The Storm God

Chapter 3624 Change! (Please subscribe!)

In the past half month, Bai Xiaofei's side has not changed much, the most conspicuous thing is the increase of mechanical corps.

after all……

This is Aya's forte.

Whether it is her or the ability of the anti-supervision king, they can easily create more mechanical creations to become their loyal younger brothers.

As long as there are enough resources, there is simply as much as you want.

The grand scale of it even far surpassed that of the mechanical hunter catastrophe of star OA. After all, their main purpose was to deal with the Black Lantern Corps.


There is no significant increase in Bai Xiaofei's various operations and designs, because they are basically hidden in the dark.

When it was not activated, even Aya didn't know what was going on.

And at the same time.

outside world.

In the past half month, many things have happened.


On the edge of the universe, the Black Lantern Legion is expanding wildly, and there are countless civilized galaxies. Because of the lack of understanding of the capabilities of the Black Lantern, more and more people have been blackened.

Especially the army of cannon fodder zombies.

In a short period of time, the increase has expanded to tens of billions, and the number of civilized star system worlds infected by blackening is as many as tens of thousands!

This is also the result of the mechanical corps led by Adam sniping and interfering with the Black Lantern Corps during the period.


The consequences were simply unimaginable.

The growth and expansion speed of the Black Lantern Legion is really abnormal.

As a result, many civilized worlds that still didn't quite believe the news spread by Kruga star changed their attitude immediately after learning the news.

follow closely.

In the entire universe, cremation has become popular.

It doesn't matter whether they died not long ago or have been dead for many years, but for the sake of insurance, almost all of the corpses were kept out for cremation.

Can't do it otherwise!

Because the black lamp doesn't care about you, as long as it can blacken and infect and turn it into a zombie, it will be built when it comes up. Not to mention resurrecting the corpse, it can also download their memories and abilities, greatly enhancing its combat power.

This is extremely scary!

Facing such perverted and disgusting evil dark forces, no one dared to say that they could defeat them, so they had to be cremated!

Because this is the easiest and most trouble-free way, there is no one!


Even after doing so.

There will still be certain dangers. After all, the Black Lantern Corps is quite popular now. Randomly pull out an elite and infiltrate a certain civilized star system world. As long as there are no special circumstances, it usually doesn’t take long to expand quickly. A brand new Black Lantern Army came out.

after all……

Without corpses, they can create them manually!

Moreover, they also specifically selected those who are capable, have a relatively large network of relationships and are responsible, because such roles are most in their interests, and can make the power of the black lamp unprecedentedly develop and grow in a very short period of time. !

In short.

The invasion and expansion of the Black Lantern Legion is like a virus, as long as it successfully lurks down, the consequences will be disastrous.

I can't stop it even if I want to.

After all, the universe is too big, and there are too many civilized worlds. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Once the black light is lurking, how do you find it?

And by the time you've worked so hard and finally have a clue to find them, it's basically too late.

The opponent has almost completed the expansion.

Just like cancer, it can’t be found usually, and it’s basically at an advanced stage. Chemotherapy can only delay the coming of death, but it can’t completely cure it.

Fortunately, Adam and his subordinates are all mechanical creations.

If it were other superheroes, or elites, who came to carry out the mission, the consequences would be even more unimaginable!

Seeing that the expansion of the Black Lantern Legion has formed a certain scale, it is impossible to stop it.

Without any choice.

Adam could only choose to give up.


He has set up extremely strict detection and screening system devices in almost all the civilized star worlds near the penultimate zone area on the edge of the universe, to prevent and block the invasion of black lights.

to be honest.

The idea is still great.

But it is a pity that the universe is too big, and there are too many worlds of stars and galaxies. Even though his mechanical army is extremely large, it is not enough to spread to the edge of the whole universe.

And once the numerical advantage is reduced, what if the invasion of the Black Lantern Legion is really encountered, and it is detected?

Can't stop it at all!


Although Adam's strategy was good, the effect was very unsatisfactory.

Soon, many incidents of the Black Lantern Legion's forced invasion and expansion occurred in many fringes of the universe.

It was literally slapping Adam in the face.


Adam suddenly became very angry.

But there is nothing to do, who let the Black Lantern Legion take the absolute initiative.

And the other side.

Sinestro on Kruga has basically completed the alliance and cooperation of the major forces in the universe, and has received astronomically huge supplies and many military support.

As long as he is given some more time, according to the special resources and help provided by Bai Xiaofei, he can cultivate and develop more strong soldiers and good generals as soon as possible.

And based on its original foundation, the colored lamp warriors of the three legions have also given birth to a large number of ultimate lamp men.

There's the ultimate blue light, the ultimate green light, the ultimate red light, the ultimate yellow light...


It is rare for some twin-lamp warriors to be born by accident.

But it is a pity that due to some special relationships, the Twin Lantern Warriors were unable to complete the promotion to the ultimate mode.

However, the level of strength of the two-lantern warrior is still very strong, basically on the same level as the single ultimate lantern man of medium level.

Some of the outstanding ones can even exert power far beyond the ultimate lantern man, such as the blue and green double lantern warrior.

The combination of hope and will, self-sufficiency, is simply a bug. The firmer the will, the more burning the heart of hope, the more amazing his combat power will be.

If physical factors are not considered, he can even improve infinitely, which is comparable to the real Hulk in Marvel.

As long as you are angry enough, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated.

Because his strength can be infinitely improved!


Baikas's research on the total energy of red lights has also entered a certain stage, and he has initially glimpsed some of the mysteries and connections. I believe that if he is given some more time, he will be able to research deeper secrets.

the other side.

The Apocalypse Headquarters didn't do much.


The tens of thousands of civilized worlds ruled and colonized under his command are frequent, especially some of the super fighters.

Almost all of them were summoned to a hidden location.

Appears to be intensive training.

And Long Zhan, Dabada and others in the star field near the light house barrier gradually began to move.

They drove the remnants of the remaining fleet, and started to move in the direction of Dust Star again.

at the same time.

Apocalypse also sent large-scale warships.

These warships were divided into two groups, all the way towards the light house barrier, the number was relatively small, accounting for about 30% of the total force.

The remaining 70% aimed at the dust star.


Their actions this time were not blind, but had been planned long ago. Like Long Zhan and others, they all locked on Bai Xiaofei of Dust Star.


dust star.

Aya looked at the various information on the monitoring network, frowned and said to herself: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple..."

Her gaze was on the star Kruga.

His eyes were full of doubts and incomprehensions. You must know that Sinestro summoned the major civilization forces in the universe to form an alliance and cooperate. This is a well-known thing.

And the person behind it was Bai Xiaofei, and it was almost spread.

But Apocalypse remains indifferent...

This is very abnormal!


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