it is more accurate to say it is a symbolic opposition.


Zuo Kesi was speechless in his heart, and said to himself: "These old bastards say one thing with their mouths and another behind their backs, it's really abominable!"

To know.

Among those votes against, Zuo Kesi still had his vote.

In other words, apart from Zuo Kesi, only 6 of the 72 elders voted against it.

This is the complete opposite of the almost evenly matched situation before.

It was obvious that there was a duplicity in people's minds, and they said they refused, but secretly voted for it without hesitation.

The group of elders under his command turned out to be such a group of people, as the boss and leader, Zuo Kesi was naturally very upset.

If it was normal, Zuo Kesi had to find a way to rectify these people, so as not to lose the chain at a critical moment and drag himself back.

But now...

He didn't think so.

Now that the voting results are out, it is natural to go to Abin Sur and Razer to express their attitude here.

Otherwise, what if the delay is too long and the other party misunderstands?

To know.

The current Red Lantern Corps in No Man's Land doesn't have a very good reputation. If they are labeled as big-name players...

Then it stinks even more!


Absolutely not!

In today's complicated situation, if you want to live well in the future, you must hurry up and strive to gain the approval of others earlier, otherwise what will you do if you fight together, get squeezed out by everyone, and be sent to be cannon fodder?

So far.

Zuo Kesi didn't want to wait for a moment.

He also completely disregarded any face and lost face. After getting the result, he went directly to the hotel where Abin Sur and Razer stayed at the fastest speed, and immediately informed the other party of his decision.

In short, it has one meaning.

As far as possible, let the other party feel that the Red Lantern Corps in No Man's Land attaches great importance to this matter, as well as the sincerity of their own goodwill.


Both Abin Sur and Razer felt the sincerity of Zuo Kesi.

Seeing that the other party was so impatient, the meeting decision had just come to fruition, so he ran over non-stop to inform himself...

Both of them were a little surprised and surprised.

Is this enlightenment?


also good.

At least in this way, everyone will not have to fight each other.

Afterwards, Abin Sur entertained Zuo Kesi with a smile, and the core figures of the Red Lantern Corps, such as Batgirl who rushed over.

He said that the total energy of the Red Lantern Corps, if the other party is willing, it is best to transfer it to a specific place, so that they can focus on protection and use it at any time.

After all, there is still a little distance between No Man's Land and Star Kruga.

In case something happens here, it may be difficult for ordinary soldiers to come to rescue in the first place.


If Zuo Kesi and others are not at ease, the total energy of the red light can continue to be placed in the no man's land.

At that time, Kruga Star will send people over for special protection, and build related development bases, using its energy to create the ultimate red light.

But compared to the former, the latter is undoubtedly much more dangerous. Whether it is the protection power of no man's land itself or the back and forth process in the middle, it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of it.


Abin Sur and Razer advised Zuo Kesi to choose the former as much as possible to avoid the possibility of danger.


Zuo Kesi didn't hesitate this time, he made a decision almost immediately after hearing the words: "Just do as you want!"


Abin Sur couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately asked curiously: "Why, don't you need to hold a meeting to discuss this time? After all, this is not a trivial matter?"


Zuo Kesi patted his chest, and said proudly: "What I say is what I say, those elders are almost just a decoration, it is better to be more straightforward than to make such troubles!"

"not to mention……"

"I'm doing all this for the sake of the overall situation. Why do they have any reason to object? Why should they object?"

"Anyway, that's the decision!"


After Zuo Kesi said this, what else could Abin Sur and Razer do? Naturally, he agreed with a wry smile.


The details of the cooperation after the two sides began to negotiate.

For example, what kind of help will be given to the no-man's land by Kruga, and what kind of preparations and precautions they need to take...

Etc., etc.


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