The Storm God

Chapter 3620 Transfer the red light! (Please subscribe!)

There is one thing to say.

The Red Lantern Corps on the side of no man's land is still very strong in terms of military strength, almost all the people are soldiers.

after all……

Here once suffered an unprecedented catastrophe.

The people who survived today are almost all descendants of the catastrophe that year, and the dilapidated scene of destruction around them all reminded them of their unforgettable hatred and pain.


This kind of emotion is very easy to produce candidates who are suitable for Red Lantern.

At the same time, with the addition of some defectors from other civilized star systems in the universe, the immigration of the Red Lanterns has brought the number of fighters in no man's land to an extremely large scale.

If not, Atoxista on the spot would not have dared to attack a behemoth like Star OA, it was revenge.

In addition to the source of troops, the technology of no man's land, especially the military technology, has also developed extremely advanced.

Like the Destroyer bomb.

Of course.

These things may be useful for ordinary enemies, but they are almost useless for suppressed situations.

After all, whether it is Apocalypse, or the blackened OA, and those members of the Black Lantern, they already have the strength to ignore this bomb.

The starting qualifications have to be based on the Overclocking Lantern Man as the standard, even the weaker Ultimate Lantern Man, there is no upper limit.

All of this mainly depends on the strength level of the enemy.

at the same time.

In terms of supplies.

The no man's land side is relatively backward and embarrassed.

You know, after the catastrophe that year, almost all the civilized galaxies in the entire sector here were destroyed.

It is a veritable ruin.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a no-man's land. To be honest, Atohista is pretty awesome for being able to develop the Red Lantern Corps to its current scale under such an environment.


With the previous OA star self-help and compensation.

The living environment in the no-man's land has been improved to a certain extent, but later because of the invasion of Apocalypse and the participation in the war, the no-man's land has lost a lot.

Once in and out, it almost returned to the previous state.

It is also because of this that Zuo Kesi immediately made the decision to transfer the total energy of the red light to Kruga.

This is not only to show their sincerity, but also for the overall situation and the future development of the Red Lantern Corps.

after all.

The conditions in no man's land are limited.

Not to mention that it is not safe to put it here, it will waste a lot of manpower and material resources, and it will increase the risk factor.

It's not worth it no matter what.

But transferring to Star Kruga is different. It is safe and trouble-free, and it can also prevent dangerous developments, and at the same time, it can speed up their process of entering Kruga Star.

To this.

Thank you Abin Sur.

And promised that Kruga Star will give some help to the uninhabited land, including but not limited to the training and promotion of red light fighters, as well as the safety and security of the native residents and so on.

This made Zuo Kesi and others very gratified and happy.

Things were relatively simple afterwards, and Zuo Kesi immediately brought Abin Sur and others to the secret base of the Red Lantern Corps.

And the total energy of the red light is here.

It was a miniature lantern. Although it was unattractive in appearance, it was burning with scarlet flames, giving people a sense of ignorance.

at the same time……

The vast and terrifying power also shows that it is different from ordinary red lanterns, and it feels like a terrifying black hole.

People with weaker strength and mentality can't help but become irritable and angry once they get close.

This is the power of red lights.

The power of anger!


Abin Sur looked at Razer.

The meaning is very simple, you are the Red Lantern Man, so you, the Red Lantern Man, are naturally responsible for transferring the total energy of the Red Lantern.


Razer was silent.

He took a step forward and came directly in front of the total energy of the red light. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and pointed his ring at it.

next moment……


A red power vortex suddenly emerged, just like a red black hole formed, and the total energy of the red light was sucked into Razer's red light ring in a blink of an eye.

Zuo Kesi and others were dumbfounded by this scene.

"what's the situation?"

"What about the total energy of the red light, why did it suddenly disappear?"

"And what about your ring?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Abin Sur explained with a smile: "Mr. Zuo Kesi, to be honest, although Razer and you are both red lights, their red light rings are completely different. In fact, not only you, but also Even our rings are completely different from before..."

"Compared to the previous rings, our rings now have stronger capabilities, more functions, more convenient use, and greater improvements!"

"And the authority granted to Razer is quite high, and its status is not even weaker than that of my brother-in-law Sinestro..."

"So you don't have to worry about it at all. After all, Razer is now the leader of the Red Lantern Corps. In the future, he will be responsible for almost everything related to the Red Lantern..."


It's okay if he doesn't explain.

This explanation made Zuo Kesi and others even more shocked.

Obviously, they never expected that Razer was so good at mixing, and the opponent's ring was so powerful.

But then, they got excited.

"Mr. Abin!"

Zuo Kesi looked excited, breathing quickly: "From what you said, can I understand that after we join, our ring can also be upgraded to obtain these powerful powers and functions?"

"That's right!"

Abin Sur nodded.

He said affirmatively: "It can be improved for sure, after all, the strength of the original ring is too low, and it is hardly useful for the upcoming battles in the future, but to what extent it can be improved depends on the individual's specific situation. "

"After you join the Kruga star alliance, someone will conduct some simple tests on you, and then the system will naturally make reasonable allocations based on your qualifications and specific circumstances."

"It doesn't matter if you don't improve much at the beginning, because with the accumulation of meritorious service, you can increase the intensity of improvement in the future..."

"In short, anything is possible!"


Abin explained in detail, and the implication is the same. If you follow us, you will never regret it.

When Zuo Kesi and others heard this, they became even more excited.

One by one, they couldn't help but start to fantasize about how far they would be promoted if they joined, the ultimate Lanternman?

Still stronger?

However, what they are more curious about is how strong is the current Razer?

Regarding this question, Abin Sur also smiled and gave an answer that was not an answer: "I can't give an accurate estimate of Razer's strength. I can only say that his strength should be similar to that of Mog."

Of course.

The Moge mentioned here is worth noting that it has not been strengthened by special amplification through Bai Xiaofei's power.

For example, during the Battle of the House of Light, Mog's angelic state at that time cannot simply be regarded as Mog's own strength.

But Zuo Kesi and others obviously misunderstood.

Hearing that Abin Sur said that Razer was on the same level as Mog, they couldn't help but gasp.

To know.

Mog is an absolute top combat power.

The Ultimate Lantern Man, in front of him, is like an ant, and can be destroyed at will. I can't think that this guy, Razer, has achieved such an incredible state without saying a word!

for a while.

Zuo Kesi and others are more and more admiring and fearful of Thunder Snake.


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