The Storm God

Chapter 3623 Advantage! (Please subscribe!)

Although the Black Lantern Corps of Star OA is difficult to deal with, it has a very obvious weakness, that is, it has not yet fully developed.

The Apocalypse is different.

This is the most famous evil force in the universe, bar none!

The names Apocalypse and Darkseid alone are enough to frighten countless civilized worlds.

not to mention……

Apocalypse now has a super foreign aid——

Morpheus, God of Dreams!

To know.

This product is also very strong, almost as strong as Darkseid, otherwise Darkseid would not be able to form an alliance with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

in short.

On Apocalypse's side, there are at least two super bosses sitting in charge.

Moreover, the fierce generals under his command are like a cloud, which should not be underestimated. Compared with the OA Star Black Lantern Corps, which has not yet fully developed...

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

If it were only Bai Xiaofei himself, to be honest, even the current him did not have enough confidence to confront this terrifying evil force.

But fortunately, Bai Xiaofei is not fighting alone.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the Black Lantern Corps of OA star, in a sense, is also Bai Xiaofei's comrades-in-arms.

With the help of the Black Lantern Corps to share some of the pressure on Apocalypse, Bai Xiaofei is confident that he can fight the opponent.

after all……

The current Bai Xiaofei is not bad either.

The generals and younger brothers under his command have also developed quite well.

Among other things, just those assimilated and developed members of the Color Lantern Corps can be combined into an elite force.

Even if the Apocalypse came, it was completely true.

As for the Black Lantern Legion on OA star, there is no need to worry too much now. With Adam leading the Legion of Mechanical Hunters and Sentinel Hunters, it is enough to deal with it.

After all, attribute restraint has a huge effect, and with this natural advantage, at least for a certain period of time, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have to worry about it.

on the contrary.

Apocalypse will not work.

Compared with Bai Xiaofei, the development of Apocalypse's mechanical corps is much slower, and it has a huge disadvantage in fighting against the OA Star Black Lantern Corps.


Apocalypse has many biological weapons.

For example, monsters, monster-like destruction day, other puppets transforming soldiers, etc., these are very powerful to Bai Xiaofei.

It can be said that these three forces restrain each other and contain each other, and no one can take much advantage and benefit.

It all depends on who is better at calculating and strategizing.

And according to Bai Xiaofei's deduction, Apocalypse will never let it go, after all, he has a big enmity with Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Now that Bai Xiaofei has been exposed, with the strength and means of the opponent, it is not difficult to guess where Bai Xiaofei is.

After all, Apocalypse suffered a loss on Sanddust Star before, and all of this is too unbelievable. Anyone with a normal SLR head can think that these are probably related to Bai Xiaofei...

That is.

Apocalypse will probably send people to attack Sanddust again in order to test and snipe Bai Xiaofei.

As for the OA star?


Apocalypse doesn't care.

The left and right are just a bunch of dead people, who is Darkseid? That is the most brutal and iron-blooded dark monarch in the universe!

Does he care about the life and death of a group of ordinary people?

As long as the Black Lantern Legion doesn't come to trouble him, Darkseid won't meddle in his own business, as long as he quietly makes his own preparations.

after all……

Among the three forces.

Apocalypse is the only force with two super bosses.

They obviously have a huge advantage, if it were Bai Xiaofei, he would definitely not waste such a good opportunity.

The key is, how does the opponent make moves?

To this.

Aya looked bewildered.

It's not that she's stupid, but that there is too little information available, even if Aya is an artificial intelligence, she can't deduce one, two, three.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei, because he is quite familiar with Darkseid and Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, can barely deduce some actions of the other party.


Bai Xiaofei started writing and drawing again.

On the projection monitor, another mind map soon appeared, the two cores of which were Darkseid and Morpheus, the Oneiroi.

As the Dark Lord of Apocalypse, Darkseid is the most core and key existence, so naturally he will not leave and join the battle easily.

So it was directly passed by Bai Xiaofei.


There is only Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Bai Xiaofei put a big red circle on the name of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, which means that this guy is likely to come to the scene in person.

As for the method, nine out of ten will be hiding in the dark.

Under the name of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, several branch arrows were separated by Bai Xiaofei, which were the clone of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, the elite under his command, and the backbone of Apocalypse.

As for Apocalypse's conventional military power, Bai Xiaofei ignored it and didn't bother to write it.

after all……

With Bai Xiaofei's level, it is impossible to personally deal with those cannon fodder characters. The weakest Terminator Corps under Bai Xiaofei's command, the BT Corps, etc., are enough to deal with those minions.

So skip it directly.

The remaining three factors are particularly important.

Bai Xiaofei once experienced the avatar of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. Needless to say, he is quite awesome in terms of strength.

Without a certain level and knowledge, it may be difficult to fight against it.

And on Bai Xiaofei's side, it is estimated that only Aya, who has been upgraded with a new boost, can barely fight against him.

But only for a short time.

after all……

The body of the anti-supervision king is not complete.

Without the space-time shuttle device at the core of the brain, even with the help of Bai Xiaofei, Aya's strength cannot be fully utilized.

And even if it is the avatar of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the level of strength is definitely at the level of the peak of the God Emperor, Dzogchen, and even the level of the junior God Emperor.

It is too difficult to defeat such an opponent.

Unless Bai Xiaofei took action himself.



Then Bai Xiaofei will be passive.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Bai Xiaofei can't act rashly, he must hide in the dark and guard the overall situation.

His real target and enemy is the real body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams!

In addition to this factor, it is the elite go-getters, and they are divided into two different camps.

One is the younger brother of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and the other is under the command of the Apocalypse Star Darkseid. No matter which one they are, since the other party dares to trouble Bai Xiaofei, they will not be inferior in strength.

Just like the Dream Team before.

The strength of Long Zhan and those people is very terrifying, among Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, there are not many who can match them!

If adding the participation of the elite generals under the command of Apocalypse Darkseid, the situation will undoubtedly be even more unfavorable for Bai Xiaofei.


Although Bai Xiaofei was a little short in terms of personnel, he had an important advantage that the opponent couldn't ignore-the advantage of the home court!

As the saying goes, I call the shots with my hole cards.

So what if Apocalypse is awesome? Coming to Bai Xiaofei's territory, he will inevitably be affected by his home court advantage, even suppressed.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei used the sand dust star as the core formation eye a long time ago, and his subordinates formed the Xingxiu formation.

Once this large formation is activated, its power can be called against the sky, as long as the strength does not exceed Bai Xiaofei, no one can be exempted, they will definitely be suppressed and affected, and their strength will drop significantly!

Of course.

Nothing is absolute.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is also an outsider after all.

Moreover, the backing behind him is the space of reincarnation, so there might be some terrible trump card on him.


In order to avoid accidents, Bai Xiaofei also independently designed some special ambushes and traps, as well as super backhands.

And he did it for half a month.


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