The Storm God

Chapter 3621 Forecast! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei sighed slightly.

He didn't mean to solve the mystery and research of the color lamp by himself, but handed over the full power to his housekeeper Baikas.

Baikas has almost merged with the Hongmeng Dark System, and his strength is extremely powerful, and the efficiency of cracking it is even far higher than that of Bai Xiaofei.

With such a powerful butler, Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't ask for trouble, let alone he has more important things to do.


"How about it, do you have any information about the operation on Apocalypse?"

"Does OA star have any tricks?"


Compare your heart with your heart.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not think that these two great enemies would remain indifferent after discovering his voyeurism and setup.

"A little!"

Aya nodded and replied: "Apocalypse is currently shrinking its defense force, and all the generals have been called back to Apocalypse..."

"There are only some demon-like armies left, and existences like Doomsday are stationed in the colonies. At the same time, they are also greatly expanding the development of the mechanical field..."

"There is no progress on the OA star..."


Speaking of which.

Aya felt a little embarrassed.

Bai Xiaofei explained his own affairs, but none of them were completed decently, especially the side of OA star, who almost got nothing.

It made her feel useless.

As everyone knows.

OA star is shrouded by the power of the Black Death Emperor, the extremely terrifying and special power of the law of dark death, even Bai Xiaofei is a little helpless, let alone her.

Bai Xiaofei saw Aya's depression, he couldn't help but smiled and comforted him: "Okay, don't blame yourself, I can't blame you for this matter, the main reason is that the other party is too strong, even if it is me, I may not be able to find out anything... ..."


His eyes fell on the monitor.

That is the intelligence information about the enemy's actions sorted out by Aya, mainly about Apocalypse.

And the most important thing is the expansion of mechanical creation.

Seeing these data and intelligence, Bai Xiaofei guessed that Apocalypse should shift its focus to mechanical warriors for a long time to come.

after all……

The Black Lantern Corps is disgusting.

To deal with them, mechanical creations are undoubtedly the best choice.

In the past, there was no need for that, so there was basically no mechanical creation. Now that there is a targeted direction, Apocalypse will naturally not show weakness, and will definitely devote all its efforts to research and development of mechanical technology.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

Because this is the result he is very willing to see, and at the same time, he is also very curious, what kind of thing will be created with the technology of Apocalypse?

To know.

Apocalypse's technology is also very powerful.

Although it is mainly manifested in biological transformation, the level of mechanical technology is not low. This has also been shown in the original comics to a certain extent.

For example, in another animation, Superman and other members of the Justice League want to attack Apocalypse and solve this big trouble in one fell swoop.


Because of the gangster, the traitor.

Darkseid of the Apocalypse knew the Justice League's plan in advance, and then planned to set up an ambush in advance, and when the heroes of the Justice League came, he immediately gave the other party a closed door.

The Justice League was almost wiped out.

Only a few Chaoying survived, but these people were either missing arms or legs, or were completely brainwashed.

And those Chaoying lacking arms and legs were supplemented and transformed by Apocalypse with mechanical technology. In terms of strength, they were also not inferior to the original version, and even had some enhancements.

From this point, it can be seen that Apocalypse's mechanical technology is also very terrifying and powerful, but it's just that it doesn't show off and use it very much.

This time, in order to fight against the Black Lantern Army of Star OA, Apocalypse changed its direction and began to vigorously develop mechanical technology. Even Bai Xiaofei didn't know what kind of gadgets the other party would create.


One thing is certain is that no matter what kind of thing is created, the strength must be terrifying and abnormal.

after all.

Even the OA star who did not know how many tens of thousands of years ago can create awesome mechanical creations such as anti-supervision kings and mechanical hunters.

With Apocalypse's existing awesome technology, there is no reason why a similar powerful existence cannot be created. The only difference lies in the style and design direction of each other.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei has never underestimated Apocalypse.

Who made Uncle Da belong there, and Uncle Da is DC's famous super villain Boss, who would dare to underestimate him?

But without further ado.

Now the most worrying and helpless thing for Bai Xiaofei is the blackened OA star, to be precise, it is the Black Death Emperor and the Black Lantern Corps.

To know.

These guys are pretty disgusting.

Even though he had asked Sinestro and others to spread the word about the capabilities of the Black Lantern Corps.

But the universe is too big, and it contains too many galaxy civilizations.

Even with the fastest speed, I am afraid that many civilized galaxies will not be able to get the news in the first time.

What's more, even after knowing it, the other party may not pay attention to it.

And these...

Undoubtedly, it gave the Black Lantern Legion a chance to take advantage of the loophole.

With the ability of the Black Lantern Legion, if they really want to expand their scale, it doesn't take much time and effort.

As long as there are dead bodies.

It doesn't matter how many years they've been dead, or they've just died, those who have a close relationship with the SLR are all the ones they use.

No matter how bad it is, it can be used as cannon fodder zombies if it is blackened.

In short.

It's tricky and tricky.

The most important thing is that it is still impossible to obtain the information over there.

Compared with Apocalypse, OA is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with, because there are too many unknown factors and too little information.

Just like now.

Bai Xiaofei and Aya couldn't even sort out the most basic coping strategies, not because they didn't have the brains, but because they didn't have the exact information.


Even so, it is time to prepare.

Plan ahead, it can be launched without intelligence, the big deal is to think more about possibilities and spend more money.

You can always do nothing, right?


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help substituting himself into the roles of the Black Death Emperor and OA Star, guessing that if it was him, what would he do at this time?

Aya is very sensible.

He waited silently and patiently without making a sound or asking.

After a long while.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly opened his eyes.

"Are you interested?"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes, Aya's frown instantly relaxed a lot, and she immediately asked with a happy face.


Bai Xiaofei nodded, then said with a smile: "Although I can't be completely sure, I guess it should be pretty close..."


He came to the instrument.

He began to quickly write and draw on it, and after a while, a very complicated but clear mind map was written by Bai Xiaofei.

And among these pictures, the core key is the OA star and the Black Death Emperor.

Secondly, the most obvious and at the same time the most important clue is the power of emotion.


The power of emotion forks again.

It is scattered into multiple branches, and each branch is filled with all kinds of possibilities that Bai Xiaofei guessed.

For example.

The importance of emotional power (at this stage), what is the main focus, is it to develop, or to supplement the power of the Black Death Emperor...

Etc., etc.

Each one is very logical and possible.

Only Aya, the artificial intelligence life, was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on her face, because even she naturally couldn't calculate so many data and predictions in such a short time.

But Bai Xiaofei just did it.

Just incredible!


There was nothing else in Aya's mind, only one sentence over and over again: "How did he do it?"

mental arithmetic?

Hongmeng dark system?

Or with the help of that Baicas?

But these are not enough!


What else do you not know?


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