The Storm God

Chapter 3623 Two-pronged approach! (Please subscribe!)

There is a conspiracy!

Aya was sure that Apocalypse must be planning something.

It's just that the information she has now is too little, and she can't accurately figure out what the other party is doing.

The only thing Aya can do now is to strengthen herself and the strength of her mechanical hunter corps as much as possible during the period when Bai Xiaofei is laying out the layout.

After all, strength is king.

With strength, you can face everything fearlessly.

at the same time……

Aya also contacted Kruga Star.

Sinestro is also very busy recently, but for Aya's calls, he will still be answered as soon as possible, after all, Bai Xiaofei is there.

"Miss Aya, do you have any instructions?"

Sinestro didn't feel slighted because he didn't see Bai Xiaofei, after all, Aya's status was different.

Playing tricks on this guy?


I'm afraid I don't know how to write the word dead!


Aya nodded.

She didn't scribble or talk nonsense, and asked directly: "I think Apocalypse should be planning something, but because there is too little information, I can come up with an accurate guess, so I want to ask, do you know anything?"

The military power of Kruga Star is very strong now.

Even far surpassing the former OA star, it not only integrates the Red Lantern Corps, Yellow Lantern Corps, and Blue Lantern Corps...


Even the Purple Lantern Corps sent a message today, saying that they want to join in and deal with the Black Lantern Corps together.

After all, there are no eggs under an overturned nest.

The members of the Purple Lantern Corps were not fools either. Facing such terrifying and disgusting opponents as the Black Lantern Corps, they naturally wanted to find an uncle to enjoy the cool and seek shelter.

To this.

Naturally, Sinestro would not refuse.

Relatively speaking, although the ability of the Purple Lantern Corps is a little weaker, it has an ability that other colored lanterns do not have.

That is ultra-long-distance cross-border transmission.

As long as there is the user's lover on the other side, with the ability of the purple lamp, ultra-long-distance transmission can be realized.

Although this ability has certain limitations, it is enough to be used as a strategy.

It's like letting two people who love each other live in two places, so as to transfer many equipment and materials.

This is much easier than opening the door of space.


The jewel star of the Purple Lantern Corps, and so many amethysts, these amethysts also have functions beyond imagination.

Such as enhancing the emotional strength between men and women...

Speed ​​up the recovery of Purple Lantern Man.

Etc., etc.

in addition.

Jewel Star also has a special monster.

Although it is not a Lantern Beast, it is better than a Lantern Beast. If you borrow the power of the existing colored lights, you may be able to upgrade and evolve it and become a brand new Lantern Beast.


This requires Bai Xiaofei's strength and help.

At this stage, Gem Star has not yet arrived at Kruga Star, so it is just an idea of ​​Sinestro.

Aya also knows a little about these things, but she doesn't care much about them. After all, she and Sinestro have different management focuses.

Sinestro is mainly responsible for Lantern and other aspects, while Aya is responsible for the management of the mechanical army and other trivial matters.


As long as she understands the development of Keruga Star, she doesn't need to delve into it.

Now Aya has no choice but to contact Sinestro for help, because she knows that Sinestro has some deep undercover agents on the side of Apocalypse.

Maybe you know some special secrets.

"Let me see……"

Sinestro didn't hide anything either.

Hearing this, he nodded, and then began to operate his ring, as if it were a computer, to inquire about various news and information about Tianqixing's undercover agent.

After a while.

Sinestro suddenly frowned.


"According to the brief information from the deepest secret agent hidden today, Apocalypse seems to be gathering elite forces and preparing to make a big deal!"

"But who the specific target is, it has not been stated."

"It seems very cautious."


Sinestro said.

At the same time, some data was called up and passed directly to Aya.

Aya received the relevant data information almost immediately, opened it and scanned it carefully, nodded immediately and said: "Yes, these contents are almost identical to some of the information I know, but it is more in-depth and thorough, and it also unlocks I have a lot of doubts..."


"If none of the information is wrong, and Apocalypse is not fooling people, then their target is you, isn't it?"

"Are they going to fight on two fronts!"


Aya was shocked.

Not only her, but Sinestro couldn't help being stunned on the spot, and didn't dare to say: "Miss Aiya, what you mean is that Apocalypse will not only deal with the Dust Star where you and your husband are, but also Kruga and me. Xing do it?"

"That's right!"

Aya nodded.

With a solemn face, he explained in a deep voice: "According to these intelligence materials, I have reason to hold them in my arms. The reason why they are so low-key is to hide their eyes and ears!"

"As we all know, the strongest thing on Apocalypse is biological weapons, but these are of no use to the Black Lantern Legion, or they are just sending heads to the enemy..."

"If mechanical creations are used to deal with the Black Lantern Legion, what about their original army? Can they always be idle?"

"The current Keluga star is undoubtedly the best target!"


The more Aya thought about it, the bigger her head became.

Then I felt that I underestimated Apocalypse too much.

How can I say that the other party is also a terrorist force with two super bosses sitting in the city? Facing the current situation of three-legged confrontation, it is naturally impossible to play cards according to common sense.

after all……

Among the existing three-party forces, Apocalypse has a huge advantage in terms of high-end combat power.

Not to mention the Apocalypse, if it is Aya, I am afraid that this advantage will not be wasted in vain. The machine is against immortality, and the creature is against color lights. It is a two-pronged approach and does not give people a chance to breathe. This is the kingly way!


The premise is that the other party must have sufficient capital.

At first, Bai Xiaofei and Aiya felt that although Apocalypse was strong, they probably wouldn't do this in a short time.

Because the risk is too great.

If one fails, they will face the attacks of two major forces at the same time.

How can I think...

Apocalypse actually did just that.


Think here.

Aiya couldn't sit still.

Hastily analyzed the existing information and forms, and then reminded Sinestro: "It's a bit late for us to know now, Sinestro, you must be careful and pay attention to your side, don't be drilled by Apocalypse Hole!"

"I have to make some preparations here, so I won't talk to you for now. I believe you should have your own ideas, so I won't talk too much."


He immediately hung up the communication.

On the other hand, Sinestro began to use the ring on his hand with a solemn face to inquire and retrieve some recent information about the recent situation and monitoring of Koruga.

He wants to make sure that his own planet is not mixed in by the guys from Apocalypse, otherwise if the enemy cooperates from inside to outside...

The consequences are simply unimaginable!


Murphy's Law is universal.

No matter where you come from, the more you don't want something to happen, the more likely it will happen to him.


Sinestro was shocked to find out.

Among the reserve members of the color lamp fighters recruited a few days ago, some of them looked too abnormal.

Because their behavior was too normal, Sinestro didn't care at the time, but now that I think about it, I feel something is wrong.

Especially compared with other people, these people who seem to be too normal in both their reactions and behaviors are not very normal.

It's like a perfect camouflage.


some things.

Too perfect, which itself is a kind of flaw.

In short.

Among the information reviewed, these people seem to have problems. Based on the principle of killing the wrong ones, Sinesto decided to conduct a surprise test on these people immediately.

It would be best if there were no problems, but if it was really the Apocalypse's elite undercover agents, spies, assassins, etc., they would definitely be suppressed and arrested.

And it is absolutely impossible to spread the news.


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