The Storm God

Chapter 3622 Delay! (Please subscribe!)

In fact.

It was really guessed by Aya.

The reason why Bai Xiaofei can predict so many possibilities is that besides the terrifying computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System, the key is that he has a lot more intelligence information than others.

And these information are some clues in the original comics.

Don't underestimate these clues.

Without these, no matter how strong the computing power is, it is impossible to predict so many possibilities in such a short period of time.

It's like a set of nine-digit passwords.

Without any hint, there would be too many combinations, it was simply astronomical.

Even if the computing power is strong, it will take a lot of time to simulate and combine to try to crack.

But if there is a little hint, even a little bit, the result will be completely different.

Bai Xiaofei is like this.

Relying on partial understanding of the original manga, as well as the existing situation analysis, to analyze and speculate one by one, this is the only way to predict the possible actions of the opponent in a very short period of time.

And it's all justified.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't think it was a big deal, but Aya was extremely shocked.

But artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence after all, after a short period of sluggishness, Aya quickly recovered.


Her eyes followed the mind map drawn by Bai Xiaofei, and directly locked on one of the prediction possibilities.


"You mean, the Black Lantern Corps of Star OA is very likely to shift their targets to the edge of the universe, develop insignificantly, and expand secretly?"

"Is this possibility high?"


Aya was a little uncertain.

Although the information and predictions compiled by Bai Xiaofei are very logical, but predictions are predictions after all, and in the absence of subjective intelligence information, any prediction may fail.

The difference is only in size.

And in view of the particularity of the Black Lantern Corps, it must be more cautious.

"Very high!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded heavily.

Then he explained: "During the battle in the light room before, I felt very strange. With the ability of the Black Death Emperor, he shouldn't be so weak..."


"Because of some special reasons, he hasn't fully awakened yet, and the subsequent evolution and development of things almost confirmed my guess."

"According to these inferences, they should probably do this. After all, this is the safest and most reliable method."


While speaking.

Bai Xiaofei's hands were not idle either.

While speaking, he kept moving, continued to write and draw on it, and soon sorted out some predictions and possibilities.

And Aya's eyes gradually widened as the prediction appeared: "It's not a single area, but all the fringes? Do they have this ability?"

She expressed disbelief.

after all……

If Bai Xiaofei's guess is correct, the current Black Lantern Corps should still be very weak. To be on the safe side, the best way is to concentrate their forces and expand in one area, so as not to be defeated one by one.

However, Bai Xiaofei's speculation was the complete opposite. He guessed that the other party was likely to expand in an all-round way, and he was not conservative at all.

This made Aya very puzzled.

If this is the case, it is obviously very different from Bai Xiaofei's previous guess.


Bai Xiaofei nodded very positively, and then explained: "Aiya, although your idea is correct, but you have to know that sometimes doing the opposite will get better results!"

"What's more, the Black Lantern Legion is different from other forces. Their biggest advantage lies in concealment, and their small size can make a big difference!"

"Only by expanding simultaneously at the edge of the entire universe can they obtain the greatest benefits in the shortest possible time."

"after all……"

"The enemies they have to face are not ordinary people. Whether it is Apocalypse or us, they obviously feel the pressure."

"If it were you, what would you do?"


As soon as Bai Xiaofei said this.

Aiya was stunned immediately, and suddenly said: "Yes, the Black Lantern Legion cannot be considered according to common sense. If this is the case, then everything can be justified..."


Her complexion gradually became serious.

"Mr. Bai..."

"If this is the case, it will be too difficult to stop and snipe their actions."

"Because if one fails, it will be an enemy!"


Aya's face was full of bitterness.

If it is an ordinary enemy, no matter how powerful it is, it can still rely on tactics to fight against it, but the Black Lantern Legion...

It's hard to do!


The opponents are almost all dead!

Not to mention that he couldn't be beaten to death easily, and he might be infected and assimilated, becoming a new member of the Black Lantern Legion and hitting his own people in turn.

That's disgusting.

However, the opponent's expansion range is extremely large.

Not to mention whether there are so many people to spread out to deal with the Black Lantern Legion, even if there are, no one would dare to send them out easily.

Because if you don't do it well, you will be assimilated by the enemy. If you do this a few times, the enemy may be raised directly.

It's impossible not to stop it, you can't just watch the enemy grow stronger step by step, and finally hit you in front of you?


The mechanical corps can avoid this disadvantage!


Aya thought of a solution.

Unlike Apocalypse, which has just begun to vigorously develop mechanical creations, Bai Xiaofei has a large-scale ready-made mechanical army under his command.

Whether it is a mechanical hunter or a sentry hunter.

Or the weaker BT Terminator Corps. These mechanical creations can perfectly restrain the assimilation of the Black Lantern Corps.

The difference lies in which kind of mechanical creation is more powerful and can last longer.

If it’s too weak, it’s a waste of money if you go there.


After much deliberation.

The only ones that meet the standard seem to be Mechanic Hunters and Sentinel Hunters. After all, their foundations are very high.

And after the upgrade, the strength has been greatly improved.

Even if some of the energy centers are replaced with the power of hope of the blue light, and if they go out together with other powers of the green light, the combat effectiveness of the mechanical hunter of the green light center will be greatly improved.

It's just that time is a little too late.

Think here.

Aya felt a little regretful.

Otherwise, if time and conditions permit, she has absolute confidence that she can completely defeat the enemy's expansion forces before the Black Lantern Legion has developed.

Bai Xiaofei thought about it very openly.

Because he knows the horror of the Black Lantern Legion better than anyone else. The most powerful thing about this thing is not how strong it is, but how powerful the awakened corpses were before they were alive.

The level of combat power completely depends on the strength of the deceased.

The two sides are directly proportional.

Of course.

This Bug ability is not unlimited.

For example, the ability of the deceased surpassed the Black Death Emperor himself. Even if the Black Death Emperor came in person, he might not be able to blacken his aura and become a member of the Black Lantern.

Even if the blackening is successful, I am afraid that the combat power will not be as good as before.

In short.

I want to completely destroy the black lamp.

Without a certain strength base and conditions permitting, it is simply impossible.

And one of the most important points is the white light.

Therefore, he clearly knew that the original intention of sending out the mechanical corps was to delay the growth of Heileng as much as possible, not to completely stop and eradicate it.

That doesn't show up at all.


Seeing that Aya was still tilting her head, she was thinking hard about how to use the mechanical corps to deal with the Black Lantern Corps reasonably.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "Don't think so much, just let Adam play freely!"

"Our focus is on Apocalypse!"


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